

Ace ran as fast as he could towards the girl and asked "How did you do that?" "It's none of your business." She replied. "Please, I need to know, I have nothing else worth doing in my life." "If you really want to know the eat this." She gave him an oval shaped cracker with gold patterns across it. As he was told, he ate it. A few seconds later a word appeared above her head: Ability. Beneath Ability it said Physical Overload. "Everyone is born with a special ability, the problem is that no one knows how to activate it or know it even exists." "Then what's my ability?" She looked above my head. "Your ability is.... " She looked at me with pure terror in her eyes. "Y-Your Ability i-is 'Steal' "

"Why do you sound so scared?" "The steal ability let's you steal another person's ability, so pretty much you're overpowered" "There's only 1 other person who had that ability and that was Mondred." "He is one of the four strongest people in the world and he was in a group called the Four Elites." "Later he died fighting Xenos of the Dragon Race." "Dragons Exists?!"

"Of course they exists, but your weak mind might explode if you ever see one." "Wait, what??!!" "If you ever want to learn how to use your ability come with me, Gerald will most likely teach you." "Uh.. okay, who's Gerald?"

"My master." "Okay, I'll go." "Good choice." Before I even know it we were gone. The school was gone, the roads were gone, everything was black, the strange girl wasn't next to me anymore. Then, in the darkness I spot a light, it consumed the darkness and that's when I realize I was floating in the air. "Welcome to Mydril." The girl was next to me smiling at my shell shocked expression.

In front of me was a beautiful landscape full of flowers, lakes, and mountains. My mother would've loved it here. Then I noticed something strange, there were fish in the sky! Fish were flying everywhere in the sky. But the most strangest thing of all was the massive tree in the middle of the landscape. It was enormous, bigger than he could ever imagine. "That is the tree of life, it's existence is what gives us abilities, by harnessing the tree's life and turning it into your own."

"In the past there were millions of these trees but humans started cutting them down until there was only one left." "There's only one reminder that these types of trees grow in the human world and you humans call it the Devil's Tower." (The Devil's Tower is an actual place in the real world and it looks like a tree stump.) " Come on, you wouldn't want to be late to your class." "Yeah." I felt euphoric, I finally found something that I want to do. I found a purpose in life and can't wait to know what I'll find on my journey.

Hi thanks for reading, I'll upload chapters as soon as possible and I'll like to thank you all for reading my book. It means a lot to me and I hope you enjoy.


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