
Quarrelsome Child - Part. I

"So he was a hybrid?"

"He was indeed a hybrid of fae and witch!" what the- "And powerful. Hybrids are always powerful, but he was incredibly powerful. Her mother was a pure witch, but a high-ranked one, so she was very powerful like I said. That's why Avain is so unique like this."

"I knew it!" he exclaimed almost... happy?

"This doesn't make sense. If dad was a hybrid of fae and witch, he should have pointy ears. And being his daughter, I should have pointy ears as well."

"As I've said before, they must have used some kind of spell on him, and on you," she spoke as if it were the most common thing in the world, and it is not.

"They wouldn't do that with me!" I yelled.

"Oh girl, they would if it was to protect you. Remember that you guys lived in Kakoi's kingdom, and what he hates more than witches? Yes, hybrids like him! And you are kind of a hybrid. Not a pure hybrid, If you got me, but being your father's daughter, you're like one-third fae and two-thirds witch," I swallowed hard.

"Can we do something to break this spell?" I asked looking at her and she looked at Kai right after.

"She could cross the gate," gate? What gate?

"Are you crazy?" he yelled at her. "She isn't strong enough to cross the gate. And she doesn't have a bond to hold her soul in her body. It would be the same as sending her to her death."

"Come on, Golden boy. You could-" he cut her.

"Don't!" what is happening?

"What is it? If this could break the spell, I'll do it," he looked worried.

"You can't, sweetheart! At least not yet. And like I've said, you don't have a bond."

"What bond? What is this?"

"He's talking about a soulbond, Ava," Maelli said calmly.

"A soulbond...? you mean that unbreakable and strong rare thing between couples or something like that?"

"How could you refer to it with such casualness?" Boyd said laughing.

"The soulbond it's something that almost everyone dreams of having, Ava. It's when destiny purposefully crosses your path with someone else's, it's when you meet the person who completes you and who is similar to you, an unbreakable bond that crosses the limits of time, impossible to escape," said Koji with a dreaming air.