
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

Aions · Fantasie
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35 Chs

The Ascension of the Demon (End)

"Is it possible to upgrade again?" whispered Li Feng.

After killing everyone, he ordered the system to start upgrading.

Li Feng used the rest of the day to slaughter several villages, capturing around a hundred people.

After devouring them all, he gained many Evolution Points and ate dozens more people.

When the evolution began, Li Feng's body quickly grew at speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, he had reached a height of six meters.

Name: Li Feng

Race: Ordinary Giant

Height: 6.7 meters

Skills: None

Life span: 300 years

Evolutionary points: 0/70

Life expectancy has increased to 300 years, which is already a monstrous level in the human world. Li Feng had no need to worry about old age, disease, or death.

His Evolution Points had also increased, and the next upgrade required 70 points.

At the same time, Li Feng's strength, speed, and reflexes had also increased dramatically, and his stamina had also made a huge breakthrough.

If he had barely been able to use the iron rod as a weapon before, it was now too light to hold in his hand and, at the same time, too thin to be suitable for combat.

The clothes on his body had also burst with his waist, turning them into rags, except for his pants, which were stretchy and still intact because of it.

Eating all the remaining corpses provided just over ten Evolution Points, averaging 0.2 to 0.3 per person, which is a meager percentage.

After capturing a few more people on the sly and completely demolishing them again, Li Feng returned to the road and set out.

On the way, many people were captured. However, some were lucky enough to notice Li Feng from afar and escaped by running into the woods or caves.

But most of them, as soon as they met Li Feng, were caught and eaten by him, some in consideration of their possessions, some to protect their families, and some without even knowing what was going on.

Down to the bottom, more or less, they were all ordinary people, and the shy ones had already fainted from fear in front of Li Feng's tall figure.

Moreover, Li Feng would sneak up on them, and by surprise, often an entire caravan of people was knocked down by Li Feng.

In the end, the technology of this world was too backward; humans didn't master powerful weapons, and those who practiced martial arts to strengthen their bodies were no match for Li Feng.

Humans have limits, and in their short lives, they cannot break them.

Unless one surpasses human beings and acquires powers beyond the human body, that is supernatural powers.

Li Feng did not find any power beyond reality in this world, not even things that contain particular elements.

The system could not have transported him to a world full of ordinary people who are very technologically backward.

Just because Li Feng couldn't understand it didn't mean he didn't like it. On the contrary, if possible, he wanted to stay here forever.

After a short run, Li Feng was close to the next town and could already faintly see the buildings inside.

Li Feng was overjoyed, and with that, he increased his speed and rushed in and started an inhuman massacre, sprouting a river of blood and a mountain of bones.

Li Feng had already killed some people before he could react, and as more people were killed, the scene began to be more chaotic.

First, more people were killed to prevent them from escaping, and then they were slowly devoured.

A single punch from the current Li Feng had the strength of ten thousand pounds, and concrete could be reduced to dust.

When he punched a person's body, it could be directly reduced to mush, staining the ground without even picking it up.

Without caring about the dead, he turns and chases after those who try to escape; his big hands reach out and grab several at once, stuffing them into his mouth and eating them alive.

He jumps a dozen meters high in one leap, landing in the middle of the crowd, smashing fists, hands, and feet, hitting, kicking, and stepping on countless people.

He grabbed the vehicles on the side of the road and threw them, crushing them again, and those who were not yet dead, Li Feng rushed closer, grabbed them and brought them to his mouth, or simply ground them into the muck.

After the chase, almost all the people in the street had already fled, and some were hiding.

In some restaurants and taverns, they closed their doors at the first opportunity so that the people inside would not run away and expose them.

Li Feng approached and swung his fist; the wooden building shattered, and he lifted the roof with two hands.

Revealing the terrified humans inside, he grabbed one, put it in his mouth, and chewed it.

A gurgling sound was the sound of swallowed food, so clear that everyone present could hear it, scaring them to death.

Li Feng continued to grab and eat, and soon everyone on the first floor had finished eating, and some of those who had run up the stairs had taken refuge downstairs.

But immediately afterwards, the roof of the house below was also lifted by Li Feng, revealing the terrified humans inside, obviously more numerous.

After eating the people in the houses, Li Feng ate the people killed in the streets, gaining nearly ten Evolution Points.

Then Li Feng smashed the stores, demolished the houses, and caught and ate as many people hiding inside as he could.

Many people could not even afford to resist Li Feng and did not even have the strength to run away:

Most of them entered the houses at first because transportation was not developed in ancient times, and it was impossible to outrun Li Feng.

As for running away from here, not many people would choose to do so, and after seeing Li Feng's terrifying power and bouncing speed, they extinguished such thoughts.

The room was now full of people, all hiding and shivering inside.

In their perception, Li Feng was a demon, a real devil. After all, only demons can eat people.

Moreover, people in this world have an inexplicable fear of demons and gods, it's okay if they don't see them, but once they face them, they will feel terrified.

This reverence comes from the soul, a cultural imprint deeply rooted in the soul for thousands of years and will never go away; it is deeply engraved in their bones.

Li Feng clenched his fist.

Some of them were even hit by the falling houses and turned into mush, making them no longer edible.

Li Feng then showed a disgusted expression, threw them to the side, and continued to catch these fresh and tasty delicacies alive and well.

More were soon caught, and Li Feng proceeded ruching, chewing, and savouring his meal.

In the blink of an eye, he had already eaten no less than a few dozen, gaining more than ten Evolution Points, full to the point of wanting to throw up, but Li Feng was still absorbed and happy.

Don't forget to send power stones !

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