
Danger in Sight - Part. IV

"You are smart. But no. I'm just telling the truth. The fact that we can lie, doesn't mean that we're liars, skittish little girl. I can lie, but I don't have the necessity for it."

Oh, gods... I think I reached a weak point.

"If you won't kill me, get the hell away from me then."

I said, still pointing Nacht at his face.

"I could get away from here, but what can I say? I don't want to."

Why the hell is he smiling at me?

"Stop being a creepy, fae boy. Stop talking bullshit. Stop smiling at me as you know me. Stop doing this shit."

His face took on a contemplative expression, and I also hated it.

"You're also not falling in my Fae charm. That's so awesome, I've never met someone with this ability. It's like you're immune to me, that is indeed a really interesting fact, little witch. Can I call you that?"

"Don't call me a witch."

I growled.

His face took on a curious but almost sadistic expression.

I don't like it.

I think there's nothing on him that I like.

Every-fucking-thing scream as dangerous as hell.

"So, you don't like witches. This is curious. Why do you hate your race, little witch?"

Is this son of a bitch teasing me?

"Stop that. I don't like the way you talk. I don't like your smell. I don't like you. You're dangerous, I can sense it, I'm not afraid at all, but I don't like that. So get the hell away from me. Stop talking. Just, go!"

"Yes, I'm dangerous, but this is just a fact. Every fae is naturally dangerous. And I already told you that I don't wanna go. Why are you acting like this? We do not kill witches in this kingdom, I don't know how the fuck you didn't know that, but we don't kill witches. So get this shit away from my face, please. The fact that you're not afraid, it's what makes you more interesting, dear."

Why does he talk like this?

I hated.

"But everyone said they killed witches here, this is a fact."

His face took on a murderous expression.

"You're from that kingdom, aren't you? The Albtraum Kingdom. There's the only place that said this bullshit. They said that so the witches will prefer to live there than here, so then he can kill them eventually. We don't kill witches in the Dusk Kingdom, so stop talking shit."

The hate in his voice was undeniable.

"I'm indeed from that shitty kingdom. But I left when I was sixteen years, and I live here ever since."

"So, you hate the Witches Forest and the Albtraum Kingdom. Normally people just hate one of them, but you aren't normal. This is a good thing before you say something rude. I'll assume that your mom was killed by them, since she was a witch, right?"

I didn't say anything and he took this as an answer.

"I'm sorry about that. That bastard is a freaking witch boy and killed almost all the witches in his kingdom for pleasure. He disgusts me."

That I can see in his face.

Maybe he has a personal conflict with that bastard, which would be believable.

He was so tense that the static energy around us was almost palpable.