
Winter - Part. II

"Thank you, your ma- Winter! You are stunning too."

"I know I am, honey," wow now I know from where Kai inherited his extra huge self-esteem.

"Did Kai inherited anything from his dad?" she started laughing like it was the biggest joke in the world.

"Oh, honey I hear this a lot. We're similar, aren't we? And yeah, he is reckless like his father. Not just reckless, but sarcastic, childish... well his personality, he inherited from Chad. Except, of course, for his ego. This, thank gods, he inherited from me."

Too much information I shouldn't know. "So, did you want to talk to me or something?" she scanned me with her green eyes, so similar to her son's that surprised me, in a bad way and I hated.

"I wanted to meet you in person, honey. You're here with my babies now, I needed to know if you were a good person and all," babies?

"Do you consider the whole inner circle part of your family then?"

"Oh, I do. Except for Sammie who's very older than me, the others are like my children," why she's so sweet? I don't want to like her, but she makes everything difficult. "All of them liked you, even my son who is always cautious around strangers, liked you."

He is cautious around strangers? Is this a joke? I was the cautious one when we met. He wasn't cautious at all. "I hope this is a good thing," she didn't change the look on her eyes, but a thin smile appeared on her full lips.

"That's my line, honey. Cuz I do hope this be a good thing. But well, at first sight, they were right. You have the air of a good person but on the other hand, we cannot read your thoughts or control your mind, so you're more prone to lying than any of us. And this is the dangerous fact of your presence here, do you understand, honey?"

"I do. But I can't do anything about it, once I was born this way," I spoke calmly cuz she had a good point.

" I know, honey. Sammie already told me that. Now I'm curious to know how my son and the inner circle will break the spell your parents cast on you."

"So you know about that too..."

"I do! It was very interesting to know that, cuz I met your parents, you know... on the battlefield," wow. "Sammie fight by my side and she had a crush on your father," what the-