
Danger in Sight - Part. I

I was hunting some snakes to make a stew with the vegetables I found, on the west side of the forest near the lake when I sense a dangerous smell.

Sweet but addictive, mixed with a bit of sweat and a touch of that metallic smell of blood.

Away too dangerous.

At the same moment, I sense a presence nearby.

A fae male.

I run away, trying to reach the treehouse the faster I could.

I just pick two snakes, but it'll hold well until tomorrow dusk.

I'm a nocturnal person, cuz the moon it's my favorite thing in the world and I don't work well in sunlight.

But this isn't a big difference living here, once the faes are nocturnal people. I'm liking or not, this is their territory, they know this better than me.

Even if just a little bit better.

Now I think I'm safe.

That bastard won't reach here.

I climb the tree in a faster way, then I locked the door with something I've made three years ago and I'd put the dead snakes in the cauldron, which already was with water and the vegetables.

And then, using my wrath of fire, I started to cook my precious stew.

In the beginning, it was kinda hard to get used to cooking snakes, squirrels, and rabbits.

Once in the deers and the moose are in the part of the forest that it's near the civilization, to my unhappiness.

But I grew accustomed and now the stew of snakes and vegetables are my favorite.

I was startled by the sound of breaking branches near the treehouse.

How the hell did I not notice someone approaching?

Gods damn it.