
High elven baroness

Chapter 751

Around a hundred beasts of different sizes and kinds have gathered near the small crevice on the wall at the entrance of the second floor of the dungeon. Some are even fighting against each other and sounded threatening growls as they are trying to exert their dominance towards the others for the prey ahead of them.

Most of these beasts have tasted the blood of the elf and since then have had lust and cravings for it.

Suddenly they heard some rustling sound and saw a creature coming out of the crevice. Their eyes glared at the figure with a hint of expectation and delight at the same time. However, upon seeing that the figure is not the elf but instead a human, they all growled in fury and rage.

They did not want to eat some lowly human; they want the supple and scrumptious taste of the high elf.