
The Fae Witch

Fantasy Romance
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  • 42 Kaps
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What is The Fae Witch

Lesen Sie den Roman The Fae Witch des Autors AnnGuslavia, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.A common goal.A crossed fate.A deep and undeniable connection.A which with deep scars in her soul and heart, who run away from her ghosts and isolated herself from civilization so no one could harm he...


A common goal. A crossed fate. A deep and undeniable connection. A which with deep scars in her soul and heart, who run away from her ghosts and isolated herself from civilization so no one could harm her. A fae male with stronger principles who never consider himself when it comes to dangerous situations and helps the ones he loves the most. They came together to save all the races from a threat of darkness that was spreading across the continent, but they will see that, in the end, that was just the little push of the Gods to determine the end Of their stories. (Cover by Tiana Lambent)

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