
The Halfbreed - Part. II

A few moments after that, they start to laugh with me.

"Gods- I can't believe you made something so stupid to make her go out with you, damn it, I wish I was there to see this happening," he rolled his eyes and I laughed again. "Why couldn't you just ask her out, you stupid bastard?"

"She's kinda scary," he simply said.

"Both of you are kinda scary, that's not a good point," I pointed. "Now," I turned to her direction, "that was a good story. And it's a good explanation for your position."

"Right?" she smiles at me. "So, I also hate the Witch's Forest just like you do."

"Oh, I remember two things I wanted to ask you," I said looking at his intense green eyes. "When we finished this- mhm, mission, can you let me handle with the Witch Queen and with the Albtraum King?" he bit his lips and share a look with Samantha.

"Baby girl, I am the one who's going to handle that bitch Queen," she spoke calmly. "But knowing your connection with that shitty Queen, I'll let you solve the problems you have with her before I finish it. That's okay for you?"

"It is, thank you."

"I was going to handle that bastard, but you can handle him with me, I think both of us have unresolved issues with that fucking king. What do you think?" I knew he had personal issues with him.

"That's good for me."

"Then it is solved. Now that is something I want to ask you, sweetheart," the way he said-

"What it is?" I asked defensively and I hated the way a smile appeared on the right corner of his lips.

"What your father was, exactly?" oh.

"He was what we call Wizard. A witch male."

"That explains a lot. But not all. Even if you're the first witch to ever born from a witch and a witch male, it wouldn't explain your smell," what?