
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

You'll be one of the most powerful

"I can't see a thing." Chris says.

"WHAT I CAN'T SEE!" Leeroy screams I hear a thud and assume it's Leeroy.

"Captain we have any light sources?"

"Yes sir we have a Pika fruit user on the ship I'm sure he'll do something." The runner says.

"CAPTAIN!" A man with a deep booming voice says.

"Right here."

"Sir do you want me to use my fruit?" He asks.

"What kinda question is that? Yes I want you to use your fruit power." Chris says immediately the area around us became enveloped in a yellow shine. As I thought Leeroy was sitting on the ground holding his head rocking back and forth.

"Um Captain I think I can do something." I say. "I have something in my chest that can help." I say.

"Then why are you sitting here go get it. Lincoln accompany James so he can see." The glowing man nods and starts walking to the barracks.

"What you have in the chest?" Lincoln asks as we walk down the stairs into the barracks.

"Something that'll help." I say entering my quarters. I grab the chest and open the lock with the key Johan gave me before leaving to fight Vex. The fruit is sitting there in the chest it's a weird looking thing with greenish leaf looking things on the bottom of it and the actual fruit is a black fruit that seems to suck all light in and keep it there's a stem on the top is a green stem that splits into two.

"James you're like 4 you can't eat a fruit."

"I'm ten and I can do what I want." I say picking the fruit up staring at it.

"James you won't be able to swim anymore you shouldn't be so whatever eating a devil fruit I'm not going to stop you also you aren't going to be able to do anything regardless you have no idea how to use it."

"I don't care I'll figure it out." I say holding the fruit wondering whether or not to eat it.

"If you want to eat it you can and you'll be one of the most powerful people on Earth. Although it's a curse."

"It's only a curse if you don't use it right." I say taking a big bite from the fruit. It had a bitter taste that was both sweet but has a tempered flavor to it as well. I scrunch my face up and force myself to swallow, immediately I feel like I am one with the darkness that's enveloped the ship. I try and force the darkness to leave kinda like i'm telling it to leave it doesn't work.

"Well you already ate a piece so I guess I can try and teach you. What do you feel?" Lincoln asks.

"The same I just feel like I can hear the dark and like the dark is a part of me."

"Well good then you feel the same as me so I can at least help a little, right now the dark is controlling you so you can't control is you have to be the master of the dark if you want to use the devil fruit properly."

"So I have to be the dark." I say trying to confirm what he's saying.

"No if you become the dark then you can't control the fruit the fruit will control you. It's kinda like you're it's captain you tell it what to do when to do it and how to do it. And you can't be afraid of the dark either if you're afraid of it you can't control it."

'I am the captain of you darkness I control your every move I am in control.' I think to myself.

"Good it's starting to go away keep it up." Lincoln says.

'I am in control now leave this place.' The darkness seems to swallow up the entire ship. I can't even see Lincoln it's so dark.

"James what the hell!" Lincoln shouts. "I can't see a damn thing and I'm light itself."

"You are not in control James I am." A creepy slow voice says. "You cannot control me I am darkness. You are scared of me. So tell me how can you control me if you are scared of me?"

"I'm not scared of you." I say as my voice quivers in fear.

"Well then stand up like a man and say that. If you are not afraid of me then why are you shaking? And why is your voice quivering you are quite terrified of the dark."

I take a deep breath before standing up as tall as I can and puff my chest out a little. "I AM NOT SCARED OF THE DARK!" I scream.

"Oh my goodness I'm shaking in my boots." The voice jeers, "I am not scared of a little boy like you."

Suddenly I can see everything I can see Lincoln looking around for a wall I can see crew members in their beds sleeping or just laying there. Most importantly I can see the darkness it's a tiny little thing about the size of my hand.

"You should be I can crush you like a bug." I say glaring straight at the figure.

"How can you crush darkness? It is not a living being."

I rush over and grab the darkness it tries to squirm out of my grip but it can't considering how small it is.

"HOW CAN YOU SEE ME?!" It screeches.

"Honestly I don't know how but if you don't want to die then I suggest you listen to everything I say and do it the second I tell you to do it."

"HA you cannot kill dark-" I squeeze a little tighter. "AAAHAHHH STOP STOP!" It screeches smacking at my hand.

"Then say you will do exactly what I say when I say it and how I say to do it" I say grinning as I squeeze even tighter.


"Then get rid of all the darkness here and I will let you go."

"Fine!" It says immediately all the darkness goes away and everything is clear. "Now let me go!"

"You kept your end so I'll let you go." I say loosening my grip a little.

"JAMES DO NOT LET IT GO!" Lincoln yells running to me.

"What why? I have a promise with him and i'm going to keep it."

"If you let it go you will not gain it's power you have to kill it in order to gain the power I had to do the same thing. It's a trick if you let it go it will take you over until you grow to strong then it will try and kill you."

"DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM!" Darkness screams it has a look of pure terror in it's tiny little eyes.

"Tell me right now if that's what you are going to do if I let you go." I say as I squeeze it


"TELL ME THE TRUTH!" I scream. Lincoln grabs my hand and closes it to a fist causing Darkness to scream in pain then a black shadow streams over my hand where Darkness's head was.

"You have overcome Darkness now you should be able to control it." Lincoln says with a grin.