
Your Move, Norns

Vor, goddess of wisdom and knowledge, mentor to Odin in his youth, and guardian of every hall of knowledge within the Nine Realms, was getting too old for this.

She watched as her student, Princess Hela of Asgard, gradually tense in her seat as she explained. Their discussion about the afterlife seemed a long time coming for the young one, judging by her distracted state during their studies that only appears whenever she had a question in mind. Vor just knew this would be a recurring trait, the girl's far too curious for her own good.

Vor had been surprised at first by the King's order for her to teach the princess at such a young age – barely three years old! – but ultimately agreed. She found herself growing curious as to what kind of person her former student's young daughter would be. And suffice to say, she was not disappointed.

To say the child was brilliant was an understatement. The girl was practically still an infant but she still held herself with such grace and manners in their first meeting when she introduced herself, though with several understandable mistakes. In addition to that, she was obviously very eager to learn, which were qualities Vor values and expects all her students to possess. The princess was still understandably ignorant in many things, though at her pace and with the attitude she has towards her lessons… if she didn't know any better, it was as if the princess was learning how to do things she already knew. And that information both surprised and confused her.

For instance, she already knew how to speak, but it's like she only has trouble pronouncing them. Not to mention the words she uses were very informal, so really, the only thing left to do was teach her how to speak formally. The same with her mannerisms. Not to mention the fact that she somehow has a mouth worse than a barbarian, which Vor tried tirelessly to curb. After all, it would not do to have the princess of Asgard speak like a common ruffian.

Hela confused her, but she had never met a more dedicated and curious child. And despite knowing better, Vor found herself growing fond of the girl.

Though at the moment, the girl was trying her patience.

"Ask, child. It is tiring to see you so quiet when we both know you are almost bursting with curiosity." She gestured for her to speak, though she was wary of any outbursts. "Besides, I told you not to hold back."

However, whatever Vor expected she would ask, this was not it.

"Are we currently at war?" The princess tilted her head.

Vor stared. "We are not."

Hela almost deflated in her relief, and Vor found herself at a loss, and she absolutely hated not knowing things. "Why do you think we should be at war with anyone?"

She stilled before shrugging, "I am merely concerned with Asgard's state of affairs."

'State of affairs?' Vor stared at her, once again marveling at her mind. There is no possible way Odin produced this child. Mature at this age, he was not.

Her Highness Angrboda though...

Nevertheless, her body language gives her away. Vor gazed at her unimpressed. "You are a terrible liar, child. And do not shrug, it is unbecoming."

The Princess' grip tightened on her chair, but she only shook her head, gaze imploring with her to drop the subject. It was against her very nature, but Vor agreed to stop this pursuit of knowledge. Though she would come back to it at a later time, mark her words.

"Though we are having a few minor conflicts with Vanaheim, there is no need to worry about that. The King will handle it."

She waited patiently for Hela to gather her thoughts; the young princess looking oddly subdued. "Conflicts with Vanaheim... what about Eart-Midgard? What is the state of our relations with them?"

"Midgard?" Vor frowned in confusion. One moment, the topic was about the afterlife, and now she is inquiring about the realms? "Our relation with them is nonexistent, except perhaps as a place for the occasional traveler to journey to. It is mostly just plant life, oceans, and those huge creatures roaming mindlessly around the land. In all honesty, it is perhaps the most 'primitive' among the Nine Realms."

To her surprise, the princess cursed lowly, before looking suitably chastised at the glare she shot. Her eyes were blown wide and looked strangely lost, "...May I be excused?"

Vor sighed, "Our lesson is adjourned. Rest, Princess."

Hela needed no further prompting and left, leaving Vor to nurse a headache the likes of which she hasn't felt since Odin's youth.

This was the first time she didn't heed Vor's advice, and she felt jumpy. Knowing her instructor, she'd just know. But she needed answers, and asking Vor any further will cause her to become suspicious. She had originally asked those questions because she was curious about the afterlife. However, she ended up finding out the three afterlives, their rulers, who might be the ones responsible to get her here, and when exactly in the timeline she was. 

That was a lot of information to sort out.

Judging by Vor's answers, Hela was in the time before the war of Jotunheim where Odin met Loki, maybe even before that whole war between all the Nine Realms, and most especially before humans even lived on Earth. This is an archaeologist's wet dream come true.

Come to think of it, she doesn't even know her exact age in Asgardian terms yet. It wasn't like she's keeping track of it.

Oh god, wasn't it mentioned that Asgardian lifespans lasts as long as five thousand years?!

Could she live for five thousand years without going – hopefully not – insane?

Another thing was that if someone figured out a way to reincarnate her, then it's definitely the Norns. They are responsible for life and death in the myths, why not rebirth? Though the question was why would they do it? What purpose would they gain from replacing Hela with a mortal girl from Earth?

So deep in her thoughts, Hela took a while to notice an elderly servant calling her name until she was bowing right in front of her. Hela blinked a few times to clear her head before she took in what she was saying.

"Your Highness, the King requests your presence in his study."

She stared at her in surprise. He hasn't exactly called for her before... "Of course. And your name?" 

