
The Final Countdo3n

SURVIVAL. RESISTANCE. AWAKENING. Yet another boring fiction about the end of Humanity? Really? On the contrary, I would request you to come with Noah, as he embarks on a new adventure. A thrilling roller-coaster ride as he unravels mysteries, gathers news companions and experiences tons of battles. The ultimate goal is to awaken the true potential of humankind and prepare for the upcoming catastrophe. Wait.. what? Humanity ends in 2100? You gotta read to know that for sure.

Az3RoS · Aktion
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46 Chs


The Lofoten map had a landmass covering 80% area. It was basically an island with the sea on all sides. Rivers came down mountains to meet the sea or some had come inland from the sea. On the top-left, there were snowy mountains and caves and on the top-right was an active volcano. The area in between had a frost desert, a sand desert and a black sand desert from left to right. The mountains were followed by hills that led to green pastures. Bottom-left was a swamp area. The right side spanned a barren hill range from the volcano along the edges of the island and ended into the sea. The volcano also had geysers and hot springs. In the bottom-middle, there was a small island connected to the main island with 2 bridges and an underwater tunnel. The middle part of the map was mostly plain land with small plateaus here and there.

Wild beasts were spawned on the map at certain places, even in the rivers and seas. So crossing via rivers and seas was also a risky move. Each one had to pick their drop carefully.

The aircrafts plotted a random route through Lofoten. A total of 5 aircrafts carrying 20 students each, selected at random. Noah and Melv were on different aircrafts. Melv's route was left to right near the bottom, so he landed on the small island Hvar. Noah's aircraft took a route from the bottom-right to the top-left crossing the map diagonally. Noah jumped near the top left.

Most of the map was created from original places that dated back to the 20th century. So the features were quite similar. Most students would land near the middle of the map and try to survive by camping. This way they can secure at least some survival points.

However, if they had grouped together and ganged up on Noah, it would be troublesome for him. Also, knowing Ton, he sure had made some plans for Noah. So Noah had chosen a corner of the map and thought of rotating through the map while collecting loot.

As Noah was landing using the glider, he saw a pristine peak resembling that of a diamond. The peak stood tall in the snowy mountain region symbolizing a heavenly abode. Noah checked his map and the name of the peak was Kailash.

However, it seemed impossible to climb and that was not his goal as well. Noah has to find loot near the foothills of the mountain range and fast. He found a snow shack nearby and entered it. There was an Ontario Blade Knife and bandages at the side of the shack. Noah could not find any protective gear but from a small shack like this, he had no bigger expectations as well.

"It's time to rotate. Have to find some protective gear fast..." he thought to himself.

There was a chill in the air. Noah was shivering without any gear as he crossed the mountains. At a distance, he found a wreck. A crash-landed aircraft from an ancient time. As he approached the aircraft, he saw a muzzle flash.

In an instant, Noah jumped to the left to avoid the incoming bullet. He was quick to process the gunfire. Someone had reached this place earlier than him and noticed him. Noah hid behind a rock and tried to ascertain the position of the opponent. The flash came from behind the aircraft. As Noah tried to look and fix the position, another shot was fired but it missed. Noah hid down again and gripped his knife.

"Damn it. The opponent has a bolt action sniper. But wait. If he is missing that means he has no scope attached." An idea struck Noah. He threw a rock at the right and lifted up the left hand holding the knife. The attacker fired at the rock first and then at the reflecting blade. The bullet grazed Noah and he lost some health.

In this test, the health of every student was fixed at 500 HP, the ATK varied though depending upon their physical abilities. EVO abilities won't work here.

"Almost 2 seconds." Noah figured the time between two shots. Bolt action sniper rifles were single shot with a reload time every shot. So Noah used this method to calculate it.

"Okay." Noah took a deep breath and threw another stone to the side. In a flash, he rushed towards the opponent from the other side. The attacker was also not a fool. He had noticed the last actions of Noah and waited this time. As Noah bolted, the attacker was ready with his shot.

