
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Clearing the Dungeon

With Sora getting the hang of his ability, Hana went on to pull a goblin and began to cut it apart while showing Sora the parts on the goblins which could be sold for a high amount of money.

"the skin can be used to create clothing with adapting capability, and their eyes are known to be able to craft items that could allow others to copy others. as you might guess, this stuff is not in high demand," Hana said softly before pulling something out of the goblin stomach,

"This a monster crystal, they hold a high amount of energy which humans can't absorb to cultivate, but they can be used for other things," Hana said calmly as she threw the crystal at Sora, who caught it and closely studied it,

"my monster holds it, it's the core of their strength. humans only form such core when they reach the gold rank. anyways, I will not be helping you from this moment onwards, it's up to you to work on everything else, I will give you tips." Hana said calmly, Sora looked at her for a moment before looking at the two undead around him,

'I should be able to bring one other goblin back to life before i'm tired... I will take that one.' Sora looked at the long-range goblin which was shooting arrows at him. so, walking up to that goblin he tried his best to try and only bring that one back to life,

as his mental energy was used, Sora realized that he was using more mental energy than needed to bring these goblins back to life. as someone from a past life, Sora had a high amount of mental energy, which was even more so with the state of his mind.

He guessed that even without a single goblin, he should have been able to bring at least 3 goblins back at most 5 goblins as undead. yet just one almost knocked him out, this was because he had no control over his ability, and now that his mind would be getting stronger with each undead, Sora was overpowered already.

'I wonder if coffee would help me keep going. although coffee doesn't give energy, it only makes one forget they are tired or something like that. with energy, there should be someone like that but far better. father already has it, I wonder if they are expensive or not.' Sora thought as he brought back 2 goblins, making it so that a total of 4 undead goblins were on his side. his control was still not good enough, or else he could have brought another one back, but he didn't have enough mental energy,

having the goblins lead the way, Sora went on to have them show him where the energy crystals were located. and while walking through the dungeon, they walked through many plants which Hana told him to collect as the plant were valuable and be used to create pills or potions,

Sora collected them all while heading deeper. it didn't take long for them to pass a unique ore which gave off a brown glow.

"That's a mana stone, they are the main currency of this world other than that paper money. 1 of those stones can go for 10 Zenith. that copper mana stone is only a low grade, the higher the grade the more valuable they would be." Hana said calmly, Zenith was the name of the currency of this world,

10 zenith could allow one to buy a flashlight, a pack of books, panics, and so on. in other words, it was pocket change. this low-grade copper mana stone was only the lowest grade, but the higher the grade, the more they could be sold for.

low-grade copper mana stone- 10 Zenith per lbs

mid-grade copper mana stone- 50 Zenith per lbs

high-grade copper mana stone- 200 Zenith per lbs

peak grade copper mana stone- 1,000 Zenith per lbs

of course, the prince could change depending on the market. 1,000 Zenith was enough for a person to live a month on their own. of course if they went out and tried to enjoy life, they would find that they were broke.

Hana went on to show Sora how to mine the crystals, she had to be careful as to not damage the crystal, or else the energy could link out, which would only lessen the value of the crystal. normally, when a person enters the dungeon, they are meant we 2 problems,

the first was splitting the loot from the dungeon. the second was, once you get your share of crystals how many of it would you trade in for money, and how many would you keep to use to cultivate,

this was a problem for many people, the more within a party, the more they would have to split the loot. but doing so when lessens how much each person can get, there is no adding the fact that they couldn't carry everything they main,

they can't try and cultivate within the dungeon was every dungeon has a time limit before it kicks people out, at that point, it would mean you have failed to clear the dungeon, a copper-grade dungeon was 3 to 5 days, if you can't clear the dungeon within that time it would mean you failed and you would be kicked out,

there was no bad side effect to this, until everyone who entered was killed nothing bad would happen. if everyone dies within a dungeon, then a dungeon outbreak would happen sooner than expected, which is why dungeons were guarded.

anyways, Sora was given a few minutes to rest, and Levi took this chance to teach Sora how to cultivate. cultivation was simple, one simply needed to learn how to absorb the crystal, to do this one needs to control their mental energy and use it to draw energy from the crystal,

one couldn't simply absorb the energy, they needed to learn how to channel that energy into their cells, this would strengthen their body, and even increase their lifespan, make them younger, and so on,

At first, it would hurt as your body would naturally fight against this, but over time the body would open up and start to absorb this energy on its own. once the whole body was been filled with energy, a person could become a copper-grade warrior.

they would even be able to draw mana from their body, but it would be limited depending on the level they are at. Hana was at level 7 Copper rank, and this allowed her to use far more energy than others, back on earth she would be a walking battery capable of powering a house for weeks.

Sora was not expected to become a copper rank expert today, the rest was to simply teach him some stuff, and allow him to rest his mind and talk to the others. sleeping within a dungeon was also something Sora should get used to, but Sora only needed a few hours to rest his mind, so after his mind was at full capability they went out to search for the goblins,

the dungeon was not that huge, it was just that there were many turns, which went up and down, left to right, and so on. this lead the dungeon to feel bigger than it was, it was not bigger than a city block, but it felt far bigger.

"Where are the goblins?" Sora asked softly, he found it weird that he hadn't seen any hints of goblins for so long.

