
Chapter 3

Name:The Godly Player of Online Games

Qin Yu also checked his dress up. He was dressed in a very ordinary modern suit. He didn't have any other items. He didn't even have a new weapon. This made him frown.

How can he survive here without any weapons? Is it hard for him to fight with his bare hands?

At the moment, he immediately communicated with the game assistant and asked.

"Game assistant, do new players log into the game without a new weapon?"

The game assistant said: "players, please don't worry. Every new player who has just logged into the game of killing God has only one set of novice outfit. The appearance of the new player's outfit is shown according to the imagination of the player's brain, but the data is the same. If a new player wants to obtain a weapon, he must first complete a novice trial. After the test, the system will give the player a gift bag for novice according to the evaluation The bag has a certain probability to fire a new weapon. "

"Well." Qin Yu is holding his chin in his hand, and his face suddenly appears.

It turns out that only by playing a novice test can he get novice equipment. Although there is a certain probability, it is still within the scope of his acceptance. He just doesn't know what the novice trial is and what requirements he has to make a high-level evaluation. I just hope the difficulty is not too high.

"Game assistant, can you tell me more about the novice test?"

"OK, I'd like to explain to you... Novice trial is the first test that every new player must carry out in the game of killing God. The novice test in Wudao world is to create a level 10 imitator to fight with players. There are seven evaluations, namely D, C, B, a, s, SS, SSS, corresponding to seven test requirements.

D-level evaluation: players can get the d-level evaluation when they are defeated by the real imitators within 30 seconds, the C-level evaluation can be obtained if the players insist on one minute unbeaten, the B-level evaluation can be obtained if the players insist on five minutes unbeaten, and the Level-A evaluation can be obtained by defeating the real imitators within 30 minutes.

S-level evaluation: players can get the SS Level Evaluation by defeating the imitated real person within 10 minutes, the SS level evaluation can be obtained by defeating the imitated real person within one minute, and the SSS level evaluation can be obtained after the player defeats the real person within 30 seconds.

During the trial, players can create the weapons they need to fight. The weapon level cannot exceed the red level. If you want to take the novice test, you need to go to the novice town center and get the authorization of the novice town mayor. "

Level 10 of the real fight!

This kind of requirement makes Qin Yu's mood sink to the bottom. He doesn't know how much difference there is between level 10 imitators and his level-1 players, but there is certainly no comparison. A level-1 player wants to beat a Level-10 player. He has never seen such a game for so long. What's more, he still knows a little about the game of killing gods and has not fully adapted to it.

However, since the game of killing God launched this novice trial, and also divided the evaluation, there must be a way to overcome, there must be some loopholes in victory.

First of all, he has to figure out the gap between the level 10 emulator and him!

"Game assistant, how strong is the level 10 virtual human body?"

"Compared with your physique of players, if your current constitution is one, the physique of level 10 imitated real person is 50." The game assistant answers.

Fifty times the gap, this answer, let Qin Yu bitter shake his head.

What a novice test this is, it is a hell difficulty test!

Now that the gap between the ranks is clear, he has to figure out what the imitation is and whether there are any weaknesses.

"Game assistant, what's this humanoid? Can you give me a specific answer?"

"Imitations of real people are made by the system, simulating 99% of pseudo humans. Their appearance is the same as that of human beings. Their internal organs and blood are complete in succession. Even emotions are also highly imitated. When and what emotions should real human beings have, they will have the same."

"That is to say, it's a level 10 imitator, but it's similar to the level 10 real person class, isn't it?"


After listening to the game assistant's answer, Qin Yu's mouth arced, and he already had a strategy in mind.

If it's a rigid robot, there's nothing he can do.

However, they are not real human beings. They may imitate human practices and respond to various scenes, but they are all based on rigid data. As long as you point out the attacks that are not recorded in their brain data...

Qin Yu thinks well When he was about to get up and go to the center of novice Town, three game players, one left and one right, half surrounded and blocked in front of him.

Qin Yu looked up and saw that the top level of the three people was lv10, which was the highest level of novice town. Their nicknames should be hidden. Qin Yu didn't see it.

Three people, one tall, one short and one middle, stood on his left. His height was close to two meters and five meters. He looked like those middle-aged uncles. His body also smelled of sweat. He could not help feeling the reality of the game of killing God, and even his taste was perfectly simulated.

The one on the right is short, but he is also 1.8 meters tall, which is a little shorter than Qin Yu. His appearance is very ordinary, but he has a pair of horns on his forehead.Standing in the middle of the player, about two meters tall, looks ordinary, but the corner of the mouth is always with a trace of if there is no mischievous smile, always feel calculating something, people look very uncomfortable.

After observing the three, Qin Yu raised his eyes slightly and said, "three, what's the matter?"

"Yo, are you a new player?" With a warm smile, the player in the middle took two steps forward and approached Qin Yu. He said, "my name is Shuangyue. I'm one of the top players in novice town. In your direction, are you going to have a novice trial?"

Qin Yu a face calm: "where I go, should have nothing to do with you?" ..