The servant raised her head in surprise, "It's Astrid, Your Highness."

She nodded and smiled, "Thank you Astrid. If you could lead the way?"

"Of course, Princess." She bowed again before doing just that. Soon enough, they were standing in front of Odin's study. The servant announced her presence before she bowed and left, leaving Hela alone with her father and a terribly familiar beautiful blonde-haired woman with striking blue eyes. Hela glanced between her father and the woman, knowing she probably looked wary. "You wanted to see me, Father?"

"I did, daughter. Come," Odin waved her closer and to the chair beside his desk. She sat warily, suddenly having a sense of dread. He hesitated before saying, "I wanted to introduce you before I announce the news to the rest of our people."

Hela couldn't stop her eyes from narrowing when he suddenly put his hand in the small of the woman's back. He watched her carefully before saying, "This is Frigga Freyrdottir from Vanaheim, and six months from now on Lithasblot - the Harvest Festival - she will be crowned the new Queen of Asgard."

'...Fast.' Hela couldn't help but think as she stared at him and the future Queen, utterly nonplussed.

On the other hand, Frigga gracefully stood up and offered her a curtsy which Hela returned politely, taking care not to let her surprise and disconcertion at the sudden news show on her face. Going by what Vor said about the conflicts in Vanaheim, and the power vacuum left by the death of Asgard's previous Queen, this was clearly a political marriage.

Although the fact that he just sprung this on her now when there's barely a year before the coronation was just insulting. There have to be preparations already. Was she the last to know? Either this was a very quick development, or he just decided now is somehow the time to tell her.

Hela suddenly remembered Vor's visibly conflicted expression earlier, and quickly understood. 


"It is very nice to meet you again, Princess Hela." Frigga said after the curtsy, oblivious to her thoughts. "I was part of the delegation of Vanaheim to come during the celebration of your birth, and it warms my heart to see the King have raised you well after all." She shot a smile so quick in Odin's direction that she almost missed it, and said King only looked exasperated.

The casual display of teasing further made her frown. It appeared they already know each other well, enough for a Vanir princess to tease a King, which only meant Odin must have been seeing her for quite some time now.

What she previously thought was an attempt to diffuse the tension between the two realms, seems like it was for love. However, her mother's death was still fresh and recent, which makes this relationship either too fast, or it has been occurring for a long time. Hela struggled not to let her displeasure at her line of thoughts show, but she must have not been successful by the way they're glancing at each other. Odin then sighed, before gesturing to another door, "Come."

Hela followed him through the door and out the room into another sitting area. Hela sat carefully when he gestured to the couch before sitting down himself. "Hela," He sighed, before looking straight into her eyes.  "Do you have any questions?"

Did she have any-? Of course she does! She raised an eyebrow, 'This man...' "Not much, Father. I was just wondering why you are only telling me this extremely important news now while she's already here. We could've discussed this over breakfast or you could have called for me at any time. Why did you decide that the right time to tell me is a few months before the coronation?"

It gave her a bit of satisfaction to see Odin wince a little, but he recovered quickly and frowned at her disapprovingly. "I am not required to run any decisions with you until you grow at least several inches more. Besides that, she may be the new Queen, but she is Vanir. She won't have much power beyond what I give her. She won't be able to do anything without me knowing about it first."

She was about to open her mouth and retort that he's missing the point entirely when his last few words brought her up short. Hela stared at him for a moment, quickly realizing that even if Odin liked Frigga at this point, he doesn't really trust her. Not like he trusts his own family. She felt warm at the knowledge, and asked, "What led to this political marriage in the first place, Father? I assume this is an attempt to mitigate the conflict we are having with Vanaheim?"

Odin was silent for a few seconds, before shaking his head in amusement. "Of course Vor would tell you..." He murmured, and she shrugged. "Yes, they are related." He leant forward and met her eyes, and Hela could almost see a glimmer of interest beneath that intense gaze, as if he was seeing her for the first time. "Asgard has been at odds with Vanaheim for quite a while now, and it has been decided that I must take a Vanir bride for the conflict to end." He stepped back and turned his gaze to the room they left Frigga in, lips quirked up in a slight smile. "Frigga and I have met before. Trust me, daughter, if I have to be forced to marry someone for an alliance, you will be glad it is her."

He fell silent, and she quietly thought over his words. She felt horribly conflicted. On the other hand, she knew this day would come and that Frigga will ultimately capture his heart. Frigga's essentially required to be here for Thor to be born, but she still can't shake the feeling of dismay she was getting when hearing Odin practically gush about her just now. This is just blatant proof of how easily and quickly Odin replaced Angrboda and it terrified her. After all, if Odin replaced Angrboda with Frigga so quickly, then what happens when Thor is finally born?

Will he replace Hela so easily as well?

She closed her eyes, willing herself to calm down. Besides, she wasn't really sure she wants to know the answer.

It would be weird if she accepted this so easily though... "You trust a foreign royal enough to rule the realm in case of your absence?"

