
Mondstadt - Part. IV

"Doesn't matter. Now, how the hell we'll go to the capital? This will take years."

"Don't be so exaggerated, little one."

I rolled my eyes and he smiled.

"So, one of my wraths is spatial wrath. I can create dimensional portals to places I've visited."

"Oh gods, this is so cool. It makes everything easier. Now I understand why your King keeps you near."

I tease laughing.

"You're like his bitch and his transport."

"Damn... how old are you? 12?"

I rolled my eyes.

"This won't work big one, I won't tell you my age."

"Big one?"

I laughed at his expression.

"Well you call me little one, so I called you a big one, cuz damn you're like, 25 or 30 centimeters taller than me. You faes are tall as hell."

"You're still a giant in front of the dwarves."

He's bad at jokes.

"This was supposed to be a joke?"

"Okay, we're losing time."


He pointed to the wall with his open hand and soon a dimensional portal opened, showing a city between two snowy mountains, with a night sky full of stars and an icy breeze in the air.

He turned to look at me and smiled.

"Don't worry, it's safe."

He offered me his hand and I take it, with Nacht on the right side of my waist and holding Bakaashi tight with my free arm.

I looked at my treehouse one last time and then we go through the portal.

"Welcome to Mondstadt, the capital of the kingdom, little witch."