"This is what makes goblins tricky to deal with. they found out that there was someone within their world, so they had come together. as we reach their home, we would run into traps, and other stuff," Hana said calmly, when the goblins were attacking, the one leading them ran away, Sora didn't notice but she was watching,

their show of strength made the goblin feel unease, so it should have alerted the others who are getting ready for an all-out battle.

the reason Sora bothered to ask was that he was feeling unease, he wanted to see something die, and he wanted to feel that feeling of taking a goblin's life away. it was like masturbating, you tell yourself to spot and it's wrong, but you can't help yourself, you might be able to go a day or maybe a few months, but in the end, you would return

Suddenly the goblin up ahead fell into a trap, Sora had the undead goblins help get the goblin out, and after some time, the undead goblin was out. Sora looked up ahead before looking at Hana, who was looking at him with bright eyes as if hoping he would ask for her help. but he ignored her and looked forward while in deep thought,

the goblin which fell into the trap had damaged its legs and was no longer useful, although he could heal, he didn't want to lose more fat. So, it would go up front to see if there were more traps, and so they headed forward and they ran into many traps which the undead goblin took, some of them it pointed out, while others it didn't notice, leading to it suffering injures,

but in the end, they arrived where a bunch of goblins was ready for battle, Sora scanned them all and his eyebrow raised seeing that there were level 1 to level 8 copper-rank goblins among them, there were even some with unique abilities.

"I can't win," Sora said with a frown, the chances of him getting out of this alive was zero, the difference in power and number was too much. this dungeon only had like 50 goblins, and most of them were all gathered here, that's not adding the dungeon boss leader who would be at the iron rank,

"That's right, not even Hana has cleared a dungeon before. no matter how strong or talented you might be, in the end, you can't clear dungeons on your own." Levi aid calmly, as he stepped forward to deal with this.

"to get by in life, you need a team you can trust on. don't think that your ability is better than others you're better than others, in fact, you would only be a target if people found out about your abilities." He said softly, to which Sora nodded in understanding,

Levi held a palm, Sora couldn't see the closer of his energy as he hid it from him, but what he saw was that his energy had formed a sword, and with a wave, Levi swung his sword, sending a sword slash toward the goblins.

the sword slash turned into a huge wolf which went on to run around the tribe, killing every goblin and not even leaving a single goblin alive, including the boss. once the boss died, a shock wave came from the sky, followed by a copper gate appearing. they had cleared the dungeon

"was that a technique?" Sora asked curiously, to which Levi nodded with a smile. abilities were not everything, there were techniques that allowed a person to use their energy in ways to show many effects. the technique Levi just used was a technique known as the Moon Light Woof Sword Art,

"well, since I did most of the work, think it's only right I take most of the loot... right?" Levi asked with a smile, making Hana pout slightly, why couldn't they just spoil them just a little, she had to pay him just so he could come with her into a dungeon, which was annoying.

but Sora on the other hand nodded his head as if that was true. since his dad did most of the work, he should get most of the loot. So, they entered the tribe, sadly the goblins were damaged too badly for Sora to bring them back to life. of course, he could bring them back, but he would need his fat to heal them, something which Sora didn't want,

he turned his attention towards looting their important body parts, before moving on to find their treasury base where they hid their mana crystals, and to Sora's shock, he saw a gray mana crystal there, which was a low-grade iron crystal,

his father took that and went on to take a few things which equaled his work and left the rest to them, Hana left everything to Sora, which was enough for Sora to cultivate and reach level 8 copper rank.

Levi sighed softly seeing this, Hana was too nice to Sora, but she spoiled Sora a bit too much. he wanted to build up their independence from a young age, but Hana would get in the way of this, shaking his head, he watched as Sora went on to try and see if he could store his undead

it took Sora a few tries, but to Levi's shock, Sora could store all of his 4 undead, along with the items they were carrying. all of Sora's loot was stored away and resummoned just like that, leaving all 3 of them stunned.

'I thought I could only store undead.' Sora thought while looking at the loots, he tried using [Undead Storage], but the items didn't return, it was only when an undead was summoned which went on to take hold of the loot, that the loot entered the storage.

Sora nodded slightly in understanding seeing this. it would understand why the equipment of the undead can enter, it was because it was in contact with the undead. but now this brought the question, how big was his storage

Losing his eyes, he tried to sense that and found himself seeing a world. this world was about the size of a Sudan, it was currently packed with the 4 undead goblins and his loot. seeing this, Sora nodded as he understood more about his ability,

about 7 undead goblins would be his limit, other than that Sora saw nothing else he needed to pay attention to, so he opened his eyes to look at Hana and his father who was looking at him.

"your ability has everything covered. healing your undead, and storage. the only thing missing is making them stronger. I wonder how your ability would improve as your rank improves." Hana said softly, each time her ability improves, the stuff she could do with her gravity reached new heights but what would Sora be able to do?

"Me too," Sora said with a slight node, too had the same question, well, with everything done they headed out and returned home, but along the way, they stepped by an all-you-can-eat buffet where Sora eat until they kicked them out because Sora was eating as if he had a bottomless stomach. Sora couldn't get fool or hungry, so he could eat none stop for days, Sora wondered where all that energy would be going,