
Mission Report

Sergeant Rita led them all out of the gymnasium and into a classroom, where the computers had already been brought to the screen for an official mission report.

"I want everything, the General insists on no less than a thousand words, and then you can leave." She announced, and closed the door behind her, leaving Karl and Dana with the bemused special forces team inside.

"So, that's the infamous cousin that you're so afraid of, is it? You know that you're stronger than she is now, and higher ranked, she can't bully you." The team leader joked.

"What does strength have to do with anything? That woman holds a grudge like no other." The man muttered, making his team members smirk.

They had obviously been over this before, though they hadn't met her in person, and the air of friendly camaraderie set Karl and Dana at ease as they sat down to begin their reports.