
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Ability Awakened

Sora and the family arrived at a huge school building, this was where Hana would be going once her talents are looked at. in this world, they started going to school at the age of 3 once the ability is looked at,

the principal came to greet him, he seemed to be friends with his father. Sora also realized he had seen the principal a few times at parties his father would take him to. the principal was a middle-aged woman with long black hair. she was the charming woman who could have the whole room turn towards her in an instant.

they went to the principal office, and she took out a huge crystal which Hana was told to walk up to and place a palm on. Hana went on to do just that, and after a moment the crystal glowed and information appeared on top of the crystal.

Levi and the principal both froze while looking at the glow, the whole room went quiet, something which confused Hana as her father and the principal had weird looks while looking at her.

the pride of ability can be measured by the blow of that human size crystal, and at the moment he was giving off a weak copper-like glow. that was a sign of the worst skill, F grade ability, Hana slowly realized that the skill she got was not good, and although disappointed she tried acting as if she didn't care. but through the shaking of her eyes, Sora knew she wanted to cry. but Hana never cries before him.

"Don't worry Hana, I have been saving up money to buy you a good ability, so although it's low it's not a big deal," Levi said softly, Sora looked toward his mother expecting her to say something but she simply sighed her head, seemly disappointed.

"I'm not worried... can we go home?" Hana asked softly. although people could ignore their talent, it would mean they were going to be far weaker than others. F-rank abilities are rarely useful in battle. most of them are used to create weak wind which could cool one day or something like the god. in other words, F rank ability is usually used for making everyday life... easier. they would be placed within items, and other stuff to make them more useful and stuff.

"... Hana, you seem to have a newly found F rank ability," Sora said softly, stunning everyone who looked towards the top of the crystal and saw the words, {Gravity Ruler}. everyone froze as such a cool name shouldn't appear on an F-rank ability,

The principal went to her laptop and went on to try looking up the ability, but there were no recorded abilities. this stunned her for a moment, and before sighing, she looked at Hana for a moment before she went out to pull out a huge orb from a bag, Sora was stunned seeing the orb which shouldn't have been able to fit within that bag, but he guessed that bag had a unique storage ability.

"This is a one-time use item called Worlds eye, give me anything holding your DNA. hair, blood, spit, or something. it would allow me to get information about one of your abilities" She said softly, Hana didn't care much so want if the ability sounded somewhat cool. it was still an F-rank ability, but even so, she used her finger to break a piece of her hair and gave it to her.

with that hair, the principal went on to put the hair onto the orb which went on to absorb it, and after a moment, she had it looked at Hana's ability, but the next moment, it shattered, using her and everyone else to jump slightly.

"... did it work?" Sora asked in confusion, making the principal lips twitch, of course, it didn't work. Levi was also stunned while looking at the sight before him.

that was the world's Eye, the fact that it couldn't gain information on Hana's ability meant that that ability was too high level, above an A grade. but it was an F-rank ability.

"is it an evo..." Sora wanted to ask a question, but his mother covered her mouth. he was sitting on her lap, so she was able to act quickly to stop him from speaking. Levi and the principal had shocked looks while looking at each other, and evolving ability was the only reason they could think of.

other than that, someone could have used an ability that blocked outside ability from sensing them, but Hana didn't have such things, so this was a quick conclusion they came to. Hana's eyes also were wide upon hearing this, to think she had an evolving ability.

"Hana would be home-schooled..." Levi said after taking a deep breath, the principal shook her head upon hearing his words.

"There is no need for that, she can stay. I will make sure her capability is hidden." She said with narrowed eyes, making Levi's lips twitch slightly. after some thought, he looked at Hana, before looking at Diana, wanting to her thoughts.

"Oh my... this is a bit troublesome. What do you think Hana?" Diana asked cutely, Hana snapped out of her shock, and after some thought, she spoke

"I want to enter the school with Sora." She said softly, Levi was stunned for a moment, but the principal just nodded, that was not a big deal, it could easily be gone. So, in about 6 months she shall enter the academy

for the next few months, Sora watched Hana who was trying to awaken her ability, unlocking an ability was simple, but for it to awaken was another matter. One talent can be awakened through strong emotions, or over time. but there was a much easier way like using awakening stones, but they had the side effect of weakening one talent ability.

Hana was doing some training that had been found to speed up a person's training, this went from watching movies that brought her to tears, to eating spicy food and looking at things that were related to gravity. these simple stuff could awaken a person's abilities, but it was not 100%

the average age for a person to awaken their talent was the age of 5, until then they can't grow stronger or gain other abilities unless that talent is awakened.

So, months went by, and Sora soon turned 3 years old as well. within the principal office, Sora placed his palm upon the crystal, and a copper glow came off the crystal. Sora was stunned slightly before he looked up toward the name of his ability, but all he saw were 10 question marks,

confused, he looked toward the principal and the others, but they all also had confused looks. this crystal could measure any ability and tell them its grade, this crystal was connected to some greater law of the universe, so it would know every ability in the universe. so, how could there be an ability within the universe which is unknown?

Diana who usually had a cute mom aura about her was also looking at Sora in shock, that was a new expression he saw from her other than her many smiles which appeared with her emotions,

this was just a bit too shocking, it left all of them quiet for some time, not knowing what to say or do with the scene before them. what was the meaning of this? but in the end, Sora was still going to school this time with Hana, who realized that Sora might be more unique than her.

Without knowing the name of his ability, Sora was clueless about what he was to do to awaken it, so he simply awaited. by now, he found it hard for him to feel anything, so using emotions for him to awaken his ability was harder said than done.

So, a week after all of this, Sora stepped into school, where he was taught the basics of math, reading, and so on. Sora took the chance to learn as things in this world were not the same as in his past world, for one the numbers were different, the symbols were different, and the letters were different.

