
The Gate of Diablo

In 2001, mysteriously appeared several dimensional portals that carry many ferocious monsters that prey on humans. The humans were panicked by the arrival of these monsters. But at the same time, the owners of super powers appear among humans. They managed to defeat the monsters with a power referred to as "Heavenly Blessing". Finally, after 3 years the organization AOG (Army of God) was formed. Saka Mahendra, an orphaned young man, who dreamed of becoming an ARMY since childhood, but has no Heavenly Blessings at all. Until one day, Saka accidentally obtains a Heavenly Blessing. However, the ability he has is both a blessing and a curse for his life.

Tyrano_Author · Urban
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The Beginning of The End

That afternoon, the weather was very hot. Although the time in the hour has shown at 3 pm, there are no signs if the sun will start to lower the temperature.

Traffic is crowded and the streets are filled with vehicles that are experiencing congestion.

The sound of horns echoed along the way. However, no one was able to pass through the area. This is due to the security barricade created by the security forces in front of a gate.

A young man wearing a thin hoddie jacket walked among the crowd of people around the gate.

"It seems, today will be a 'Raid', huh?"

The young man muttered inwardly while paying close attention towards the Gate.

'Gate' is a portal that originates in another dimension. The dimension is known as 'Hell'.

The beginning of gate occurred in 2001. At that moment, there suddenly appeared hundreds of gates around the world.

From inside the Gate, come out the monstrous creatures known as 'Diablo'. They are demons of terrible form and have come to wipe out all of humanity.

This incident, makes the whole world fall into the darkest time in the history of mankind. There is no hope of defeating the Diablos coming out of the Gate.

All modern weapons have been used to destroy these demons. However, there is not a single weapon that can defeat them.

Until governments around the world unite forces and try to use nuclear bombs, not a single diablo dies. There is only the death of more humans as a result of all the attempts to defeat that cursed creatures.

Until one day, a miracle appeared. A miracle that is living proof of God's mercy to mankind.

One by one, humans begin to acquire a mysterious superhuman ability that allows them to fight with the 'Diablos'.

Such superpowers are known as 'Heavenly Blessings'. Power is believed to be a holy power given by God to man.

Thanks to that, humanity can fight and save their race from mass extinction.

The owners of these powers then set up an organization to unite their power and eradicate all demons and destroy all the gates in the world. They are known as the 'ARMY' or 'Army of God'.

Members of the Army of God are considered heroes of human liberators sent by God. This makes them the most beloved, most respected, and prosperous among other human beings.

However, not all humans have the ability and opportunity to become the owners of the 'Heavenly Blessing'.

This ability appears randomly to every human being. Some get this ability when they are old, there are also people who get the ability since they were born.

One of the people who were unlucky to get the ability of the Gods was Saka Mahendra.

Saka was the young man who was currently in the middle of the crowd of people near the Gate. He is one of the young men who have a dream to become an ARMY.

This is because he was one of the survivors of the attack in Jakarta, 10 years earlier.

At the time of the incident, Saka and his family were at an event. But suddenly, a gate appears at the place where Saka and his family are located.

As a result, only Saka alone survives. All of his relatives were killed in the incident. No one survived the incident other than himself.

He managed to survive, after some ARMY came and defeated the Diablos. At that time, admiration and also the intention to become an ARMY also emerged from within Saka.

However, after 10 years had passed, the young man had not experienced an 'Awakening' at all.

This made his dream of becoming an ARMY slowly fade away. Moreover, with his condition at that time living in an orphanage.

After the incident that happened to him, the government helped him to grow up as a normal child with love and affection, by placing him in an orphanage.

After being 17 years old, Saka left the orphanage. But every day he still comes to visit the place. In addition to visiting and helping the caretaker of the orphanage who used to take care of him, he also brought food and gifts to the children in the orphanage.


It's been about half an hour Saka has been waiting for the ARMYs to arrive. However, there was no sign of them coming.

He felt a little desperate about it. But suddenly...

"Look at that!"

Suddenly, there was panic among the crowd. A second Gate appeared, whose position was in the sky directly above them.

This made everyone in the place shocked. Whereas usually, it is impossible for 2 gates to appear at the same time with adjacent locations.

Everyone was trying to get out of the place for fear of Diablo appearing from up there.

Not long after, a fireball like a small comet fell from the sky.


A huge explosion occurred at that place which made everyone run to save themselves.

Saka, who didn't know what to do at that time, could only take cover around the building. As he was about to run, he suddenly saw an old man who was seriously injured. It seemed that the man had been injured from the effects of the previous explosion.

Without thinking, Saka immediately canceled his intention to run away.

He tried to save the man. what was on his mind at that time was the memory of the time he needed help during the incident 10 years ago.

"Even if I can't become an ARMY, I will still save people who need help!"

Saka shouted in his heart to be brave.

Saka also approached the man whose stomach and chest had deep stab wounds.

"Hold on, sir! I will help you to get out of this mess!" Saka shouted to the old man while helping him up.

However, the old man just looked at Saka with a confused look.

Feeling that there was no time left, Saka immediately picked up the old man and took him to one of the buildings for shelter.

Just as Saka was about to lift the man up, suddenly a collapsed building fell towards them.

Suddenly, Saka immediately threw the old man's body so he wouldn't be crushed by the rubble.

"So this is the end huh?"

Saka smiled a little when he saw the ruins as big as a car falling right at him..


To Be Continued