
The Fallen Punisher

Kayden, a young prosecutor, has lived his whole life trying to fit in and be a model citizen. However, when the Awakening arrived and unleashed the mana across the Earth, Kayden lost everything. He then decides to break free from the cage of morals that he himself had created. Thus, in a world teeming with uncertainty, Kayden embraces the Trials, a series of perilous challenges that push participants to the brink of death in their relentless pursuit of glory and treasures. At the same time, he begins to have dreams about a desolate wasteland, where an ancient palace stands in ruins, still guarded by an eerie black gate. Determined to find the answers he seeks in the chaos of his new reality, Kayden embarks on the path of cultivation, gradually unraveling a web of lies and schemes covering the whole existence. Follow Kayden on his journey to the top, which will shake the foundations of the universe.

WritingLegion · Fantasie
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50 Chs


Each step brought Kayden deeper into the thicket of trees, where nature's symphony played in the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds.

His senses heightened, attuned to the subtlest of sounds and movements.

The forest seemed alive, whispering secrets and challenges only known to those who ventured within.

With every stride, Kayden's eyes scanned the surroundings, seeking signs of life.

He moved cautiously, his footfalls silent on the carpet of fallen leaves. The undergrowth brushes against his legs, leaving traces of moisture and dew on his skin.

As he pressed forward, the forest embraced him, cocooning him in its embrace. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the canopy, creating an ever-shifting mosaic of light and shadow.

The silence was broken only by the distant birds and the occasional rustle of small creatures going away.

As Kayden advanced with smooth steps, nerves increased inside him.

Like the vast majority of the Earth's population, he had never killed a living being, except for those tiny insects such as ants or mosquitoes.

From the moment he resolved to reach the pinnacle of the cultivation society, free of the constraints of others dictating his actions, he knew it could be a journey filled with blood and sacrifice.

Yet, he could not stop his heart from racing at the thought of hunting.

'I can't be scared of killing an animal, this is just the previous step of the real challenge,' Kayden told himself, knowing that this was merely a stepping stone to the true challenges that lay ahead.

After several minutes of cautious advancement, Kayden's ears caught the sound of moving water. He halted abruptly, his senses guiding him toward the source. Carefully, he closed the distance, his steps purposeful and silent.

Amidst the endless trees, a majestic adult deer with sprawling antlers stood out, quenching its thirst at a small creek.

Narrowing his eyes, a surge of determination flowed through Kayden as he set his sights on his prey before he started to move toward the deer with silent steps, cautious not to alert it.

His fingers wrapped firmly around the hilt of the sword, feeling its weight and balance. The worn grip pressed against his palm while the blade glinted faintly in the filtered sunlight.

Step by step, the meters between them shrank, and Kayden tensed his arm as he prepared to strike.

Although he still was about ten meters away from the deer, his enhanced physical capabilities made him able to cross the space between them in a couple of seconds.

But just when Kayden was about to move toward the deer and unleash his attack, the deer's senses kicked in, causing it to flee as fast as it could after sensing the imminent danger.

With a sudden burst of speed, it bolted away, leaving Kayden with a wince of frustration etched on his face.

Seeing that the attack had failed, Kayden sprinted after the fleeing deer, his enhanced speed propelling him through the forest with astonishing swiftness. He chased the graceful creature, the thrill of the pursuit coursing through his veins.

For the ordinary human, catching up with a deer fleeing through a forest was a simply impossible task.

Nonetheless, Kayden was no longer an ordinary human. With more than sixty nodes unlocked, his speed was stunning, allowing him to gradually close the distance between his prey and himself.

Eventually, he caught up with the deer, instantly unleashing a precise slash with the sword.

The deer let out a piercing cry as the blade found its mark, tearing into its side. Blood spilled forth, staining the verdant grass with a dark crimson hue.

Desperate to escape, the wounded deer struggled to continue its flight, but its movements grew weaker with each passing moment. Eventually, it succumbed to the inevitable, collapsing to the forest floor.

With slightly accelerated breathing, Kayden approached the fallen deer, delivering a swift blow to the back of the deer's head, as he ended its suffering while preserving the integrity of its meat.

When the adrenaline of the moment finally faded, Kayden stared at the ground as he was immersed in thought, unable to understand his own emotions.

Standing there, surrounded by the solemn stillness of the forest, Kayden found himself immersed in a whirlwind of thoughts. Contrary to his expectations, he felt no remorse after killing the animal. He knew it should not be this way, yet he could not fake his emotions.

Killing the animal had been an efficient task, devoid of the anticipated emotional weight. It felt akin to completing a mundane chore, like walking the dog or grocery shopping.

Gradually, a sense of guilt crept in. However, it was not for the act of taking a life, but guilt born from his lack of remorse after killing the deer. He could not comprehend why he did not feel the expected turmoil.

At that moment, his emotions mirrored those he had experienced after ruthlessly defeating Grayson and his henchmen in the base's gym.

Kayden knew that he would eventually get used to killing animals or even persons, but it made no sense to him not to feel anything after killing the first one.

Lost in contemplation, something changed inside his mind after thinking rationally about it. "This isn't the earthling society anymore," Kayden murmured, a hint of defiance in his voice. "Why should I be afraid of not feeling guilt after ending a life?"

As he pondered, a newfound clarity began to emerge. Kayden realized that he did not need to be burdened by societal expectations or the weight of conventional morality.

The world after the Awakening was a world far removed from the world he once knew, where survival was paramount and strength reigned supreme. Accepting his true nature meant embracing the ruthless nature of his cultivation journey.

With a sense of liberation as if he had escaped from shackles, his mind settled, and a resolute determination took hold. He may not have fully accepted his true nature, but the path to his goal became slightly more visible.

Amidst this introspection, a subtle shift in the air caught Kayden's attention. His skin bristled, sending an instinctual shiver down his spine as he felt how death loomed over him.