So, he quickly caught on to everything taught to him, his grades were at the top of the class, and meanwhile, Hana was struggling, she found it hard to sit down all day and listen to someone teach stuff, it didn't help that she became the popular student with her class

time passed, When Hana was 4 she awakened her ability, and she found that things she picked up were getting heavier and lighter randomly, this leads to her jumping for joy and beginning to go through her ability and see what her ability could do.

Her ability was simple, she can control gravity, it took time, but she was capable of controlling gravity as she wishes. with just {Gravity Ruler}, she could take many roles, close-range combat, long-range combat, supporter, and Tank. although she couldn't heal herself with this ability, it was not that big of a deal.

Just imagine what she could do with this ability, but using gravity she can increase the force and power behind her attacks. but by controlling the gravity around her, her enemies would find themselves heavy or lighter, her allies would be lighter, and she could even have gravity push down upon a target and also push up upon a target, rushing them

She would one day be able to fly, and so on and so on. but for now, she was only limited to controlling the gravity of what she touched. and even then, she gets mentally tired. she finds that she can have something become up to 10 pounds lighter for a few seconds before she is too tired, this was impressive as she was able to easily swing Sora around, but she could do the same thing and make things 50 pounds heavier for a few seconds.

it was harder for her to make things heavier than it was for her to make things lighter, she was simply increasing upon what was already there, leading to the effect being 5 times greater than when she tried to take it away.

Levi began taking Hana out to the dungeon with her ability awakened, Levi didn't give her anything like those crystals for her to get strong, he had her own them on her own. which Hana had no problem with.

and so, Hana soon became a copper rank warrior, allowing her ability to rank up to E rank, with this improvement, her capability improved, allowing her to do more things and to a limited degree, she no longer needed contact to control gravity

but even with her talent, it would be some time before she could become an Iron rank warrior. each rank was further split into levels, level 1 to level 10, the higher the level the purer the energy one would have within their body.

at the copper rank, one energy would have a dirty shitty color, but as they near Iron rank it becomes a silverish, and so on.

In a blink of an eye, Sora was 6 years old. sitting on the gym bench, Sora is emotionless and watched Hana who was playing a game that was extremely similar to soccer. but unlike earth school, they were using abilities while playing, and to say the least, Hana was overpowered by the MVP on her team.

Sora who was watching this all suddenly froze, his pupils shrank before they slowly turned a dark golden. with shaking legs, Sora quickly got up and headed to the bathroom, where he sensed the small amount of life within him disappeared, leaving him dead inside, while alive outside.

Sora sat on the ground, with lifeless eyes. but after some time, he sighed softly, he knew this would happen, after he was born he was dying inside. so he tried his best to try and enjoy the feeling of being alive.

{Wish- 'I wish to have something that would help me best use my ability than...'} a strange voice sounded within Sora's head, followed by a recording of his voice, and slowly information about his ability was given to him

{Wish has been granted. Ability name {The God Of Undead}... this ability allows one to become a god of the undead. The best ability thing which would help with ability is... Undead Storage ability.} the system said as a screen appeared before Sora, confusing Sora.

from what he knew, there were no screens and voices within people's minds, or something telling them what their ability was, but of guess, he guessed this was because of his wish. so he had to wonder, what was with this stat screen?

[Name: Sora

Age: 6/undead

Cultivation Rank: Human


Ability slots-

[1/6: The God OF Undead (F grade: growth type)]

[2/6: Undead Storage (F Grade: Growth-type)]

[3/6: The Gods Eye {S grade)]

[4/6: {None}

[5/6: {None}

[6/6: {None}]

[The God OF Undead (F grade: growth type)]- You're the god of undead, all that dies shall raise to worship you and follow you. this ability comes with many abilities that would be awakened as its rank improves its rank.

F-Grade: {The Undead Ruler}- The ability to raise the dead as undead, the stronger the person was the more energy would be needed, and the weaker they shall be. Only those a step below you in strength can be brought back as undead with their full capability. be it mental and physical strength

the one burden you would have would be taking control of the undead. once control is taken, it's hard for it to be broken. once the connection is formed, there would be no burden on how much undead you have, in fact, the more undead you have the stronger you shall become, allowing you to easily take hold of stronger undead with greater ease. You shall be undead, and the undead shall be you,

You can use an undead ability, although it would be a grade lower than the original, so F-rank abilities can't be used.

As the undead are dead, they can't improve their strength through normal means, so it's recommended to have them eat each other for them to grow stronger. as their number drops, strength would drop but in return, you would have stronger undead.

Sora looked at this ability set for some time, this was the ability he gained from his heart? he was dead, yet he was walking, indeed undead did suit him. and with his hunger to be alive once more, he indeed was undead.

Sighing softly, Sora went on to look at his other ability, [The God OF Undead] was already overpowered, and by the looks of it, he could have an endless amount of undead right now,

[Undead Storage (F Grade: Growth-type)]- you have a personal dimension where you can send your undead to and summon them as you wish. the undead can move around within this dimension until you summon them. as the grade of this ability increases, the bigger the world would be, allowing you to store more and more undead. at the same time, the range in which you could store away far away undead and where you can place them would also increase.

[The Gods Eye {S grade)]- You can see and read the information of others with a simple look, the stronger they are compared to you the harder it is to see their information. this ability shall bypass all ability that tries and stop it from seeing, so long as the said ability is below S rank. this ability also increases your sense of sight, you can zoom in and zoom out as you wish and even see through things.

'well... for now I should see what my abilities have to offer.' Sora thought as he got up, he wanted to live and for that, he was willing to do anything, even selling his soul was a cheap price to pay.