
Winter - Part I

I woke up a little scared to see a woman in front of me. She appears to have my age but being a fae I don't have any idea how old she could be. She's taller than me, almost as tall as Samantha, has black hair just like me, but her eyes are in a shade of green similar to Kai's and she's using an elegant silver mermaid dress. Did I forget to mention the slim crown in her head?

Gods don't tell it's the queen.

"I see you're awake, honey," she's sweeter than I thought.

"I'm sorry... who the hell are you exactly, and how did you enter here?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Winter," as the season? "Mm- I am the queen."

What the-

"I mean, the previous queen," she said when she saw my face then a smile appeared on her lips. That smile... damn it, she is Kai's mom. "My son is one hundred percent single, just for your concern."

"Okay, good for him," why is she smiling at me like this? Just like that bastard. "I'm sorry, I'm still trying to get used to living around real people again."

"Don't you worry, honey! So what's your name?"

She looks just like a girl in her 20's, it's hard to believe that she is Kai's mother. "I thought you already knew it, but it's Avain, your majesty."

"Just call me Winter, honey," she came over and sat at the end of the bed.

"Call me Ava, then."

"I like calling you "honey". It's okay for you?"

"Oh, yes. Be free to call me the way you preferred," I said with a calm smile this time.

"You're not as savage as he said," what a sincerity.

"Are you talking about that bast- Kai?"

"Yeah," she laughs.

"I already told him, that when the moment demands, I know how to behave politely, or kind of.

"And you're really pretty, mmm. I thought they were exaggerating, but you are a rare diamond, the witch's beauty always surprises me. From your black curly hair and your light blue eyes to your light skin and your height. Your parents were inspired when they made you, mmm," oh my god, is she talking about this?