

Ever heard of a family of superheroes? Click to read.

CiaraJessy · Filme
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1 Chs


...for fans of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!

Ever heard of a family of superheroes? Yes! Guess you've heard of them.

We weren't really superheroes…

…we were hunters!


My brother and I were the best hunters Mystic Falls had ever known. They could do without us, but you know, they'd be ridden by vamps.

"Hey, Jer,"

"Hi, Elena."

"Good morning, my special Hunt!"

Psst. Hunt—hunter!

"Did Mom tell you to check on me?"

"Not really," I lied. She certainly did.

"Don't lie, Elena. I can tell that you are." Jeremy figured. He was the oldest but did things that made Mom leave me in charge. He was just like Dad. Lackadaisical, the both of them. The house could certainly do with more 'Elenas'.

"Hey, Gilberts!"


"Whatcha doing?"

I certainly hated Dad's slang. He knew I did; could make out with the way I moved my eyes. "What?"


The 'Hunting' bell rang—

Jeremy called to me and I quickly dashed out the door.


I hadn't given Dad a chance to talk.

"Why don't you always give Dad a chance to talk?" Jeremy asked once we were outside.

"Oh, please don't start,"

Jeremy knew how grouchy I could be.

I was a delinquent—could bark at anyone, and have my way—if need be!

"You really think I haven't been giving Dad a chance?" I stopped.

Jeremy looked at me and nodded slowly; could make out the sadness in his eyes. Maybe he's right—

Swoosh! My ears popped up.

"What's that?"

Another sound came. "Someone's coming,"

The steps hastened as Jeremy drew closer. "A vampire?" One pounced on him and I yelled. "Jeremy!" I raised my crossbow to a length and fired two arrows—as he groaned. "Ah!" I fired another one; this time into his chest the moment he turned.

The man dropped dead, and I dropped my crossbow at the sight of the blood. "Jeremy!" Jeremy was bleeding; his neck glistened as hot pants escaped his lips.

"Jer. J-Jer, please stay with me," I pleaded for him to stay.

A man appeared, dressed in a brown cloak. He was clasping a staff; fully bearded, and barefooted.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Stevan!"

"Stefan?" He walked towards us and crouched. The white-bearded man smiled, and laid his hand on my brother's neck, as I watched the bitemark magically heal.

"But you can call me Stee," the bearded man disappeared.

Jeremy surprisingly got up and looked at me with eyes widened. "I think I know who that was,"

"Your great Gran Stee was a healer," Dad explained when we were done narrating to him. "a powerful one, and a witch as at that."

Archaic way of calling a man who practised witchcraft.

I really wanted to know why the healer's gift was never passed…

"How did we end up as hunters?"

Dad got up from his favourite chair. "That is all I can tell you, Lena."

I frowned.

I looked at Jeremy and sat on Dad's chair. "Maybe one of these books can tell us about Gran,"

"You mean Great Gran Stee," Jeremy corrected.


We got searching, and one with the name 'THE GILBERTS' caught our eyes. It was certainly going to have intriguing facts; I, for one, looked forward to reading it...


"Sheriff Forbes?"

Jeremy quickly opened the door.

"Jeremy. Elena. You have to see this."

Jeremy and I raced out the door as Sheriff F led the way.

"Another attack?"

Care was standing beside the body. "So it seems—"

"So you mean to tell me that an animal did this?' I asked, not believing.

We examined the body; the bitemarks, the likes of an animal. The body was still fresh. It certainly would have happened that morning. "You think a Vamp did it?"

"A werewolf!" Jeremy coughed.

Werewolf?" I asked, doubting. " Werewolves don't walk during the day…"

"Certainly can't be one…"

"A hybrid!"

We looked at Care. "Huh?"

"Hybrids are the only ones who change whenever they want,"

It was starting to make sense.

"Niklaus and his minions must have killed this local," Caroline opined. "He must have found a way to break the curse…"

"But how?"

"Dad's other woman…"

"…Katherine!" Caroline completed.

Caroline was a folklore geek. How she knew about this was no surprise. She could have been digging her head into one of those library books. Possible.

"Um, who are you?" Sheriff Forbes had her gun pointed at the teenage girl.

"I'm her father's daughter," the girl replied.

"That's impossible!" Caroline yelled. "The book never mentioned Klaus having a daughter," she said.

"Well, that's because he adopted me. From my Uncle Marcel?" she waved her brown hair. She had perfect arched brows and a chiselled nose; her lips extra glossy and fitted on her face.