"Bang!" The attacker got a heavy recoil and was held back. He quickly reloaded the gun to fire the second shot. But no one was there. He was sure he hit him. He tried to find the wounded Noah. But what he found was a heavy presence behind his back.

Noah had circled around and caught the attacker from his blindside. He jumped at him with his knife and with a clean stab on the neck ended his opponent. The opponent disintegrated in a puff of smoke and a loot crate was left.

Noah had played some games earlier with Melv and was quite clear about the process. He was not harming any individual in reality. He had been firm about this in his mind.

Noah quickly checked for any painkillers or medkit. He had been hit on the leg by the sniper bullet. The guy had some useful loot. There was a painkiller, a stun grenade, a snow kevlar vest and a helmet, along with the sniper rifle, Kar98k having 13 bullets left. He also had a card.

Noah immediately used the painkiller and the bandages he had found earlier to heal up. His health was almost full again. Now he started checking the card. "Mission Card! Great!"

A mission card was an event card randomly spawned with the loot. If one completes the mission criteria, then that person will get mission rewards, which is better loot than normal spawns.

Noah was delighted to see the mission card.

Mission Criteria -

Kill Goblins - 20

Kill Trolls - 5

Kill Ice Troll - 1

Noah equipped the loot collected and was about to leave when he received a notification.

"A party invitation notification has been received. Do you accept - Yes/No", sounded the Holo device. Every student received a Holo Device for better operability of menu items, system settings, notifications and inventory. Noah checked the name of the student who had invited him. It was none other than Melv.

A party was the ability to team up with other students on the fly. Party members can't kill each other, that is until the last zone where all parties were disbanded, this being an individual exam. They can also share their positions and resources. Also, certain missions were easier in a party.

"Yes", uttered Noah.

"What took you so long. Were you thinking about accepting a party with me? You might be at the top of the last round. But I am no joke as well." Melv continued to blabber.

"Will you stop it? Tell me where you landed?" Noah replied.

"Check on your map. As we are in a party, we can see each other on the map."

"Hvar. You are on the other side of the map. I am near the top edge."

"Are you still in the safe zone?"

"Yes. Most of the land is in the safe zone for now including my area. But I don't know how it will shift in the next zone. But we still have 30 minutes before the first zone starts. So we will move accordingly. There will be a bridge block in your area, don't use it for now."

"Okay, dude. Did you get any loot? I got some crazy loot here."

"Ya, I got some."

"Check my kill points, man. Haha... I took down 2 fools, they were clueless after landing. I popped their heads with a PeaceKeyPur Shotgun. Kaboom."

"Good for you. Let's not waste time and rotate."

"Okay see ya when I see ya."

Noah disconnected the chat and looked around. "Back to work then."

He checked the map and arrived at the mission location. It was nearby and around a cave.

"So 20 goblins. Only 13 bullets in the rifle. I will need it for later. The knife will do for now."

Noah held the knife in Reverse Knife Grip Edge Out Technique and waited for the goblins to come out. He waited a while but there was no goblin. He checked the mission again and there was a small note. Lure the goblins out of the cave. "Wait! Lure them? How? Nope, won't enter the cave blind." Noah thought of ways, but he did not have anything to use as a lure.

In the meantime, one goblin came out speaking some unknown language. Noah's eyes sparkled as he had thought of a plan. Noah held his Sniper rifle and aimed at the goblin's leg. The goblin fell down hurt but it did not die. In fear, it ran towards the cave. The injured goblin was the lure Noah had planned. Within seconds, a gang of goblins had rushed out of the cave carrying blunt and rusty melee weapons. They started speaking their language as if cursing someone.

Noah picked up the one closest to him and rushed at it. He swiftly slit the throat of the goblin and approached another. Goblins are not known for their intelligence but their numbers. Before they could understand what hit them, Noah used swift movements to land hit after hit.

"10 goblins down, 10 left." As the first wave of 10 goblins disintegrated, another 9 came out with the injured one. These goblins were sticking together unlike the previous ones.

"It will be tough to attack all of them together," Noah whispered to himself. He searched his inventory and found a stun grenade. It is better to use it now.

Noah hurled the stun grenade towards the gang of goblins.

