
The Fan(GL)

This story is about two women who always found and loved each other in every lifetime but not meant to be together. This story is about two people who fell in love at the wrong time and opportunity. It is the love of two women named Freen Sarocha, a servant and Rebecca Armstrong, daughter of a noble foreigner. Their love was not accepted and understood by the people in the 16th century that brought them to disaster and death. But even death cannot stop their love because it not only overflows in their hearts but also in the depths of their souls. This is because of the red thread that binds their souls that no matter what happens at any time they will still find each other. But this connection is just a part of Freen's life to teach her a lesson that until she overcomes it will just happen again and again in a cycle. Just like she would repeatedly see her beloved Rebecca die in her arms in every timeline. But the last time Freen died, she found a way choosing to live in the opposite situation, is this the time that she can finally change the course of their story? A/N This is a freenbeck fanfic story this is my first time doing a fanfic. I just can't get over yet with this two so I decided to write a fanfic.

Maryflor · LGBT+
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55 Chs

The Offer

"A GL movie? " Becky was shocked to what her handler told them about this new project the management is giving her.

Rebecca Patricia Armstrong is an actress and a singer here in Thailand but not that active in showbiz because she focus more on her studies. She was taking her studies in England because they originally live there because it was her father's country.

"That's the reason I personally came here to talk to you, especially your parents to discuss and ask for their permission about this project." Mr. Saint explained while she and her family were still shocked by what he was offering her.

"Our daughter is at the right age to make decisions for herself, we are here to support her as long as it doesn't harm her, we put our full trust in her." Rebecca's father answered to what Mr. Saint said. While her mom was just nodding as he talk to Mr. Saint. You can see their love for each as they were holding hands and her mom lean her head to her Dad's shoulder.

She always admire her parents love for each other. She wish she could find a love like her parents have for each other they may come from different race and have language barrier but it didn't stop them from loving each other and that is so beautiful and Inspiring to witness such love. She was looking up to their for each other.

"Becky?" Mr. Saint cut her off from her thoughts.

"Yes?" She said blanky, lost to what they were talking about earlier.

''If that's the case then we won't have a problem. Here's the script, read it and memorize it to get started and I'll talk to Freen so you can prepare for the workshop on what strategy you'll take so that you can play your characters properly so that you'll feel comfortable on the shoot just in case.'' Mr. Saint said not minding the frowning face of Becky.

''Wait, I didn't say I agreed to this ye-'' Wait , whut?

''What did you say again? Freen Sarocha the superstar is in the movie?'' She clarified what he said just now.

''Yes. Freen Sarocha is your partner as the lead characters in this story. She is your girlfriend in the story.'' Her eyes widened at what he said. Is he kidding me? She thought.

"No. I am not accepting this project you must find another actor for this project." I need to decline the offer I can't do it. She thought.

"It's a shame, the writer of the novel strictly requested that you and Freen play the roles of the main characters otherwise the movie would not happen." She was shocked again by what Mr. Saint revealed.

"Why?" She ask confuse.

''Because the story of the novel is about you and Freen and not only that, this novel is the talk of the nitezens today. It has already been made into a manhua version which made the people following this story even more crazy.'' Mr. Saint Excitedly talk about this Novel that made Becky a lil' bit curious. While her family is in awe listening to Mr. Saint.

Is that how popular that story is? But why would a writer make such a story about us and Freen? What's really in that story that made people this crazy? Becky has gone more curious.

''I didn't know that there was that kind of story that became very popular here in Thailand, especially about the love between two women.'' She honestly answered because she really have no idea about it. And when she heard how accepting people are to LGBTQ+ here, her heart felt happy.

''That's where you're wrong. Because it's not only here in Thailand but all over the world. Its the talk all over the world can you imagine? And the chosen leading characters in this fanfic are you and Freen, you are very lucky. Will you still refuse? In the amount of fanfic that was made about Freen, people enjoyed your pairing. '' She was speechless to what she just heard from him.

Even her family was just listening to him .They've just came back here in Thailand and first thing they learn is this . How did the people came up with this idea ? Am I that obvious? But no one knows yet about my preference. Becky thought.

Am I being forced to get out of my closet and its Freen Sarocha of all the people. She panicked she is not yet ready.

''This movie will be big because many people helped petition to make the novel into a movie. And because of our agency you are both under the company and also because of the pressure given by the people, we were forced to consider this project.'' Mr. Saint continued.

''But doesn't Freen Sarocha have a new series? And her partner there is her boyfriend who is her long term loveteam Blew Worrapon Jintakoson? My sister might look bad if that happens and create a clash with their loveteam's fans and the fans of the novel.'' A bitter smile formed in Becky's lips upon hearing what his brother said but she immediately hid it. How could she forget about that. She felt upset but choose to ignore it.

She always does that and had gotten use to it through time. Thinking its the right thing to do. Especially when an specific memory of rejection is annoyingly visiting her.

I am young and dumb it will not happen again, She convince herself.

Her older brother is quite protective. After all, they are just two siblings and he even said that she is the princess of the family. And he will protect her as long as he lives.

''You didn't know?'' Mr. Saint ask her that made her frown.

''I didn't know what Mr. Saint?'' She ask confuse to what he was saying.

''So, Freen didn't told you? I thought you were close?'' Mr. Saint continued to confused the hell out of her.