"I'm Hope,"

"Wait. Hope Andrea? "Caroline vividly remembered. Or so it seemed—

"Okay, never mind," she said again. "It can't possibly be…"

"Yeah, Andrea!"

Caroline's jaw dropped.

Her name rang a bell, no doubt. Caroline's coz would always come home and complain about some bossy classmate.

"So you're Winnie's Andrea? Caroline asked, agape.

"Yes… and no. Who's Winnie?"

Winnie was Caroline's cousin… like I said. She was yay high, a little bit reaching my shoulders, part blonde—and had green eyes. What was Klaus' daughter doing in Mystic Falls?



"I came to visit my uncle's tomb. My Uncle Henrik." Hope said.

We listened as we drove in the Sheriff's car, intrigued by the way she drove comfortably with us.

Guess a Mikaelson is a Mikalelson, after all…

Her voice interrupted my thoughts. "Well, I must warn you guys,"

I looked up.

"My father's minions are coming in tens…"

"And you're telling us… why?" Jeremy asked.

"Cause you need to protect your people. I am nothing like my father," she said. "He's brutal… and cruel!" her eyes shone.

I clasped Jeremy's hand as fear gripped me. Not wanting to think of battling hybrids, was just what I wanted—

The book 'The Gilberts' caught my mind, and I heaved, feeling a certain comfort.

Jeremy and I brought the book out once we got home, and Hope and Caroline helped with the search, as we dug deep.

"The white oak—" Caroline brought to our notice. "Legend has it that the Mikaelson brothers burnt every stick." she went further to say; her voice gruff.

"Now our chance is lost!" cried Hope.

"I still don't get it," Jeremy said. "How is it that the daughter of a hybrid would want no one other than the Gilberts to help?"

Caroline sighed. "Are we still going to go about this or set out to do what every brave man would?"

I agreed with Caroline. I dug deeper in search of another weapon…

"Every magic has a loophole!" I read happily and shone my eyes.

"A loophole?" the three gathered around me.

"The blood of the beloved, spattered on a stake!" I said out loud, as they gasped.

"No way!"

"Well, that's great," I said. "Where are we going to get the blood of Klaus' beloved?"

"You mean 'how'," Caroline corrected.

I didn't want to give up just yet; I wasn't going to give up!

"Every magic has a loophole, right?" Just then an idea struck my mind.

"I think we know what to do," Hope's voice collided with mine.

"Do you know something?"

"I know a witch who can help us. He loathes my father more than I do."

I asked all ears. "What's his name?"

She replied, "Vincent?"

We drove straight to his house—had borrowed Dad's car and driven to New Orleans. There we met Vincent—a sturdy man, black and tall.

"To what do I owe this visit, Hope Mikaelson?" a loud voice greeted us.

"How's our lovely Eva?"

I communicated with my eyes. "Eva?"

She answered quietly. "His wife,"

I curved my lips into an 'O' and sat down.

Asking the gang to sit, not like it was mine to do, I motioned to Hope to tell Vincent why we were there, as Caroline got up and walked to the lighted candles, and Vincent scolded. "Don't touch!"

She shifted.

We didn't know why he didn't want her touching it; all we knew was that we were on a mission.

"So you want me to kill Klaus...?"

"But first resurrect his ex," Hope grinned.

We were going to bring the dopple ganger back with the help of Vincent. It was the one way of killing Klaus...

"Brilliant!" Vincent cried.

"What is?"

"Killing Klaus, of course!"

I was glad he bought the idea.

The D-day came and we gathered on a field; Vincent had all the items for the ritual assembled. We were!

"The blood of the hunter?"

Jeremy volunteered, and stretched out his hand, as Vincent cut.

"…a witch?" Vincent did the same and cut open his palm.

Voom! The fire made noise.

"And… a hybrid!" Hope's voice made us turn.

"How did you…?"

"I have my ways," she winked at us. She made towards the fire and poured a drop of hybrid blood into it. "This should do,"

Vincent nodded.

"You're so going to tell me how you got a vampire-werewolf blood without any difficulties."

She chuckled and grinned.

Everything was in place, with the fire going in the air. "Aigba… me el… sci fch…!"

The fire made a swash sound, and a woman appeared right where it burned. "Katherine—"

Vincent smiled at us. "It is done!"

"So you mean to tell me that I have to die a second time?" Katherine asked when we were already seated.

"Yes." I believed she was getting the gist.

"So all I have to do is die and have the world ridden of that bastard?"

Hope grinned at her.

"What's that?" Katherine asked, noticing the smile.


