
Space folding enlightenment part 1

There two Bulettes paths in the city, the inner city bulette and the intercity bulette. The first bulette that Yanga and Alexandria took was the inner city bulette, this one was to take them to the intercity bulette station. When they got to the station Yanga was surprised by how advanced it all was even with Earth's technology they did not hold a candle to this, everything was clean and efficient and there were even some technical things that Yanga could not understand.

Soon they were at the ticket station Yanga was planning to buy a normal ticket but Alexandria did something that Yanga was not expecting she took off 20 low-grade spirit stones to buy two first-class tickets when Yanga asked about it, she said that when her master left she also left her with a lot of money and since she spent all her time at the farm she had not used a single spirit stone and now the was no better time to use it.

Following the direction of the ticket Yanga and Alexandria made it to the first class bulette and the doors opened automatically and the view from inside was not pleasant at all. The bulette cabin was very clean and the floors were made out of precious grade material which gave off a calm and comforting aura, the sits were made out of leather from a Sky Beast Stage beast and had runes set on it to help with cultivating all that one needed to do say to sit and the sits would start improving their cultivation.

With all the wonder and beauty of the bulette, Yanga was furious at the moment, the problem was the gazes of the people in the cabin, they were looking at Yanga and Alexandria as if they were people who were below them, people who had no right to be here and it was a great insult for him and her to even sit in the same bulette cabin with them. The first thing Yanga noticed about these people was that they all wore they say attire to acknowledge the fact that they belonged to the same group.

"The bulette path has truly fallen that they now let in any tom and dick into their fist class bulette, how shameful, even the air itself now smells rotten" This was followed by a lot off sniggers.

Yanga looked at the one who said those words and smiled and said nothing but in his heart, there was a burning flame a desperate need to destroy everything for the first time in this world Yanga wanted to kill someone and killing intent was startingto leak out of him but it was only for a moment sone Yanga was backvto his smiling self.

Alexandria was young and innocent she could not handle the pressure from all the looks in the cabin she was just about to take a step back when a strong hand held her in place and calm voice said to her "Hey don't worry about things that are out of your control, if the is one thing that you must take from this it's that the weak have no rights to live, so steel your heart it's not the ones the rush ahead that win in life but it those with a patient heart that steadily continue running on the path of cultivation, steady and slow wins the race remember that Alex."

Yanga's words were met by a lot of laughter and ridicule but it did not matter to Yanga. Alexandria trusted Yanga and took what he said seriously and the words gave her some courage they walked and found their sits.

Inspired by Yanga's words Alexandria sat down and started cultivating, this showed her talent to be able to get past this so quickly and showed that she had a bright future. Not long after they sat down the bulette started moving and its motion was so smooth that Yanga felt nothing, if not for the view outside the window Yanga would believe that they were still stationary. Soon Yanga felt that the was something in the way the bulette moved, it was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, sometimes like a song that was at the tip of your lips and no matter how you try to remember it you just can't. Soon Yanga was lost in that feeling of trying to remember his lost song and he forgot everything even forgot himself.


Not too far from Yanga and Alexandria sat two people, one young and one old and they were the only ones beside Yanga and Alexandria who did not belong to that big group.

The old man had a smile on his face as he was looking a Yanga and Alexandria and said to the young man beside him.

"What an interesting young man, don't you think so young master"

The young man looked annoyed as he looked at the old man "When you have something to say say it don't start playing one of your boring and stupid games"

The old man laughed like he did not hear the young man next to him "Don't be like that young master I'm just asking a simple question and looking for a simple answer"

"What's interesting about him gaining enlightenment, say what it is you want to say" The young man looked like he wanted to beat up the old man.

"The first interesting thing is the young man's calm and broad mind showing that he has great mature will. But now I am more interested in the enlightenment, can you tell what kind of enlightenment he is having?" asked the old man.

"How can I know that you old bastard no one can know what another person's enlightenment is, this is the reason why no one likes you and they call you the old goat that refuses to die, I will say one more time say what it is you want to say a stop wasting my time" shouted the young. Even with all the shouting their conversation remained private thanks to the old man's power to isolate them from the rest.

"Hahaha you would be right there but that is most of the time with wisdom and a little bit of insight you could spy into the secrets of another's enlightenment"

Sorry for the wait I will try to release more than one chapter a day to make up for all the time I missed, let's continue our journey together

Willow_Tree_Snakecreators' thoughts