He appeared to digest that, "As much as I dare to trust those old fools in the council." He admitted, and Hela nearly snorted. "I first met her in the celebration of your birth along with his father Freyr and their aides. She is kind and gentle, but can be firm and unyielding when she wants to be. I am certain she is competent and can fulfill the duties required for a Queen."

She mulled over that, before nodding. "And did you love her?"

There was no question who she was referring to.

Odin suddenly turned away, revealing pale hands clasped tightly behind his back. After a moment, he sighed, looking like he aged a thousand years, "She's gone, Hela." He said softly, "I cannot dwell on her for too long even if I wanted to, lest I neglect everything else."

Silently, she studied him and took note of the white-knuckled grip, his shadowed face carefully turned away from her, his rigid shoulders and tense stance, before smiling in relief at the knowledge that he didn't forget Angrboda so quickly after all.

"I understand." She said, and Odin glanced at her in surprise. "I admit I was somewhat upset that you didn't inform me of this long beforehand but if you are worried if we can get along... well, I assure you I'll do my best." She offered him a tense smile. "This will be quite the change, Father."

"I know. That is all I ask." That done, Odin began to relax, and it quickly became clear how tense he really was the whole time. He cleared his throat before getting to his feet, helping her up as well. "Now let us go back, we mustn't keep her waiting."


Frigga turned out to be as kind and firm like he said. They had their first dinner together after that, with the woman proceeding on telling her stories of Vanaheim, glaring sternly at Odin when he tried to interrupt, before beaming at her like nothing happened while the King sighed fondly, all in one evening.

Hela just stared at the soon-to-be-Queen, and felt the atmosphere in the previously cold and impersonal dining room to grow warmer by the minute, all because of Frigga's presence, and knows that something's definitely blossoming between them. It wasn't love yet, but it's going to be soon.

She glanced down and stared at her clenched fists. It wasn't fair at all, but she had been dreading Frigga's appearance a little bit at the start. Her presence here could only mean time is running out and they're heading straight to the direction of canon. But Hela found herself reluctant to ruin this moment as she observed Odin smiling the longest she has ever seen him for the first time in years.


After that realization, she quietly excused herself and wished Frigga well on the ceremony on Lithasblot, before leaving the room.

Night had already fallen, but she didn't care. She needed to think.

Wandering the palace, she distracted herself by marveling at the structure that she had previously taken for granted. The whole place was really similar to the Asgard in the movies, but what they had failed to truly capture was how enormous and incredibly luxurious it was. And it was just the home of three people: Odin, Hela, and now Frigga.

Frigga. The new Queen of Asgard, and now her new stepmother. Hela doesn't know what to think of her yet but she'll reserve her judgement. Besides, Frigga is definitely a useful person to have on her side. Case in point: Didn't the movies mention that she's skilled in seidr? Maybe Hela can get her to teach her. According to what she knows about Asgard and Loki's history, women are more accepted to learn seidr than men. This will not raise any questions. Besides, what kind of person doesn't want to learn what is literally magic?

Mind made up, she decided to start asking for seidr lessons from the new Queen as soon as she settles in.

She should probably also begin learning how to navigate court and political life. Being the first daughter and princess means she will undoubtedly have some responsibilities. If the previously oaf-like and stubborn Thor before his banishment could do it, then so could she. She doubts she would ever be as clever as Loki, but she refuses to lose to Thor in terms of intelligence. Sorry future brother.


She stopped and gazed at the doors leading up to the throne room, the Einherjar guarding it quickly bowing at her appearance. She only has eyes for the throne, though, and the terrible battle that would happen there in the future.

Surely, her presence here meant the fate of all three siblings have changed. That the events that would lead to Asgard's destruction and all their deaths would be averted. It would be pointless to reincarnate her here otherwise. 

But what if it isn't, and she's just dragged here to share this fate with the rest of them?

Hela's gaze hardened abruptly, and she turned to stride away, ignoring how the guards stiffened in surprise behind her. 

'To hell with that!' She nearly snarled, 'I won't stand by and let that happen.'

Thor is born? Hela wouldn't let him become spoiled and arrogant. Odin returns from battle with Loki? She's going to give him the best damn treatment he deserves growing up. Thor banished despite all that somehow? Well, Hela always believed in the importance of learning discipline. 

She promises to do her absolute best into guiding her future siblings away from the horrible fate that awaits them. She will be the best sister she could be. She will never let either feel neglected, especially since she knew neglect was the root cause of all the problems in their family.

They haven't even been born yet but she already loves them like her own brothers. The idea was strange but very welcome.

She exhaled.

She's now Hela Odinsdottir, firstborn child of King Odin and Queen Angrboda, and the true heir to the throne of Asgard. And if fate persists, she will also be known as the Goddess of Death, Asgard's Executioner, and Thor and Loki's elder sister and self-appointed protector.

And she fully accepts this role.

Your move, Norns.

Hello guys, CDR_Grae here!

Hela's hella determined now to fight back, pun very much intended. Question is, how would she go about doing it?

Thank you for reading, please review!

P.S. I edited both the first and second chapters. Please, I highly recommend you read it again as it may answer some of your questions. Thank you!

CDR_Graecreators' thoughts