
An animal, or rather a beast

At three-thirty in the afternoon, as everyone was leaving the school relieved, a group of five people was waiting for Matt beside a large black car.

Just as Miles was ready to say goodbye to his friend and wish him good luck, a female voice resonated in his mind, "You will accompany us too, Miles."

"Man, she told me I'll be going along."

The Xandarian smiled at his friend and said, "Then let's go, if anything happens, I know we can work very well as a pair."

Confident, Miles nodded. The first day they had met, this duo had easily managed to take down one of Spider-Man's greatest enemies and not only had they put Rhyno away like the other times, this time Rhyno lost his armour forever and was imprisoned in the Cave, one of the most secure prisons in the world.

However, funny breathing inside the car that was waiting for them caught Matt's attention, who put on the brakes as he went. Concentrating his hearing on the driver's seat, he heard a racing heart, but not fearful or anxious; it seemed to be something normal, like a beast.

With the glass completely black, it was impossible to identify who it was. Concluding that there was nothing to do, Matt walked to the car. When he got close enough that he could no longer change his mind, Scott turned and opened the SUV door.

Kurt and Kitty got in first and went to the back, then Anna got in. For Miles, that car model was not unknown; after all, every day, he saw billboards of the new Hyundai Paralisade, an eight-seater car.

'They are not poor at all' The boy thought, impressed.

"Who's in the front seat?" Matt questioned Scott Summers.

The boy in the red glasses puffed out his chest and spoke, "That doesn't interest you."

Jean Grey pulled Scott by the shirt, "You know he is not our enemy." She was sorry she had used her powers on him earlier. "The one in the driver's seat is a teacher of ours, we've talked more about him and about... us."

Miles, who had only been listening until then, looked into the redheaded girl's eyes and realized how nervous she was. "Matt, are you sure you want to go?"

"We know about her secret, so we can't leave them unanswered too." Matt had also already realized that Jean was forcing herself to be excellent.

The two friends got into the spacious car, and Scott closed the door. Through the rearview mirror, the Xandarian saw yellow eyes looking at him and then the rearview mirror was flipped over by a blue, hairy hand.

Sitting next to Rogue, Matt had to restrain himself from shuddering. Her smell was so sweet it seemed to make him dizzy.

When the car started, the brown-haired girl in the back seat inquired to Miles and Matt, "And what are you guys?"

"Friends." They answered together. The duo was indeed in perfect sync.

Rogue laughed and said, "That's not what we want to know. Matt, are you from HAMMER, SWORD or something more secret?" She dismissed the possibility that Miles was anyone but a very loud guy.

The Xandarian just looked confused at the girl. "HAMMER?" That was not the first time he had heard someone say that name.

During the first week, he was holed up in Parker's house; Matt was able to closely assist Spider-Man as he discovered more about Earthly technology and Earth.

On one of the rounds Peter made after arriving from Horizon Labs, he stated that he was worried that the HAMMER agents would start scouring Brooklyn for vigilantes as well, because this neighbourhood was one of the few that had no guards on the streets, so the heroes had yet to act.

"Don't you know what Hammer is?" Scott, who was sitting in the front seat, turned back just to inquire about that.

"I just heard that name. What are they? A group of heroes like the Avengers?"

"A group of heroes? Puft! They're more like a group of villains. They have the Dark Avengers and the Thunderbolts on the palms of their hands." Kitty said.

"Dark Avengers?" Confused, Matt questioned once again.

"You don't know anything, do you, cutie?" said Rogue, leaning against Matt's arm. The girl was policing herself less to touch him because of the urge to touch someone else's warm skin. "The Avengers aren't the same anymore, at least not after Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man and Thor died."

As far as the Xandarian boy knew, Thor was just missing.

"After BLIP, the whole world changed and after Civil War, Earth became a fake paradise. Where big corporations fund killers to become heroes." Complementing the girl's response, Miles said.

Because of this answer, the tempers inside the car were calmed because everyone realized which side Miles were on, yet they were still on the lookout for Matt.

The car drove for some time through downtown New York until it stopped in front of a three-story building, whose ornaments looked very old. It was not possible to see inside, even with vast panes of glass, because of the white curtains and glass clouded with dust.

Cleck! Scott opened the car door and motioned for everyone to enter the building. The street was still bustling, so Miles left confidently; after all, he was also used to this neighbourhood. Greenwich Village was not that far from Brooklyn.

Looking up, the Xandarian noticed a large round skylight in the pediment of the building.

Jean Grey was the one who opened the building's double door and said with a much more relaxed smile, "Please come in."

Miles and Matt followed her request and entered the bizarre building. However, Matt found it a bit suspicious not to hear anything inside, not even a fly or the plumbing, so he was prepared for anything that came.

The first thing the boys saw was a massive wooden staircase that looked very old. However, the whole place looked abandoned, and moments after they got past the door, Miles' spider-sense alerted him that the door would close, so he had time to try to hold it still.

"Help me out here, Matt. Urggh!" To him, the door seemed as heavy as a car.

But the young Xandarian was more focused on the gasping breath he was hearing on the second floor. Illuminated by a window at the top of the stairs, a stout figure shadowed the lobby floor.

"Grrr..." It was the sound of a hungry, stressed beast.

Miles gave in to the force pulling on the door and turned back, nonplussed that his friend had not helped him. When he saw the figure, he was startled, but like Matt, he didn't back down.

Timm! A sharp clang reverberated throughout the hall. Three metal claws appeared in each hand of the man-shaped beast.


Do I like how I write? Consider reading my novel, because it will motivate me to keep writing ^^


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