
Quarrelsome Child - Part. III

"By the gods," he starts laughing at me. "Are you really afraid of heights?"

"Stop being such a child, Golden boy," Samantha said and he looked at her.

"Oh, come on, she laughed at me because I don't like that horrible beast she calls Bakaashi, now it's my turn."

"Shit, she has the power to make you look like a fucking child, like anyone else, Kai," whispered Ryusei holding himself back from laughing.

"Shut your mouth, wolf boy."

"Look at him, on the defensive, such a cute child."

"How can you be such an annoying puppy?"

"It's better than be such a baby boy, right?"

"Both of you look like a child!" I yelled at them. "What do you have? Five years mentally? Are you guys a King and a Captain of an army?"

"When you see them in action, you will see how they're in front of a threat," said Maelli. "But here, with us and with the people on Mondstadt, they're really like two children. I think all the boys here are like this. And Naomi."

"Why me?"

"Because you act like them most of the time," she said with a mocking smile.

"But you act just like me."

"Oh, shut up you both. All of you are like a bunch of kids. So, Ava, in the end, I'm the responsible one here. And I think this not going to change with you here because apparently, you act like a quarrelsome child towards Kai and like a normal idiot kid towards the other five," Samantha said sincerely.

"You kinda right," I said with a little smile. "So, which wraths do you guys have?" I asked with an anxious smile.