
Pinky Eyes - Part. II

["Hahaha, you little horny boy. What did you eat?"]

["A goat. It was delicious, but I'm still hungry."]

["You're always hungry, Lume. How is everything there? Mama Vulkan it's okay?"]

["She hates when you call her Vulkan, and you know that."]

["But she's the best mama ever, and when she's angry, she acts like a volcano. So, Vulkan suits her."]

["Hahaha, your lucky she didn't hear that. But, hey, are you okay there? With those faes?"]

["For now, I'm fine."]

["Did you meet the king?"]

["Oh, I did. He's a hot fae male, but it's a bastard. And did you believe he lied to me when we first met? Like, gods damn it, he was the one who found me in that forest. I acted like a savage animal and I was rude. Not that he didn't deserve it, but anyway, he's annoying like hell too. And his inner circle is made of a bunch of crazy faes and a freaking scary witch. A witch who had met my parents when they were alive!"] he gasps with shock.

["My gods, so the king is hot hm?"]

["That's all you've heard? You stupid fire boy."]

["Ih come on, I'm just messing with you. And what the hell, what about this witch? Is she powerful? What is she doing in his inner circle by the way?"]

["If she's powerful? Oh, she is, and she seems to be way more dangerous than Kai. And I don't think she liked me. She thinks I'm lying about something. She's the one I should be more careful with. The second would be Kai, one hundred percent. And the third his mother, Winter, she looks innocent but she isn't."]

["Kai is the king's name? It suits a hot guy,"] oh my... he never changes. ["What is the witch's name, by the way?"]

["Well, she said it was Samantha!"]

["Samantha? I'll research anything about her with my mom. You know how freaking older she is, she should probably know something about this witch. Two questions about it: Does she agree with the Witch Queen? And how does she looks like?"]

["No, she doesn't agree with the queen, she hates her, just like me. And about her appearance, she has white and long straight hair, red eyes, full lips, white skin, a curved body, and is also taller than me."]

["You witches and your unbelievable beauty. And Ava, if anyone tries to hurt you, just call out our bond and I'll fly as fast as possible to you!"]

["Thank you, Lume. Now I have to go, she's staring at me."]



["Shit,"] yeah, shit.

His presence disappeared from my mind and I turned the page of the book in my hands, before turning my attention to Samantha who was looking straight at me with curious and suspicious eyes. "What? Did you lost something on my face?"

"What are you doing, Avain?" what does she mean by that?