
The Halfbreed - Part. III

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure your dad was only a witch male?" what kinda question is that?

"I don't understand. Are you suggesting that he was some kind of hybrid or something?"

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting. To be honest, your smell is similar to Kakoi's one," bullshit.

"I have nothing in common with that shitty King," I said on the defensive.

"Calm down, sweetheart. Hear me out first," I look at him. "He smells like a hybrid of witch and fae. That's what I'm saying. Your smell's similar to his, but it's more from a witch than a hybrid. Even talking about a hybrid of witches and other races, a male witch is rare."

"You're right," Samantha affirm.

"So, what am I asking is, are you sure your father wasn't a hybrid, like Kakoi?"

"I cannot speak with one hundred percent for sure, but as far as I can remember, dad was normal. I don't recall him acting strangely on full moons. Fangs, and bloodthirst. Or he having ponty ears like you guys. And if he was something else, wouldn't I inherit this?"

"Her father was a powerful witch male, Golden boy, he could have used a spell to hide his hybrid heritage. Her mother was also a powerful witch, she could have done this. As well as having used forbidden magic on her daughter to hide from everyone and herself, what she inherited from her father," explained Samantha as I looked at her surprised.

"So you met my parents!"

["And your grandparents, little one. Why do think I called you a rare piece of cake before, baby girl?"]

Her voice sounded in my mind, shit.

["But this being your life and your family, after all, I won't tell them if you don't ask me to. About your grandparents, I mean."]

I took a deep breath.

"That's just an observation, little one," she said so the others could hear.

"Did you met them, Sam?" asked Kai.

"Kind of."