''I-ahm, ah, w-we kind of don't talk to each other that much..anymore.'' She awkwardly said scratching her nape. She bet he is the one who doesn't have clue about them.

Her and Freen used to be close but she had to move away and deal with the changes in her life while Freen was having fun with the new people in her life and maybe she has forgotten her by now as Becky always thought after losing contact with Freen for almost five years. Freen has come a long way in her career, while she have already completed her studies in law. They are different people now far from before.

''Oh. What a waste the two of you are inseparable .I thought you were okay. What happened if you don't mind me asking?'' Mr. Saint seemed sad about this but who wouldn't ? Everybody loves their friendship they were like soulmates.

''We grew up , separately. That's what happened.'' She answered him with all honesty.

''What's about Freen?'' She said curious about what he was saying earlier.

Mr. Saint Cross his legs and adjust his self in the single couch .

Becky's family are looking intently in his direction while Becky was just statically waiting for what he was about to say that concerns Freen.

''Freen and Blew is not a thing anymore and the series has been cancelled because of Blew's scandal with another girl.'' Mr. Saint nonchalantly.

''What?'' Her family said in unison Freen is like a family to them it pained their heart hearing such thing happen to Freen.

''He cheated.'' Mr. Saint simplified it.

''Freen caught him and his slut on their bed room in his condo unit.'' Mr. Saint continued while looking at his finger nails.

Becky look down and smiled bitterly but quickly hid it and didn't say a word and remained compose after all that Mr. Saint Revealed to them.

''What?'' She ask confuse when her family was now looking at her direction with accusing look she just give them an stoic look.

Its not her fault she chose an asshole guy over their friendship. She thought .

She is not gonna go there and baby sit her , she's old enough for that .

''You should at least ask her if she was okay?'' Her mom said putting her hand over Becky's hand which is place in her lap . Becky look down to her mom's hand over hers and again smiled bitterly her heart aches but again she ignored it. She lifted her head and look in to her moms eyes it was full of concern while Becky's eyes is full of hidden emotions.

''So, what do you think? Will you accept the offer or will we just bury the hope of your fans in a deep hole.'' Mister Saint took their attention again to bring them back to his true purpose of coming here.

''Can the movie cover the scandal and the issues that Freen and Blew are going through now? This is the whole purpose of this project right? '' Becky expose him by disclosing the real purpose of the agency to accept a project like this.

Mr. Saint's eyes went wide to what Becky just said .

''Cat got your tongue?'' Becky continued and give him a side smirk.

Blew's grandfather is a cunning businessman in showbiz industry he won't let his grandson go to trash like that.

He is doing this so that Freen's career will go down instead of his grandson being ruined because of his stupidity.

It might be a good novel and a popular one there is always difference doing it in movie its a risky situation for an actor to accept it.

And a superstar like her especially yelling straightness to the world making such a role in the middle of her break up is such an insult and Becky can't do that to her.

Despite of all the things Freen did to her in the past she is still not letting it happen. And how dare them use her as a tool to Freen's downfall.

It will either be watched just because of the erotic part , it may come out so cliche and people will have less interest to that movie or worst if they won't be able to portray the character well, people will just make fun of them.

And roles likes this are just once in a lifetime opportunity that might make you or beak you.

This is one of her toxic traits she always overthinks and analyze almost everything. Who could blame her she's a lawyer.

Becky smiled and shook her head as she got up from her chair that made Mr. Saint do the same .

''So?'' Mr. Saint ask again.

Becky smiled to him and she eye him gesturing to take a walk to the main door with her and he obliged and they stopped at the door and she opened the door for him. Becky's family was just watching them from the living room.

He look at her confuse before let himself out.

She was about to close the door when Mr. Saint spoke again.'' She already accepted it. She said you might accept it , if I told you this I hope this message will help you decide.''

Of course she's gonna do that Becky thought

She frustratedly close her eyes. She massage the bridge of her nose and open her eyes again then look back to Mr. Saint who is now teasingly smiling at her he looks cute doing that while his hands are on the pocket of his trouser matching his white polo shirt. He then get a card in his pocket and put it in between his index and middle finger he started playing with it by flipping it in his fingers.

The card stop flipping when a beautiful slender fingers catch and clipped it and Becky finally pull that card from Mr. Saint's hold.

''I'll call you.'' Becky said and left Mr. Saint outside their bungalow house and finally close the door in Mr. Saint's face which hurt his nose that made him standing there for a few seconds feeling the pain in his nose tip.

When he finally recovers he turn around and walk towards a black Audi a4 parked few feet hidden from the house point of view.

Mr. Saint opened the passenger's seat and seat himself in the car

He look at the rear view mirror and there you can see a lady with black silky hair sitting at the back seat wearing a black cap and black polo shirt. Her arms are crossed while looking at the house direction where Mr. Saint came from. Only her nose part down to her chin is visible because the cap was covering the upper part of her face.

''She said she'd call me.'' Mr. Saint said looking outside.

The lady at the back tried to stop herself from smiling but failed.

She notice Mr. Saint was looking at her from the rear view that made her quickly change her face in to stoic face and straightened herself and cleared her throat then look away.

''D-drive.'' She said stuttering.

And the driver started driving car away from the place.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I would really appreciate it.

I'm sorry for the errors and the grammar if see it kindly correct me ;)

I'm not an expert please correct me that would be a big help.

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