
Mondstadt - Part. I

"Don't take me wrong, but he is the most perfect person on the whole continent, and I'm not the only one who thinks this. He's powerful as fuck, incredibly beautiful, he loves his people with all his heart, he's kind with who deserves his kindness, but he's dangerous as hell to the ones that messed up with his people and with his family."

Is he... in love with the king?

"And he also loves being a king, ruling his people, he dreamed of a beautiful civilization where this shit you mentioned wouldn't happen, and well, isn't 100% complete yet, but it's on the right road."

He spoke seriously and convinced, without fear of showing how deeply he trusts his king.

Not only deeply trust this king, he clearly is in love with him.

"You must know him well."


He laughed.

"I know that bastard more than anyone."

Maybe he's his boyfriend or something like that.

"He looks incredible, but honestly, it's almost impossible to believe a king like this exists."

"It's difficult to believe that a person so incredible and perfect like the king exists. I know, I know."

I laughed.

"So why the hell you need me? You have your wraths and you have your perfect king."

"That's funny. But the king cannot do this by himself, even if this is what that bastard wants to do."


"We need powerful people. You're, apparently, the most powerful after the king and me."

"I'm not."

"You are."

The crazy fae male insisted.

"For real. Your soulgic is ridiculously huge. I was stunned when I saw that shit. I love to know other wraths, cuz it's incredible the possibility of meeting someone with different powers, don't you agree?"

I noticed the calm and dreamy air looking into your green eyes.

"Yeah. When I used to interact with citizens, I always liked to meet people that had differents wraths them my own."

"Exactly. That's why I asked if one of your wraths were the wrath of fire. That's cool. One of my wraths is the wrath of ice. I can naturally read minds and manipulate them, it's something I inherited from my parents."

So he had another four different wraths, damn, he really is a monster.

"This is two different wraths, fae boy, it's the wrath of telekinesis and the wrath of telepathy."

"But I think this doesn't count to my race, once all the powerful faes can read minds. But just a few can control them, it's a really rare thing."

He explained to me.

"Oh okay, this makes sense. I almost forgot that it's a little different for each one of the races. So, what do you want me to do?"

He froze for an instant, but then he returned to normal and looked into my eyes once again with those green eyes ridiculously beautiful.