
Mondstadt - Part. II

"You must go back with me to the capital. There we'll reunite with the other six bastards, then we'll tell you what's happening in our continent. So, will you come back with me?"

I sense a second intention in his voice, but I ignored it.

"I'll meet your king? If I could meet him and discover by myself that he is what you said he is, I'll agree to go with you."

He gave me a childish smile.

"You don't even have to ask me something like this. Your meeting with the king of the Dusk Kingdom it's probably a doing of fate."


"I don't really believe in fate, but if this is a yes, then I'll go with you."

"Now please, call me Kai, little witch."

Why he's like this.

"Kai Little Witch? That's a good name."

I laugh at him.

"But my home-"

"No one will find this place, little witch. Don't worry about something like this."

Something like this?

"I know that this doesn't look much comfortable for someone like you, who lives between nobles and royals, someone who's close to a freaking king. But this is my home, I built this from zero, so you can think it's ridiculous, but I love this place."

You can joke about me, but not about my little house, this is precious for me.

"And I must tell you now that I kinda forgot how to interact with people and be civilized, and I had the problem of saying what I think. If you still want to take me with you, you must be aware of this."

I warned him.

"Don't worry, little witch. And I said that referring to your concern for your home, I was not snubbing it. Also, I already know that you're kinda savage."

He said with a smile like this was funny.

"Can you promise me one thing?"


"It's simple. Can you promise that you'll tell the king your name?"

That was my time to laugh.

"I'm not that savage, Kai!"

He raised his eyebrows still smiling.

"He's a king. Of course, I'll tell him my name. Just one, cuz in our world whole names have great power. You sure know about it. I don't even have to promise something like this."

"I'll feel more comfortable if you promise."

He's as stubborn as me.


"Okay! I promise that I'll tell your king my name."

He gave me a calm smile and stand on his feet.

"I already told you that I'm a bastard."

What an idiot.

"So, can you put what left of the stew of snake and vegetables in a bowl, please?"