




"My little princess? are you awake now?"








"Good morning, my sunshine. How's your feeling?"








"Wow~ my princess is so good at arts. Do you want to become a painter?"




" I promise my little princess, if someday you are now free to go outside, we will travel the world!"




"We will climb the mountain, and swim on the beach, everything! until your eyes get satisfied with discovering the beauty of nature."







"We're sorry to say, but your parents are included in the accident, and we already did everything...but..w-we genuinely sorry. "







"Are you really serious about that?"

"Yes, Jake, you know I have enough."

"But I thought you love me, Nomi?"

"And that love is already done."

"No! I can't accept this, Nomi. I love you; please give me a chance."

"And now you're saying that? After the day had passed that I've been waiting for those words, this is the only time you notice my worth?"

"Please, Nomi, I know it's my fault, I am the one to blame, but p-please don't leave me."

"I'm sorry, Jake, but it's already too late."

"No! No! Please, Nomi!"

He continually begged while I'm already walking away from him. But before I go too far, suddenly, the loud sound that comes from a clapperboard stops me from what I'm doing, and after a second, the lights turn off.

"And cut!!"

With that signal, we immediately lose our positions while everyone applauds.

"Bravo! Bravo! No wonder for Gold! again you made a splendid expression!"

Chris said the one who directed this movie that we're doing. I genuinely smile at his compliment and praise him, too, for being a good director.

After all, without the help of my friend, Chris. I can't even put myself in this situation.

"No wonder to the best actress of the year! Because of her, we also manage to save time and can go home early! right, Derek?"

The movie's main actor said while giving me a side hug that makes me smile at him sweetly.

"Absolutely! however, did you two are really going home early?"

"of course, Derek, unless my sweetest gold will accept my proposal to have dinner with me?"

"When is the time I reject you, kyle?"

I uttered my follow-up question, which makes him chuckled, and even Chris, who's observing us, can't help to get fluttered.

Kyle Unson is the real name of the guy who is beside me. In reality, he is my 3 years relationship, and if I'm going to describe him, I must say that he's the sweetest and gentle person I've ever met.

Of course, you might not believe me, but to tell you the truth. When the first time I met Kyle, I also doubt his personality. Because he is an actor that everyone is over heels for.

Therefore, I need to be careful too. It can't help on his situation when he was really blessed to have a lovely face and a body.

However, when time goes by along with us for getting to know each other. I somehow feel comfortable beside him, and not a few moments ago, he got my answer precisely on his birthday.

"Alright! Now that the 8 scenarios are already done. We have 4 scenes left, and tomorrow we will accomplish that all. So for now, you are allowed to have some rest."

Chris announced to his team that it makes everyone feel delighted.

"and you too, please take care always; we need you on every scene."

" Noted that, Derek! then I think we need to go first now."

Kyle's response. after a minute, we're already on the street and having a peaceful ride together.


"yes, Kyle?"

"What do you feel on our scene earlier?"

"Hmm, well, for me, I think Nomi is right on her decision. You see, when your relationship is already not healthy, you need to learn to let go of it."

"How about jake? is he really not worth it for him to have a second chance?"

"If that person is really willing to change for the person he/she loves, isn't it enough to do it on their own without hurting the other people?"

"You means when it comes to relationship, it's really not applicable to reach those heartbreaking situation for them to realize that they need to change?"

"Yeah, that is my opinion. after all, isn't it clear for them to feel that they already hurt someone's heart when they're being stupid and arrogant?"

"I agree, but sometimes there are really some people who are stubborn to handle a serious relationship."

He uttered, while my gaze has still on the outside of the window. However, it didn't take long for me to observe my view when suddenly I feel the palm of his hand on my thigh.

"And I'm really glad that we're not experiencing those kinds of situations, just like in our scenario, right Gold."

The joy and tenderness in his voice can be heard, which also infects me. Of course, how can we put ourselves to that point if I already guess and planned everything?

And what else should we need to worry about if this kind of direction is we both wanted to go? After all, I will not be a pity one in the end. Because there still many opportunities that are waiting for me.

"And we are here, gold."

Kyle's statement after he parked his car correctly in front of the luxury restaurant. I just let him go out first before I followed when he opens the door for me.

In fairness, the ambiance in this place is beautiful. When we finally get inside, the view is delightful and comfortable. However, it is still unavoidable when people gaze at us with amazement and joy on their faces.

But I'm used to it anyway. At least they know their limit to not invade our privacy. Kyle told me that he will talk to the reception first, so I just let him. He also offers me to sit on a vacant chair, but I chose to stand up on my location because I also want to observe the area. Significantly, the furniture they put here.

