
The King - Part. I

Kai just let me enjoy the view for a few moments before he opens another portal the takes us directly to the castle.

Well, he called a castle, but I would call a big wooded house with seven floors.

It's strangely comfortable, but the most strange thing is that I feel like I was at home.

I felt strangely safe.

Not that I would ever say it out loud or demonstrate it in my face.

"So, this is the private residence."

He told me.

"There is more than four similar at this one in the Kingdom."

"It's comfortable, I wouldn't call it a castle."

He smiled.

"Well, the King called this place The Castle. He likes comfortable things. And this place he loves with all his heart. There's a subfloor but it is a training place, and I mean the whole floor."

"That's so cool."

I said looking amused by the place.

"So where's your perfect King, anyway?"

"I was with you, do you think I know where that bastard is?"

"You're his whore aren't you?"

I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Kai? Are you at home?"

Asked a male voice in a high tone, which even made me startle.

"And here we go... this is one of the six bastards I mentioned before."

He explained to me, before turning in the direction of the fae male voice.

"Yes, Ryusei I am here!"

"Did you find the person in the forest? I sense a strange smell, sweet, looks like a witch, but at the same time it doesn't."

His voice was nearby this time.

"Yes, I found the person. It's indeed a witch, but a different one. Could you come here at once dumbass?"

The fae male appears in the same second, his gaze was in me right after and I scanned him too.

He's a little taller than Kai, but with white skin unlike Kai who has golden skin, his hair is also curly black but it's long, and his eyes are pink.

"Shit, you're hot as hell."

My cheeks blushed in the same second.

Damn, he's way too sincere.

"Thank you? You're hot too."

Kai looked pissed and Ryusei smiled wickedly at him.

"I'm Ryusei like Kai said. You are?"

I look at Kai and Ryusei again.

"I won't tell my name yet, okay?!"

"I like a mystery. You look like someone named Freya."

Not at all.

"Nope. Beautiful hunch, but you're wrong. So, you're a fae male?"

"Mhm, technically yes. I'm a hybrid of werewolf and fae actually."


"That's awesome."

He looked at Bakaashi and came close to pet him.

"Did you know the fae boy right here is afraid of cute Ferrets?"

Kai looked mortified and I laughed.

"This dumbass is the worst person you should've said that to, little witch."

He said slapping his hand on his forehead.