
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Second Chance

After every group had their turns, the teacher explained the reason for all of that. It was pretty much to get us to see the importance of team, planning, and getting to know our teammates

We would be in this set of 4 until the end of the year were we could choose to pick another team. Our grades would be graded based on how well we all as a team work together

So, she left the class, leaving us to go out and do what we wanted as a team. The watch would keep track of our being together, if it shows we have not been together for a good amount of time, it would impact our grade

So we went to the mall, the academy was huge, large enough to have its mall. I didn't care much for shock, instead wanted to know what my new friend liked and disliked.

"..." Lisa looked at me, she had a weird look while seeing how close I was to Alice. Alice was famous, she was the favorite daughter of the Goldenheart. She embodies the very idea of a Goldenheart, she is kind, gentle, and loving. Even those who hate her would come to love her

After some time she couldn't take it anymore, Ever since Sora tried to force himself onto her friend, she was traumatized. Where was she now? She had locked herself away, scared to even step outside.

She was supposed to join this academy the same year as them, yet she was given a few months to recover.

She had Alice follow her to the bathroom, where she and Alice could speak

"Don't fall for his trick, don't you know what happened to Clara?" Lisa asked while giving Alice a complex look.

"... It's not a trick. Sora was held are a prodigy at a young age. A golden child whose parents loved with all their heart, you and I both met him before, right? I sweet kid, pure and innocent." Alice said making Lisa's face darken

"The impact of everyone who once loved you suddenly ignoring your very existence... It drove him to try to regain it all, drugs, tattoos, alcohol, bullying, and... But nothing he did ever got him any attention. He was abandoned. Now he is. Broken shell, no emotions, no warmth. He is all alone, lonely without anyone." Alice said while looking at Lisa who had a hint of understanding flash through her eyes, but that didn't make everything alright

"I know that doesn't make everything he did alright... But holding onto hatred wouldn't do any good. Instead, I want to give him that love he has always been seeking. I want to bring him back from the darkness and into the light, all he wants is a... A friend who would not abandon him. I can be that for him." She said softly, Lisa couldn't bring herself to hold onto her rage with the aura Alice was giving off.

"... What if he doesn't change?" Lisa asked softly, making Alice quiet for some time.

"I would kill him... At that rate, death would be better than living." Alice with a deep breath, stunning Lisa as for a moment she believed that Alice knew what Sora was going through

"Fine..." Lisa said with a sigh, and so they left to the bathroom and found Sora and James standing not too far away from the female bathroom.

"Alright, let's go shopping," Alice said with a smile, For the first month everything is 99% off, of course only those things on the first floor. This meant that most B-tier items would be 99% off.

I had some money, well my savings. Luckily I did go crazy and waste all my money, It seems like a part of me knew I would get disowned, but never wanted to believe it.

Oh, It seems like I never told you guys about the currency of this world. Thanks to magical energy filling this world, in areas where magical energy is dense, it would take on a liquid-like form, known as a magical liquid.

This liquid was considered the currency of the world. Of course, drinking this pure form of energy is considered poisonous, it's the currency thanks to the fact that others could absorb this liquid, to help improve their strength

At first, those higher-ups wanted to monopolize this, but when it turned out that absorbing too much of this liquid within a short amount of time was also poisonous, and the magical liquid was appearing everywhere, it was almost impossible to monopolize, and over time it had come to become a currency

1 gallon of magical liquid was worth more than 1 million dollars. Of course that was today, going back to when this liquid was discovered and a drop was priceless which people would fight for.

I currently only had 2 gallons, but I invested part of it already. It was not hard for me to use my knowledge to become rich, money was not something I cared to worry about. Anyways, even if I wanted to use my money it's not like I could. The academy had its form of currency

Anyway, we went on a shopping spread. We bought unique clothing which was enchanted or armor which were enchanted.

Those who had brought weapons from the outside world were forced not to use them. The sword that Alice had was a sword given to her to replace the one she already had.

Why? This was not a place where the rich could buy things to get their way. Every month we would be given credit points these points can be used to buy stuff, and the credit would depend on 1 thing.

