
Quarrelsome Child - Part. II

"It's not such a rare thing as you think," completed Naomi. "But as we live for a long time, it takes a painfully long time to appear and sometimes you don't even notice. Of course, it does not appear for everyone, but it is not that rare."

"Your parents, for example, had the soulbond. As well as Kai's parents, Kai's younger brother, and Kakoi's parents," explained Samantha.

"You have a younger brother?"

"Is that the only thing you've heard?" he asked me with a mocking smile on his lips.

"You bastard, it's just that I thought you were an only child."

"Yes, I have a little brother. He's the actual King of the Night Kingdom, once he marries Julliet, the heir of the throne. I also have another little sister, she's the youngest of the three of us. And like Sam already said, Natën and Julliet are souls bonded."

"I wish I had a sister, but well, I'm cool being an only child too. And I cannot imagine you being an older brother, poor kids," Ryusei and Sam started laughing.

"Hahaha, you're so funny," he said but with a little smile on his lips.

"So, you were saying that it's an awesome and rare thing," I said looking at Naomi. "And we know I don't have this... soulbond. It must be another way for to me cross this gate, right?"

"Well, no. If you do it, you will certainly die," Samantha said, looking at my eyes. "But I can search for another way to break the spell. It won't be easy, but I'll try."

"Thank you. If you needed my help, just say it."

"I won't. If you just start your training with Kai and the other three boys here, you'll be already helping. Cuz you need to be stronger, Ava. Oh-" she starts laughing, "and just for the record, your dad had white wings. Angelical wings, it was his shapeshifter thing. All of the faes had some peculiarities like him."

"Are you kidding? You're really talking about my dad?"

"I am. If we can break the spell your parents cast on you, you will probably have white wings like him. And don't forget the elongated and sharp canines characteristic of the fae," she looked at Kai, still mocking me. "This will be amazing."

"I'm just one-third fae, right? Maybe I won't have wings," I spoke a little exasperated.

"You're not afraid of heights, right?" asked Kai with a smug smile. "Because it's just heights, nothing to be afraid of."

"Shut up!"