The Bulgarian meanie relaxed and had her eyes fixed on us.

She was Bulgarian, all right? She had mentioned when we asked about her family. "The last I saw them…" could recount her words. "…1988. When Klaus killed them." We felt sorry—

At least we knew why she hated Klaus. She loathed him more, and thought him ruthless!

"Oh, I'll help you guys," Katherine obliged. "What's in for me?"

"You get to die a peaceful death," Jer said.

"How's dying a second time peaceful?" Caroline asked.

"Well, there is peace in that," Katherine took no offence in what he said.

"So what's the whole 'dopple ganger' thing about?" I asked, concerned.

"It means there are others," Katherine replied, "ones who look just like me," she said with all pride.

"So you're telling me there are a hundred more like you?"

Caroline replied, "Just three,"

"Smart girl!" Katherine gave her a wink and got up.

"Well, enough of the chitchat," Vincent hurriedly said. "We haven't got much time,"

Katherine looked down at me and pleaded with tears in her eyes. "Promise me," she said, " that you'd search for my baby when all this is over."

I got up from the ground.

I looked into her eyes, as though searching for something I couldn't find.

She clasped my hands tightly, pleading with love in her heart. "My baby is all I need to be safe. And you guys…"

Vincent shoved a dagger into her back, and a stake… to complete it all.

Jeremy and I watched as Hope and Care made to carry the body. Vincent already had the blood spattered on the stake. All Hope had to do was lure Klaus to where we were.

"So how are you going to lure him…?"

"It won't be that hard," Hope said.

Jeremy and I had our fingers crossed as she left. We got into position and waited until they came.

"Oh, I am so glad you decided to come…"

"Hope, I haven't got much time. Where are they?"

Klaus was already with Hope. He had a serious look on his face and two mean brows that said, "Touch me if you dare!"

Klaus stopped to our surprise; he looked at Vincent and the latter started muttering some words.

"Hope, what's happening?" Klaus looked at Hope. A migraine hit him hard as he held his head and groaned out loud. "I'm going to kill you!"

Jeremy shot an arrow in his back.

It was time for me to fulfil everyone's wish. I knew I had to do it right, or else everyone would be dead.

We were on the verge of killing Klaus when Vincent stopped the spell. He released him, and he held my hand midair, further dislocating it. He pushed me to the side and had Jeremy thrown to the other side, before reaching for Hope. "Dad!"

"You're going to witness what I do to those who defy me..."

...those were the last I heard!


Racing horses lifted sand in the air as angry grunts raced alongside. Father and son, both of them. They were horse riding, the former emerging the victor.

"I told you I'd win, Stefan,"

"You know I can beat you anytime, father," said the lad.

"What is it then?" The long auburn-haired asked.

"My mind just isn't here…"

"A woman?"

The boy turned. "For God's sake, father, women aren't my concern. Have you heard of the attack?"

"The attack on the province?"

"Yes, father. That one."

His father got down from his horse.

There have been so many attacks—ones caused by vampires, and werewolves!

"Come, let me show you something," his father beckoned—

"You know, the Gilberts have a family journal that has been passed down for many generations…"

Stefan walked with him.

"Won't call it a journal, though,"

"But you said…"

"What I said doesn't matter!" Stevan barked.

Stevan was a forty-eight years old man, who was a healer. Healers were considered great at that time—thus powerful and could help mankind. Stevan was a Gilbert witch, though it was uncommon. He was among the first... he was known far and wide.

"The Gilberts journal," Stevan pursed his lips for a moment and made for the library at the back. His son walked with him; he had no choice. They got to the library and rummaged on every shelf, as the title stood imprinted in bold letters. 'THE GILBERTS.'

"Is this it?" Stefan snickered. The book looked really old, and was dusty, that he could hardly see the sides.

"Here," Stevan handed him the book. "Open it."

His son did as he was told, and a light shone from it. "What the…?"

"You've been chosen…"

"Chosen for what?" Stefan quickly broke in.

"The five…"

He understood not a thing. "What's the five?"

"You mean 'Who' rather?" Stevan replied. "They were hunters," he started, "vampire hunters!"

Stefan followed him. A new generation has risen after the old, this he got to know, no one in the Gilberts family has ever been chosen...

"So you mean to tell me that the book has chosen me?"


"But how come the Gilberts family has never been chosen for?"

"No one knows,"

Stefan paused.

Heaving, he asked, "Do Vampire hunters get to practice witchery?"

Stevan shook his head.

Stefan was torn to know he'd never practice magic again; he bowed his head and left in sadness.