
Mondstadt - Part. III

"Are you planning on taking my stew with us?"

He agreed with a gesture.

"Are you considering taking my savage stew of snake to the Royal Capital?"

I provoked.

"This won't work with me, darling."

My heart raced.

"Don't call me that, please."

"Why not?"

He provoked.

"My mom called me like that."

I said before even thinking.

I automatically cover my lips with my right hand when I noticed what I'd just said.

"You don't have to be sad about it, little one. Be happy cuz you had the chance of meeting her and living with her. You have memories with her. Just think about the good moments, like she calling you darling."

That wasn't actually the truth, but the lie escaped from my lips before I could even think about it, but he doesn't need to know that.

The sincerity in his voice made me feel something I don't even want to think about it, and it wasn't guilty.

"You don't have to thank me for saying this."

I clean my treehouse fastest than I thought, I give him the capped bowl with the stew and I just took my Kanata and Bakaashi my male ferret who was sleeping in my bed.

"What is this little creature?"

He asked startled and took a few steps away from us, I start to laugh out loud and he looked at me, pissed off.

"Are truly scared of a little ferret?"

I asked him laughing hard.

Bakaashi woke up and look at him with his little red eyes.

"How do you live with such a creature?"

I couldn't stop laughing at him.

"He should be scared of you, not the opposite, I just can't believe you're afraid of this little one."

"Hahaha, so funny..."

He's pissed off, oh my gods.

"You're not bringing this creature with us."

"If he doesn't come, I won't go."

"Ugh... just let the snakes eat him, he must be delicious."

I widened my eyes without believing that he had said that.

"I'm kidding. I'm not evil like this. But don't bring him too close, please."

"This creature has a name your stupid Fae. It's Bakaashi."

"You're the worst person in the world to pick a name, damn."


"Fuck you! This name's cute."

He rolled his eyes and teased me.

"Your concept of cute is very disturbed."