
The King - Part. II

"Oh my gods, are you afraid of a cutie thing like this? Are serious, Kai?"

He teased laughing hard and out loud.

"You, the serious guy who every outsider fear, is afraid of a ferret. My gods, a FERRET!"

He was almost crying with laughter.

"Damn, you such a baby boy, Kai."

"Gods help me, he'll never forget this. Thanks to you, little witch."

I laughed at him again.

"Tell me it's a girl!"

Exclaimed a blond fae male that entered the room. Taller like the other two, with golden skin like Kai and dark eyes.

"Wow, thank gods. And she is hot!"

Are all of them so sincere like this?

"I'm Boyd. It's a pleasure to meet you, darling."

"If I was you, I wouldn't call her that, it's a trigger."

Kai warned him.

"I'm sorry, princess, I didn't know."

The blondie boy said to me.

"Thanks for the compliment, blondie."

"How it was there, golden boy?"

Blondie asked Kai.

"She's savage, like weapons, love stew of snakes, snakes that she hunts, and had a little monster as a pet."

A good resume.

"What monster?"

He searched around until his eyes met with Bakaashi.

"What the heck is this?"

Okay, another baby boy afraid.

"I see that you're not the only one who's afraid of Bakaashi, fae boy."

He rolled his eyes, still far from me and Bakaashi.

"What a cutie."

Exclaimed a girl, ignoring me and running straight for Bakaashi.

"I want one. Let me hold him, please, please, please, please-"

I put him in her arms and finally, she saw me.

"Damn, I knew it was going to be a witch. And gods, you're so beautiful, girl."

She said still petting Bakaashi.

"I'm always stunned by the witches' supernatural beauty, but you surpass their limits, girl. I think I'm in love, if you're into girls, I'm here for you baby."

She's a little taller than me, with red and wavy hair, dark blue eyes, white skin, and full lips.

"You're gorgeous too. And I'm sorry, I'm into boys. But if this change I'll go to you."

She smiled wickedly at the boys and then gave me a sweet smile.

"You guys are so lucky."

She said to them.

"But, well I'll always be here for you girl. By the way, I'm Maelli."

"She won't tell her name yet."

Boyd said.

"I think her name is Anna."

"You're wrong too."

I said with a smile.

"She looks like Ella because it's a very pretty one."

Maelli said.

"It's really beautiful. So, there're more than two or three people?"

"Three. Two females and one male."

Kai explained.

I don't know if that's good or bad.