
The Fated mates

The enmity between the Redmoon pack and Silvermoon pack has been going on for over a century now. The war was expected to end or at least subside after both Alpha's find out that they were fated to be mates but to everyone's surprise, the opposite happens. Kira and Damien hate each other, so much so that they will never accept that they're fated to be together and will fight against their fate. Damien already has who he loves and is unwilling to let her go for a nonchalant, hothead that happens to also happen to be an enemy. Kira, as much as she always wished to meet her mate, hates the thought of ever being with an arrogant and rude man like Alpha Damien and to top it off, he's the enemy. They're always brought together by one thing or the other. Can they really fight their fate and stay as enemies or will their fate ge

DaoistpaI7jP · sci-fi
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25 Chs

Chapter 7

onlooker." Draco pointed out as soon as he noticed the Greymoon Alpha approaching them.

"I hear he's a good ally though so try as much as possible to be polite Damien but toss the bastard away once he talks out of line." Olivia advised quickly. She was known to be the better strategist of the group which is why she got the position of being the third in command.

"Noted." Damien replied simply and soon enough as predicted, the Greymoon Alpha, Alpha Aaron, approaches with a smug look on his face.

"Hello there, young men!" He greets in a loud tone that irritates Damien a little too much.

"Lovely evening, Alpha Aaron." He replied, trying as much as he could to contain his disgust.

"Aren't you a little too young to call me by my name son?" Aaron replied, unhappy with the fact that a young lad had audaciously called him by his name.

"Excuse me? What else should I call you then?" Damien asked, genuinely confused on why this was even a topic of conversation.

"Hold on, weren't you taught manners in your pack son? Only a fellow Alpha has the right to address another Aloha by his name! A young man like you should have been taught how to show respect for your elders." He responded with so much pride and audacity that immediately pissed Damien off.

"Sorry to interrupt Sir but I think you haven't been properly introduced yet..." Draco attempts to speak up but is immediately cut short by an upset Aaron.

"I can already tell that you boys were not taught on how to properly respect an Alpha. Let me guess, you are from the Silvermoon pack, am I right? It's no wonder then. I've never known a well brought up lad from your pack and everyone knows just how unbearable you people are. Who in the world let you into such a prestigious event?" He hissed and just when Damien was about to lose his patience with him, Olivia chimed in.

"Alpha Simon did sir because this young man right here is the Alpha of the Silvermoon pack that you just rudely disrespected with the excuse of trying to make a point and with all due respect sir, just like you had mentioned earlier, only an Alpha should call another Alpha by his name which means that he has every right to call you by your name and you have absolutely no right to demand respect from him when you do not give the same respect to him and to his pack." Olivia blurted out, nothing bothering to hide her anger and her intense disgust.

"He's an Alpha?" Aaron exclaimed in shock, as his eyes grew slightly wider and his jaw dropped lower. He had heard about young Alphas but never had he actually met one. He didn't believe anyone less than thirty years of age should be given the position of an Alpha as he didn't believe they'd be ready to take on such a great responsibility.

"Yes he is Alpha Damien and beside him is his Beta Draco and I am his third in command, Olivia, which means all three of us are very much allowed to be here." She fired back fiercely.

Aaron suddenly felt embarrassed that he had ended up getting insulted by three children who weren't even half his age. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, thinking of the best way he could walk out without embarrassing himself any further.

"I'll take back what I said about the Silvermoon pack because I don't wish to seem disrespectful but here's a little advice young lad, having a woman speak on your behalf is quite embarrassing, I must say. If you wish to be respected as an Alpha and you don't want to get looked down on as a child, make sure you address people yourself and do not allow an ordinary third in command to do all the talking. If you'll excuse me, have a good evening." Aaron replied with a smug look on his face that infuriated all three of them.

"Oh, if this wasn't a public event, I would have torn that old piece of garbage apart with my fucking claws. How the fuck does his pack survive with him around?" Olivia hissed furiously, glaring daggers at Aaron's retreating figure.

"Let's ignore the sicko. At least we know now that he is nothing but an airhead and an alliance with him is a complete waste of our time. I can't even imagine dealing with him again." Draco spoke up but Damien still said nothing. Although he was furious, he decided against reacting to avoid getting triggered to the point where he might end up causing a scene. He already expected to be disrespected so nothing about anything that just happened surprised him too much.

"Damien, you good?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah sure Oli, I'm good. Let's just keep moving till all of this is over." He replied and they both nod in agreement, following Damien closely from behind as he decided to mingle around with less disrespectful Alphas.


Layla left Kira temporarily in the hands of Alpha Leena, another female in attendance. They both seemed to have clicked since they weren't that many female Alphas and since most of the men preferred to interact with only the males, Kira and Leena in one way ended up bumping into each other while walking around and they haven't stopped chit chatting and Layla couldn't be more proud.

Marco on the other hand had decided to move around and say hello to a few of his old friends and also make new ones since it seemed most of the men kept avoiding the female Alphas for weird reasons best known to them.

Layla had moved a bit more, inspecting each and every face in the room and thankful that at least the Silvermoon pack Alpha did not show up. She had hoped that she wouldn't have to clash with that bastard, especially not on Kira's first day as an Alpha.

Her gratitude is soon cut short when her six senses picks up the ever familiar scent of a Silvermoon member and when she traces the scent further, she's met with the presence of an already aware Olivia and immediately, they both growl internally.

Gradually, everyone started to notice the glaring that was going on between both ladies and whispers and gossip immediately started to fly since there was no pack who wasn't aware of the life threatening enmity between both packs.

"You better walk away, old lady!" Olivia snapped with her eyes not leaving Layla for even a second.

"I see you people still have no manners. Why am I not surprised?" Layla hissed a reply, wishing so terribly that she could shift and teach the brat in front of her a lesson.

Kira and Leena noticed the atmosphere in the room had suddenly changed and when she started to pay attention to what could be happening, she heard the waiters mention her pack name and she immediately got worried.

She quickly excuses herself from Leena to go find Marco, who was also already heading her way.

"What's happening uncle?" She asked.

"It's the Silvermoon pack, they're here." Marco informed her and she immediately felt frustrated. The last thing she wanted was running into them and creating a scene, especially not on her first day as the Alpha.

"Tell auntie I said not to do anything that'll lead to any kind of altercation. We're getting out of here as soon as possible." She is instructed and Marco immediately attempts to communicate with Layla through a mind link.

Damien and Draco noticed the sudden distraction and they both sigh in frustration when they realise that Olivia had run into the enemy.

"Couldn't she have just walked away?" Draco wondered out loud as both he and Damien made their way to where she was.

"Are you just knowing how much of a hothead your girlfriend is?" Damien asked, as he wasn't exactly surprised by Olivia. All he planned to do was get her and get out as fighting was the very last thing on his mind.

Both Damien and Kira alongside their Betas head towards their third in command who hadn't stopped glaring at each other.



They both call out at the same time and as soon as people realised that both Alphas had come face to face, their breath seized as they expected a war to break out but something completely unexpected happened instead.

"Mate." Damien and Kira mutter as soon as both their eyes meet and they both stand still with wide eyes as realisation of both their words slowly dawns on them, taking the entire room by surprise.