
The Founders of the Shadows World

It exists, in the universe, a world of darkness. Far from the light, far from everything that may be alive. A world made as a warm and comfortable cocoon for those who have nowhere to go. The Ombrae. The world of the eternal night. While Kingdoms rise and fall, heroes and monsters fight and make peace, the Ombrae will always open its doors to those seeking shelter. Sometimes in the nightmares of the living can be heard the moaning of the refugees. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darknesses we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasie
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69 Chs


The creature left the ocean and walked on the land of men. At first, Archanium observed what was happening. The creature went to the temple and stopped in front of the cadavers, he went farther in the building where his statue had been pushed through the wall, demolishing half of the structure. The creature did not speak, there was an almost religious silence in the place, and every step it took was heavy with the weight of the tragedy that had happened here earlier.

The temple was not fancy, but anyone could see it had been made with love and care. Every detail was engraved with symbols of adoration. It was a common temple made of beautiful details. The creature's fingers caressed the walls slowly. He walked up to the statue, he looked serious. His face was inexpressive, but his whole appearance was that of the greatest predators.

Archanium watched him from the Golden city and decided to join. Zaelia was far now, and she was safe, it was time for him to make his apparition. The first lights of the sun were rising and half of the village was still in the darkness. Archanium landed in the light part while the creature was in the middle of the place, observing. 

The creature was taller than Archanium, it was also larger due to an imposing musculature. His humanoid and masculine body was covered in blue and green scales, and his eyeballs were as dark and deep as the abysses. Archanium lost himself in them before continuing to analyze the creature. He had narrower, watery wings that could glide efficiently through the ocean. They were clear like glass, and they were looking sharp. They were made to be in the waters and not in the air. Archanium even wondered if this creature could even fly like him before spreading his majestic white wings, showing his power and imposing his presence. The creature remained silent, and Archanium raised his voice.

"Can you speak? Do you understand our language?"

The creature nodded. He was watching the dead bodies and the statue before stopping at Archanium. The creature's voice was distant and detached. Its expression did not betray its emotions or intentions. At this point, Archanium still didn't know whether the creature could demonstrate any emotional intelligence.

"What happened here?" asked the creature

Archanium had a smirk, his arrogance was without equal, and his pride concerning Zaelia was the reflection of all his being. 

"They didn't worship the right god."

Archanium stared at the creature, trying to understand what he was. They were similar and at the same time very different. The creature stayed silent for a moment then stepped toward Archanium and his intention was easy to understand. The creature attacked Archanium without another word, he had no hatred. His moves were calm and considered.

"You are a threat." he said while his wings aimed at Archanium in a way to kill him. 

Archanium smiled from ear to ear. He raised his arm and blocked him with his own wings. He was deeply happy, he finally had someone to fight with. Archanium was like a child with a new toy. The two divine beings were equal, each blow found its mirror. The creature didn't know pain, while Archanium enjoyed the pain. The creature used a moment of inattention from archanium and pierced his body with one of his wings. This was without noticing that Archanium was ready to rip off his head with all his power. They were about to kill each other when a shadow came suddenly between them and pushed them away far from the other. The creature was taken aback and adopted a defensive stance, while Archanium gritted his teeth in rage.


Zarkhaïm had joined them and interrupted their confrontation. The cold of the shadows mixed with the heat of the sun and the dampness of the air. The creature was extremely careful as he was considering this new individual and the potential menace he represented. Zarkhaïm was in the middle of them, and they stayed for a while, the three of them looking at each other in silence, they rapidly understood they were of the same strengths. They were three beings above all others, three in the world. The creature lowered his guard, and Archanium did the same. The tension was decreasing a bit, and Zarkhaïm took a deep breath. Every one of them took a step back slowly and Zarkhaïm attempted to start a discussion.

"We are Zarkhaïm and Archanium. We didn't know there was another one like us."

The creature had an air of disgust after hearing "us", indeed, he was like them, but the bodies of his dead worshipers everywhere were definitely proving that they were not similar. 

"I am Tridjan. I am not like you."

Zarkhaïm had not yet noticed the massacre; he was too used to the dead of his kingdom and was not surprised to see so many corpses around him. At Tridjan's words, he began to understand the situation and was stunned by the scene unfolding before him. Countless people had lost their lives in untold carnage, their throats ripped out by what appeared to be a bare hand. The blood had mingled with the ground in a filthy mud, and the perpetrator of this crime had spared no-one, not even children and the elderly. Zarkhaïm turned to Archanium in deep despair.

"Oh Archanium. What have you done?"

Archanium defended himself in his own particular way, as he didn't even see the problem.

"Zaelia did this, not me"

"She did it for you, Archanium! How could you let this happen!" said Zarkhaïm, worried by his brother's attitude.

Tridjan spoke in a calm, composed voice, and Archanium could see a haughty smile on his face.

"He just doesn't care about anything else other than himself. Maybe I should just beat him to teach him respect?"

Archanium heard him and was deeply hurt, Tridjan had attacked his ego and there was nothing worse for him. 

"Who do you think you are to talk to me this way?!" yelled Archanium furious

Zarkhaïm stopped them again.

"Stop! Archanium, can't you tell your humans to not come here?"

Archanium was incredibly vexed to see Zarkhaïm against him.

"Why would I do that?! They do what they want in my honor!"

Surprisingly, Tridjan agreed with Archanium. Tridjan announced.

"We should not interfere in the lives of mortals." 

He took a deep breath and explained.

"None of us should be allowed to have an impact on world affairs. We should remain as observers only."

Zarkhaim replied immediately.

"What about my people? The Jessadians have never attacked anyone, and they were here before anyone else. They are immortal beings and pacifists. They need protection."

Zarkhaim was afraid. He had made Zuline promise that the Jessadians would never retaliate, they were bound by oath. He didn't dare admit it, but Zarkhaim was afraid of Zaelia's growing legions. Not only that, but he didn't know when she would launch a direct attack on the north, which was so closely associated with Archanium's direct enemy.

"The Jessadians made a vow to never attack anybody. They are guiding the souls of the dead to find peace in the Kingdom of Darkness."

To everyone's surprise, Archanium agreed.

"The Jessadians were born before the others, they are witnesses to the world and to our greatness. They were almost exterminated and should be under our protection as long as they stay away from the conflicts of the world."

It seemed that, at last, they could agree on certain points. Slowly, the rules were being put in place to bring peace between the three entities. Archanium stood up proudly, intending to taunt Tridjan. Somehow, Zarkhaïm was relieved, it was not him and Archanium alone fighting eternally at each other anymore. He knew, now, he would have an ally to try to reason with his brother.

"As for my humans, I cannot control them. Even without my presence, they are so strong that they will wipe other humans out of the earth." Archanium said with a cocky smile.