
Painful Past - Part. III

So yeah, I refused my race.

I hate my kind, but I also hate the nobles and royals of the Albtraum Kingdom.

Those ridiculous faes who think that they are superiors to peasants, to people who only had one wrath, to people who have to work to be stronger, to people who weren't born great, to people who don't have money, to orphans and other races.

I don't have family cuz those bastards killed them.

But I didn't let the desire of getting revenge win against my principles.

I'll never forgive them, even if the Gods or the devils do it, I'll never be able to forget and forgive the ones who did this.

I don't like most of the humans, neither the witches and wizards nor the faes who are arrogant as fuck and act like they're were the most powerful and superior race of all.

But when it comes to the other races I'm neutral.

The only races I like are the dwarves and the fairies, well at least I still like them.

I lived in the Dusk Kingdom since mom died, but none of them know about my existence, thank Gods.

Since it's kinda forbidden to witches live in fae territory, I can only pray that they never find me here, but if this happens, I'll be ready to fight cuz I know that I would never lose.

And since they don't know I'm here, I was the one who built my treehouse in the forest, I'm the one who hunts down my food and everything else.

I train hard my body every day, I'm always training with my Kanata which was a present from my dad to my mom, and I train to gain more and more control of my wraths.

No one knows when one of those prickly kingdoms will start another war, and I'll have to choose a side.

Or when someone will find me here and try to kill me.

But I'm 100% prepared for it, doesn't matter what will come first.