
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

Aions · Fantasie
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35 Chs

The Ascension of the Demon (1)

After all that, he had 12 Evolution Points, which was a decently fruitful harvest for a village. It was a shame that he let some of them slip away, however; Li Feng couldn't help but feel a deep pain when thinking about it.

It was afternoon, and with almost two hours left before sunset, Li Feng had to catch as many people as possible in the nearby villages before it got dark.

After dinner, people went to work, and those who stayed home were women and older people with mobility issues.

At this time, there were not as many people at home as there usually was, so it was a bit more work for Li Feng.

Li Feng soon arrived at this village; it was not much different in scale from the previous two, with houses in staggered order that could house about ten families.

Without hesitation, he rushed into the village and grabbed the few older people, women, and children at home. Then, he set all the houses on fire, causing chaos.

The horrifying scene was noticed by those working outside, who immediately dropped their work and ran toward the fire.

Even though they arrived as fast as they could, it was already too late. Sadly, the fire had already engulfed them.

In front of them lay their families' burnt corpses, and the whole village was in flames.

More and more people frantically ran into the houses. Seeing that they didn't find their families, they ran to where most people gathered, seeing a commotion.

To their horror, the bodies of their families were already lifeless and piled upon a wheatfield.

Older men, women, and children had died miserably. Their bodies spread out in a pile; some so disfigured that they were no longer recognizable by their appearance alone.

"Ah… NO! My child!"


"Mother! Mother! Where are you…?"

Many older men fell to their knees, weeping and sobbing, knees pressed to the ground, looking for their families.

The women wailed and cried in pain, clutching their already lifeless children.

Some searched the ground, looking for the bodies of their dead families. Finally, attempts were made to piece it all together.

Dang! Thud! Thud! The thud of a heavy object hitting the ground sounded as a sizable, demonic figure slowly emerged from behind the firelight.

The ground shook with every step he took, and his terrifying figure was extremely oppressive. It was a humanoid monster of five or six meters in height.

In its hand was an iron bar with blood dripping as if it had been through countless battles. Its body was bent and deformed in a twisted manner.

There were many pieces of flesh on it, and broken clothes were stained with crimson. This horrifying figure had a fierce aura that gods and ghosts couldn't challenge.

Li Feng smiled as the iron bar in his hand swung and crashed fiercely, many people miserably dying before they could escape.

"Ah... Demon!" Seeing someone get killed, some people reacted and didn't care about their grief, fleeing in fear.

But how could Li Feng let them get what they wanted? Seeing them trying to escape, he fiercely chased after them; his terrifying speed was displayed, to their misfortune.

Not long after, Li Feng quickly caught up with them and raised his hand, throwing the iron bars at them. None were spared as their bones broke, tendons crushed and trampled, turning into mush.

There was constant screaming, and people kept falling. Within minutes, there was not a single living soul on the scene.

They were all devoured, giving Li Feng ten Evolution Points, and that was after the incomplete ones.

Some were useless and did not gain much from being eaten, so Li Feng did not consume them.

The current Li Feng had the strength to waste food. It was no big deal for him to walk to a few more villages.

He set out again while it was still dark, and Li Feng quickly reached the next village, doing the same thing. He grabbed the older men, weak women, and children while setting the houses on fire.

When the people working outside came in, he killed them all by surprise, finished devouring them, and left.

Li Feng was in the joy of killing and only wanted to devour to become stronger.

Bang... ! The iron bar fell, killing the last one, and Li Feng began to devour another dozen people.

"Forty points! That was fast!" As he finished the last one, Li Feng licked his lips.

This was the fifth village and the last one in several large mountains, and now all the villages were empty of any life.

Except for a few who escaped, most were captured by Li Feng and became Evolution Points.

The next day soon arrived; Li Feng slept until he naturally woke up, stretched comfortably, and set out.

It was the second day in this world, and the plan was to find a town or something of a similar nature.

These places had a much larger population and naturally had a larger amount of Evolution Points.

In those backward days, transportation mainly was on foot, and an ordinary person would have to walk for a day to reach the city, but fortunately for Li Feng, it wasn't a difficult task.

Following the route, he soon found himself on the official road, following the tracks of carriages and horses. Then he wildly ran all the way.

The number of pedestrians gradually increased in less than half an hour, while the vehicles and horse traders kept passing by. Li Feng took them all in his stride or walked in pairs.

Li Feng mostly rushed, grabbing and eating everything he could find, and he didn't care about those who were left behind.

"Eh?" Smoke and dust rolled directly in front of him, and a team of horses approached at high speed. Now and then, Li Feng could hear galloping and neighs.

The horses were running fast, but Li Feng was even quicker; the two were soon in front of him, looking like mountain bandits.

"If you want to go this way, you must pay us!"

A dozen men on splendid horses, armed with bright steel swords, were dressed in black, wearing black scarves.

"What bandits!" Li Feng jumped into the air, his iron bar rumbling in his hand.

The mountain bandits in front of him couldn't dodge and were hit directly by the iron bar, and the horses underneath them were crushed into mush.

Only when a man died did the mountain bandits rushing behind them see the object heading towards them.

It was not just any vehicle but a monster of diabolical proportions.

"Run! Heave! Go! Faster!" Without caring about his dead brothers, the mountain bandit leader raised his whip and ruthlessly pushed the horses under his crotch to run.

A dozen mountain bandits hastily turned around and waved their whips frantically. The sound of the panicked mountain bandits and the neighing of their horses resounded in the air.

Some of the mountain bandits were knocked to the ground by frightened horses and injured in the stampede.

"Brother, help me!" The mountain bandits who fell to the ground cried, snotty and tearful, like weak little girls, unlike the other bandits.

Li Feng snorted coldly as his legs trampled the ground and leaped upwards, crossing several dozen meters in one arrow step. He landed firmly in front of them, blocking the path of the mountain bandits.

The leader of the mountain bandits violently pulled on the reins, and the running horses came to a hissing halt, turning back and forth in panic.

Li Feng didn't hesitate and swung the iron bar in his hand, but the mountain bandit leader jumped, and his horse was split in two.

"My Lord, spare my life!!!" The leader of the mountain bandits rolled and crawled to the side, bowing and begging for mercy.

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