
Donald The Monk

The Tortollan smiled at Karl, his mouth extending all the way across his head.

"I am Donald, what might your name be, human warrior?" He asked.

"My name is Karl. It's a pleasure to meet you, Donald."

The Tortollan laughed. "You might not be saying that in a minute."

Karl shrugged. "We will see. I just hope that a cracked shell won't leave you in too bad of a condition. From what I remember, snapping turtles don't have a skeleton inside their shell."

The Tortollan looked vaguely insulted at being compared to a common snapping turtle, but he didn't dignify Karl's taunt with a response.

Johann led them to the arena ring, and Morrisa called ten peak Ascended fighters through. 

"If my man loses, I will pay the customary double fee. If not, there is no point in delaying." She insisted.

Johann nodded. "Fine by me. They might as well get started. This fight might take a few minutes."