"Hey, hey, isn't that gold?"

"Absolutely, Gosh, she is more pretty in the personal."

The simple whispers of two women are not too far from me, although I can hear them. And on my observation, the only customers capable of eating here are such noble people, but most of the tables are already occupied. I think kyle had a reserve earlier, so that's why he dared to invite me here, and not to where we used to go.

"ah, e-excuse me."

Hmm, even the chandelier is lovely; where did they buy it?

"E-excuse me."

Maybe it came from another country because it really doubts if we have it here in our country.

I said while I was just earnestly waiting for my companion, who was still talking at the reception. Later on, I am confused that a woman is only up to my shoulder height which is confronted me.

Moreover, she seems to be acting strangely, like I think I'm its purpose. But I simply try to check my surroundings too because I might have made a mistake. However, I noticed that we were the only two here.

M-maybe she's also one of my fans and wants to ask for an autograph? Or maybe she is really a beggar? Well, I can't blame myself for doubting that because It is evident in her outfit that I don't know where she gets that from, or It really came from her grandmother, who also used to wear it in her teen days. And her messy hair that even her eyes are already got cover doesn't bother her. But how did she get in here without being noticed by the guard?

But, on a second. I am surprised for a moment when she smiled at me because, in fairness, even though she looks creepy, it looks like her teeth were taken care of. But it also didn't take long for my forehead to gradually frown when she spoke.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Hahaha, you're not deaf, you just lack the cleanliness of your ears."

She is still happy with her statement as if she did not say anything wrong. Excuse me? I heard what she said, but I think she didn't know that it was insulting.

"Did you just come here to cause some trouble miss?"

I give some respect even though I wanted to equal her rudeness, but oh well, being an artist, I have to restrain myself because If not. I'm sure that I will be the content of the news tomorrow.

"Oh, no, no, I'm not fighting with someone like you. I just wanted to help that person there, who's trying to get your attention for asking your permission to move aside at the entrance. but it seems she got the wrong timing because the person she's talking with is not cleaning her ears. "

With her innocent smile but has an evil tongue, this girl has the guts to say that to the person she thought she knew so well, is quickly getting on my nerves.

How dare she!?

"Miya, Miya, let's go! Your favorite dessert is ready."

She immediately turned to the person behind me. When I also looked in that direction, It turns out that it is a child looking at me that seemed to be afraid, and when our eyes met, it seemed like she was electrified in shock and quickly approached the person I am confronted with.

"Wait a minute miss."

I simply held her arm when I noticed she Is leaving, so before that would happen without even retaliating, I immediately stood by her side to talk to her in a whisper tone without getting even notice by the people around us.

"Isn't it kind of rude for you to tell me that?"

"And where is the rude on that words?"

"Oh now, you're acting such an innocent person, don't you think that your brain is also has a defect?"

I smiled, but the words of it are full of sarcasm. However, instead of getting annoyed, she laughs like it seems what I told her is some kind of a joke.

"But I'm not acting, I'm just asking you where is the rude there? Because, as you can hear I'm stating the fact that you are like that, maybe you're just convincing yourself that it is rude because in reality it is true and that makes you embarrassed. "

This girl! She is not only rude but also a story maker!

"How can you even say that? as if you're observing my movements? Don't tell me you're a stalker."

"Then, does that mean I am right that you didn't clean your ears?"

"You're not!"

I whispered firmly until I also tightened my grip on his arm while her smile widens even more.

What is wrong with her?

"Then I am not a stalker."

"You don't even know me, but the way you talk you're such a hypocrite. Look, did your parents didn't teach you some good manners so you can talk to me politely and inform me in a nice way?"

"And does your parents teach you that judging people is bad?"

"But you're doing it, bitch."

I can't stop the curse, but as usual, it doesn't even make her afraid of my expression; that is why It really makes me feel like I'm the one who's the loser here.

"As I said I'm just stating the fact, I'm not judging. And if you have nothing better to say, can we go now? It's bad to wait for the food."

"You don't know who's you're talking to."

"Well, I don't even have a plan to know you."

"You will pay for this."

I said, freaky annoyed before I violently let go of his arm. But as usual, she just smiled at me as if she was not doing anything wrong, which made my blood boil even more to her.

"Not unless you will see me again. and oh. to remind you, buying a cotton bud is not that expensive anyway so try it. We need to go now It is not so nice to meet you."

She finally said and already left. Gosh, that girl is really wrecking my poised. She's a really mean person. I hope I will not meet her again!

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