How did your class do that month, There were a limited amount of credits to go around for each grade, For the new year such as us, we had 4 other classmates to deal with

We were class 1-A, there was class 1-B, 1-C, and 1-D. The credits would be split among these 4, not evenly, but from who did best at the end of each month's test.

We currently all have 100 credits, enough for us to survive the rest of the month.

"Sora, what weapon do you use?" Alice asked seeing how everyone was looking at a weapon, yet I was simply following her, eyeing the weapons in this weapon shop with no interest in buying them.

"I'm a master of every weapon. But I will just use my hands during compact, I rather save my money." I said calmly, making Alice point toward a pair of gloves

"Then at least make a small investment into a gauntlet or gloves. They could all enhance your stats." She said calmly, to which I shrugged slightly

Weapons and gears in this world have been enchanting, this made them able to enhance a person's stats. But it was not that simple, Picture those games where there were level limitations on items

If you dared to put on gear that had enchantment too powerful, then they would kill you if you tried to use those enchantments.

Lastly, if the enchantment is too weak, then it will break if you try to use it, or it will not affect you at all.

There were many types of gear one could have on. 10 rings, 1 shirt, 1 plant, a pair of shoes, 1 necklace, a face mask, and gloves.

In total, a total of 16 gear could be equipped at once, any more and no more gains would be gained from the enchantments, they would be canceled out.

"I don't need it, for now. But next month I would." I said calmly, to which Alice's eyes narrowed slightly,

"You that confident in your strength?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, to which I simply nodded

"Strength and skills, I have both. Plus, I'm not wasting my time anymore." I said calmly, making Alice look at him deeply before she nodded,

"Alright, not as good as my bow, but I have the same ability and enhance the chances of me hitting my target by 10%," Lisa said with a sigh while looking at the bow She bought, It was a B-tier item, which came with no arrow. This is because the bow used an arrow out of one magical energy, and affinity. Meaning, she could frown fire arrows or other such things

"Well, I liked my. Those gauntlets enhanced my strength by 2 times." James said with a huge smile while looking at the lightning gauntlet he bought

"Well, my sword isn't bad, it enhances all my stats, and gives me the ability 2 instant flash. Such a cool ability, sadly it costs a lot of magical energy to use." She said with a sigh,

"It doesn't... If you spend time learning to master that technique, you can reduce the energy cost by more than health." I said calmly, causing Alice and everyone to throw weird looks at me

I shrugged and had Alice do the skill in the test area of the weapon spot. She went on to swing her sword, and. With one swing, another sword slash followed mirroring the first slash

"You did everything correctly but one thing, you saw the ability as the sword ability and not your own," I said calmly while asking for the sword which Alice gave me with a raised eyebrow.

I walked up to a dummy, and with a swing, 1 swing turned into 2. But I spent swinging the sword none stop, each one of my swings turning into two clashes

Alice's pupils shanked seeing this, Even when I gave her back the sword she couldn't react for some time

"Be one with the sword, and in return, that skill is your skill, you only need a thought to use the skill, plus you only need the lowest amount of energy to use the skill. I allowing you to use it hundreds of times more." I said calmly, Alice nodded blankly at my words,

"When did you learn this?" She asked to which I shrugged

"When I was trying out a few weapons," I said calmly, Alice was left speechless she never heard of anything like this before. Was this SS-tier intelligence?

"You are something... Let's go eat, I haven't eaten anything today." Alice said with a smile, to which everyone nodded as they hadn't eaten. But I didn't go to the food court to buy something to eat, instead, I went to buy donuts, which were my favorite sneak

"Is that all you eat?" Alice asked with a raised eyebrow seeing how Sora cutely ate the donuts, it was like a little rabbit eating donuts.

"No, it's the first thing I eat in a few days. I prefer to save money." Sora said calmly, making Alice get lost in Sora's innocent ruby-red eyes,

"..." Lisa on the other just glared at Sora, indeed This wasn't the same Sora she remembered, he had an innocent lonely charm about him...