

Chapter 818


Shin Jiao's group went out of the village and rented 2 large carriages his goal was to save those two young men which seemed to hold some power within the Long clan. Having a good connection would be beneficial for Ji village to grow. And the Long clan territory is another good place to create another base for him.

This is because the Long clan territory has more of an Asian touch in its ways and culture. So he decided to make use of those two young men if his conjecture is correct. But if it is not then it would just be their luck to be saved by him.

Shin Jiao and his group rode on the first carriage and the five follow behind them. Everyone was silent and did not say anything for a long time inside the second carriage.

But Vilma Song could not take the silence anymore and suddenly said.

"What is our next plan?" she asked while looking at the rest of the people inside the carriage.