
Chapter 4

Name:The Godly Player of Online Games

"Don't be so cold." The player Shuangyue came to Qin Yu with a smile and said, "you know, there are seven evaluations for this novice trial. The higher the evaluation is, the more precious the contents in the gift bag will be. We have customs clearance experience, so that you can easily get high-level evaluation, and ensure that at least level B is evaluated."

In other words, he has come to Qin Yu's side, and his left hand is still holding Qin Yu's shoulder, as if he were a very close friend.

Qin Yu stepped back a little, avoided his left hand, and said indifferently, "no, I will think about the way to pass the customs."

After saying that, he bypassed them and stepped forward.

Bimonthly, they say so good, some new players may be really stupid to do according to their instructions, but Qin Yu does not eat this, because he knows a truth.

There is no free lunch in the world. Regardless of whether their news is true or false, they will not help him for no reason. They must be plotting something. That's why he refused directly and saved them from entanglement.

But unexpectedly, he had just bypassed them and walked forward for no more than two steps. One tall and one short in the bimonthly three person group took his first step and blocked him.

Then, the following bimonthly came over with a smile, "newcomer, don't refuse too fast. We sincerely want to help you and let you get high-level evaluation. Why don't you understand?"

Qin Yu frowned and was blocked by the three men twice in a row, which made him a little impatient.

The game assistant has declared to him that there is a time limit for the novice trial, which must be carried out within an hour, otherwise it can not be carried out. Now the time has passed more than 30 minutes, and there are more than 20 minutes left. There is no time for him to waste.

If you don't listen, you can only use other methods.

Just as he was about to tear his face with the three men, a loud voice sounded from behind them.

"The dog can't change eating shit. You three brothers have come out to cheat the new man again!"

Qin Yu turned his head slightly. He saw a strong young man with disdain on his face and walked towards them.

The young man is over two meters tall and has a handsome face. He is wearing a simple leather armor and carrying a sledgehammer behind his back. The top of his head is the same as that of Shuangyue, which is lv10.

When she saw the young man, she stood up and looked at him. She snorted and said, "Gareth, what do we mean by cheating new people? We are for his good. If you slander us, don't blame us for being rude."

"For the sake of new people? Hehe, aren't you just trying to cheat him on the equipment he got through trial? " The young man disdained to smile and said, "are you not polite to me? If you dare, attack me. I'll stand here and fight for you. If you don't, it's my grandson

"You Bi Yue's nose was crooked and he glared at the young man, "Gareth, you must fight against us, don't you?"

"Yes, I just can't stand your cheating on new people. If you don't like me, you can fight with me The young man stood beside Qin Yu and said to him, "Hello, new man. My name is Gareth. I'm also a player. These three guys in front of you are all rubbish. They like to cheat new people's equipment to sell. You should be careful of them... Oh, you don't have to be afraid of them. Although they are high-level, novice town has regulations that private fighting is not allowed unless you accept their decision Fight the invitation, otherwise they can't hurt you

"There are such regulations."

Qin Yu nodded and said with a light smile, "thank you for reminding me. I will pay attention to it."

Gareth waved his hand. "It's just a little thing. I just don't like their behavior."

Qin Yu can't deny nodding. Then he steps forward. There is not much time left. He wants to hurry up and have no time to stay here and make trouble with these guys.

Seeing that Qin Yu was about to leave, Shuangyue three people were in a hurry and stood in front of him again and said, "new man, don't listen to that guy's nonsense. We have a lot of rich experience in our hands, which can definitely let you pass the test perfectly..."

"and then?"

Before Shuangyue's words were finished, he was interrupted by Qin Yu. His eyes showed a trace of impatience, "can I pass the customs perfectly? It's none of your business? Get out of the way if you have nothing. I'm not your father. Do you think I'll give you pocket money

He was blocked three times in a row and thought he had a good temper if he didn't get angry?

Shuangyue was scolded by Qin Yu, and his angry nostrils smoked. After being scolded by gals, he was also scolded by a new man. It was said that he could not be laughed to death? How can the three of them mix up in this new town?

At present, he did not pretend to be a good man. He looked at Qin Yu coldly and said, "new man, don't think we can't move you if there are regulations in novice town. As long as we think, there are hundreds of ways to kill you. Do you dare to scold us, believe me or not I will kill you every minute?"

"I'll wait." Qin Yu shows no weakness.

The husband has something to do, but he doesn't come to the game of killing God to get angry. If a little threat can scare him, why does he come here? Simply return to the earth to continue the contemporary practice!"New man, you have seed!" Shuangyue's face was gloomy. His two companions immediately surrounded Qin Yu with a fierce face.

Seeing this, Gareth, beside Qin Yu, immediately swung the sledgehammer behind him and yelled, "how can I do it?" ..