"Boom!" and the stun grenade burst. The effect was to create confusion and disarray. The goblins had lost their senses for 5 seconds. Enough time for Noah to finish them off completely.

The only one left alive was the injured goblin whom Noah shot at the beginning. He approached the goblin with his knife. The goblin was frightened to his very core. Noah came closer and uttered, "Booh!" With a loud cry, the goblin ran towards the cave. After the goblins, it would be the Trolls and it was a hassle to lure them. So Noah used the injured goblin again.

The injured goblin came back with the Trolls, 5 of them. The Trolls were larger in size than the goblins and had a wooden club in their hands. One blow would take away a portion of Noah's life. So he carefully picked his spot earlier, at the side of the cave entrance.

Noah jumped at one of the Trolls and stabbed the knife in its eyes and slit its throat. He then quickly stabbed another one in the femur and slit its thigh muscle open. It shrieked in pain and threw Noah away. The other 3 charged at him. Noah swiftly fell back. As 2 of the Trolls approached him, he dodged between their legs and targeted the farthest one. Noah cut through its ankle and as the Troll fell down, he stabbed it in the heart. The Troll disintegrated.

Next was the one injured in the thigh and bleeding. Noah circled around and attacked it. Stab on the neck to finish it. The other 2 trolls swung the club at him as he rolled away. Noah was gasping for breath. He had to take down these 2 trolls fast, they seemed almost in sync and their club attacks were getting stronger.

Noah stepped on the club of one Troll and climbed up to his neck. Seeing an approaching attack from the other Troll he jumped back. The attack hit the Troll in the face as it fell down. Noah quickly stabbed the one that attacked, as there was a delay in its response. Only one left was the one hit on the face by the approaching club. It was lying on the ground in pain when it felt a shadow. As it looked upwards a knife came at it.

Disintegrated. All Trolls finished. One injured goblin left.

"One last time please", smiled Noah. The injured goblin got creeped out at the smile and ran towards the cave. It came back with the Ice Troll, the boss monster. The Ice Troll seemed a lot stronger than the normal Trolls and was covered in ice. It had a huge club in its hand. The knife will not penetrate its skin.

Noah didn't waste a single moment. He picked up his Kar98k and shot the Ice Troll in the head. There was no effect. It was standing as if nothing happened. The Ice Troll slowly turned at Noah and gave a loud roar. It ran towards Noah and attacked with its club. Noah dodged somehow and shot the Ice Troll in the head once again. Nothing happened again. Not even a scratch.

Noah kept firing the bullets at its head after dodging. He was also grazed once or twice that took away some of his HP. 9 bullets hit the same spot every time. Finally, after 11 bullets fired on the same spot, there was a crack. Noah has only a single bullet left to penetrate it. The Ice Troll immediately covered his head with one hand and waved his club with the other. But Noah has to create an opening.

Noah rushed at the Ice Troll, who attacked Noah with the club. He slid below the club swing and arrived at the foot of the troll. The Troll had no choice but to smash Noah with his other hand. As soon as the hand moved from its head, Noah fired. This shot had penetrated the crack and the bullet came out of the other side. Job done. The Ice Troll disintegrated. Noah stood up. He seemed to forget something.

A blunt rusty arrow flew and hit Noah on the arm. Noah turned and it was the injured goblin. It was shivering in fear after it had launched the arrow from its crossbow.

"Well. It's time to say goodbye." Noah threw the knife, which penetrated its skull. "Bull's eye!"

A message popped.

Mission Completed. Please check your rewards.

As Noah was about to check it, an alert sounded.

Warning! Natural Disaster Avalanche triggered in your area! Warning!

Noah looked at the map and a disaster zone had started in his area. "20 seconds. It will start in 20 seconds." Noah didn't have time to check the rewards. He selected all and stored them in the inventory. He had to run. If he gets caught up in the Natural Disaster, it's over for him. Noah started running to get out of the ND Zone. But the avalanche came sooner than expected.

A rapid flow of snow came down the snowy mountains. It swept anything and everything in its path, including Noah who got trapped in it.
