
The First Mana Monarch

Divine magic rules the world, but not when the Mana Monarch rises.

EmeraldRift · Fantasie
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5 Chs

3 Weapon Talents

I awoke and immediately got dressed. Yesterday we got our skills, today we get our weapons. I went over 2 hours early so I could pick up Jessica and explain what the hell happened yesterday. When I knocked on the door her father, Leonard answered and called her down. When she came out a couple of minutes later, the following conversation ensued.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't know what was going on and I needed to think before I could talk about it."

"No worries as long as you promise to tell me what abilities you got."

"The story's very long so can you tell me what you got first?"

She was lucky and got 2 skills, the first was called "Astral Empowerment" making the targets next attack or spell hit enemies without physical form, which was one of the more common spells Senna gave. The other was "Astral Projection" which made a copy of the user's body in a single place, it was hard to control but was very powerful.

"You really can be any class with those skills"

"Ya I'm probably just going to go with whatever weapon I have the most talent in"

It made sense to me, I then told her about my spells and just like mother, she didn't believe me till I made a long stick of fire and shot it up in the air.

As far as limitations there really was only 2, that I could make them into balls or staff, and I could spend 100 mana on a single spell max. When we got to the area for weapon talent test she new about all my abilities and what happened at the shrine.

"You probably shouldn't tell people about that, it's weird. Just say you got Pentos and stick to fireball and flame spear as skills."

She was right. I had failed to think about how long it would take to explain it to everyone, to much of a hassle. So I went up to the table to test my talents. To test your talent with a certain weapon you would strike a dummy with that weapon and if you damage came out above average (average was based on what your stats were.) all of the weapons where lv 5 common ranks, to make sure there was no miscommunication with talent. so Ray went first. Ray was a light skin with short hair and a massive build, even at 6 feet tall he looked larger than he was. Since he had been working on his muscles for years, he knew to pick up a strength or vitality based weapon. Picking up the largest sword he could find ray slammed it into the dummy.

Damage=32 Average=32

The tester said

32 damage in 1 hit with a great sword is very impressive. He must have put a bunch of points into strength already. He then moved to the back of the line. A couple of other kids went before us but when my time came, I decided to pick up the bow as it was mother's talent.

I charged up the bow and fired at the target



Well, I guess not that one. Maybe I just didn't have a weapon talent, it's quite rare but with all the stuff my class and skills give me I really don't need it. Jessica went up with a dagger, got 15/12, so very strong. I went around using the different weapons getting exactly average score on every single one of them. No talents or deficiencies so I guess it was all evened out. I just told everyone I was going to be a pyromancer so I didn't need a weapon. The day was not over yet. We got to go hunting in a dungeon for the first time. The smallest dungeon around here was a lv 5 plain filled with bigger and stronger versions of regular animals like squirrels and bunnies. Only the boss, a bear was actually very dangerous as long as you went in a party. Of course, I wanted to use all 4 elements instead of just fire, so going alone or with just Jessica. That would drag hen down and it would be easier for her to go with a full party, so alone it is. 'Just don't fight the boss, and I'll be fine' I thought. The dungeon was only about 10 minutes away so all 13 of us and a couple of adults walked together. I didn't think my high stats would affect my life except with magic, but my wisdom was really showing as I could already tell what people invested points into by the way they walk. Bruce was carrying a 1 handed sword, but his speed fluctuated meaning his recovery was increased. 'probably a tank.' It reminded me I hadn't used any of my points, but my stats where high anyway so I would use them in necessary or I know what's important. I could tell Jessica had increased her dexterity as her feet moved in better and more consistent patterns. Dexterity would make time go slower in your head than normal, making it necessary for bows aim and daggers hitting presser points. When we arrived, the door was open and ready for us to enter, we couldn't see in it just apart as a green abyss; the green told us it was low level. As soon as we crossed the doors a bright light flashed and an open field appeared in front of us. The sun was probably brighter in here than the one outside in the real world. After lights wore off I could see the grass and the few trees scattered around, if it wasn't for the 3-foot tall squirrels. the only structure around was the large ruins that the empowered black bear lived in. I went forward with Jessica and Laurel, who was 5.8 with straight pitch-black hair and using a 6-foot long great sword.