
Violet Lightning City

The day to leave finally came and it was a lot sadder than what Yanga wanted to be, Yanga had never been one to say lengthy and emotional goodbyes but things were different now.

The Cage family was saying their goodbyes to Gaia everyone on the farm was there, the was a lot of crying, well wishes, And gifts but Yanga wanted to end this as quickly as possible. Yanga had a lot of mixed feelings at the moment, for all his life Yanga had never felt at home in any place ever since his mother died, and this place changed that in the three months that Yanga was at the Orange Leaf Farm everyone made him feel welcome and at some point, this place becomes home to him and now that he was leaving Yanga was having a lot of big emotions that he could not quite explain so the only solution he knew was to get out of here as quickly as possible.

With all the Goodbyes said and done Gaia finally made her way to Yanga and when she touched Yanga's feet she disappeared from everyone's sight and that started another round of crying but lucky for Yanga time was up if they did not leave now they would not be able to make it to Violet Lighting City in time to enter the gates.

Not too far away from Yang and the rest was something new very cool looking it was like a big speeder that looked train engine but three times bigger and like a train it had a lot of trailers following behind it. This was what they were going to use to go the Violet Lighting City, it's called cargo speeder and it could pull up to 10 million tons while still maintaining its top speed.

The trailers were full of rectangular storage boxes that were made of a special wood that not only increased their space inside but also made it so that all food put in them took about ten times longer to go bad. All the blood cabbages were put in them and the storage boxes to kept them flesh for a long time.

The were nine people going on this trip today Yanga, Ben, Andrew, Alessia, Alexandria Cage, John and Elisa Thomson, Matt and Bernice Greenfield. Since the farm was so far away and a trip to the city cost a lot all the families on the farm had to do their shopping on this trip. With all the people on noard the cargo speeder and with a few buttons, the cargo speeder took off and started cruising nicely at 300 km/h.

The trip took three days of nonstop traveling and by first light on the fourth day, Yanga could see the outline of a magnificent wall. The wall looked as tall as the sky itself and it looked like it would never end. This was called the Wall of Fallen Heroes and it was the last line of defense against the Black Dawn forest many people died defending that wall and many will died im future. Looking at the faces of people on board the cargo speeder Yanga could tell that this wall meant a lot to them it gave them a sense of security knowing that no matter what happens the will always be brave men on that wall ready to give their lives to make sure that nothing got over that wall.

After three days of traveling, they finally made it to Violet Lighting City, looking at the magnificent gate took Yanga's breath away, the South City gate was massive size and had an unbelievable aura, looking at the gate it felt like you were looking at Army of billion strong matching to battle. The site of the gave inspired heroic spirit in all who looked at the Gate. This was the South Jaguar gate.

Entering the city proved to be more challenging than Yanga thought it would be, the city's security was top notch and after long and proper check Yanga was given his identity token. Everyone who enters the city is given an identity token, the token is made out of blood, and it's nearly impossible to fake.

With the token in hand, Yanga walked into the city, this was where their group would split up.

A few years ago an elder of the Everlasting Spring Sect was passing by the farm and she discovered Alexandria Bloodlotus Saint Physic, seeing her talent she took her as a disciple but at the time Alexandria was to young to join the sect so her master taught her a few things before living with a promise to comebback for her. A month ago Alexandria received word from her master telling her come to Violet Lighting City and today is day she is meeting her master and going to the her Sect.

Alexandria was going to meet her master in the central city which is the central one of the five cities. Since Yanga was going to the North city Ben Cage asked if he could take her to central city.

Violet lightning City's public transportation was a marvel, not too far from the gate the was a train station at least that was what Yanga thought it was. But it was called a Bulettes path named after a legendary monster that lived underground and moved by borrowing and creating a network of tunnels. The Bulettes path had many tunnels under the entire Violet Lighting City connecting all five cities and it was the best and cheapest way to travel. Alexandria and Yanga boarded the Bulettes path making their way to central city.