
"This is yours, Avain" - Part. III

"Damn, I hate you."

"I know! So, let's go, there are just more than five floors," just?

We spent the rest of the time in absolute and agonizing silence until we finally reached the top floor. I followed him until we were in front of a huge wooden double door, he took a key from the right pocket of his pants and opened the doors with it. "And this," he said looking from the huge room to me, "is your new room. I hope you liked it. You can decorate it however you want. This is yours, Avain."

The intensity in his voice when speaking the last sentence made it impossible to not look into his beautiful-green-fucking-eyes. "I loved, thank you, Kai."

"I thought you wouldn't thank me again too soon," he teased with a sweet smile on his lips, remembering what I've said before.

"Shut up and don't you dare get used to it! Like I've said to you in the forest, I am not that savage. I do know how to portrait myself in certain moments, fae boy."

"It's good to know that!"

"Mm-hm. So... you can go now, I'm already in my room."

"Yeah- you are. So I'm gonna go now. See you later, Sweetheart," and with that, he turned around and go back to the stairs, opening a dimensional portal that takes him to the room where we were before and vanished inside of it. What a big bastard he is. We could have come up here in a second, but no, he wanted to make me climb all the freaking-stairs. I took a deep breath and entered the room, bringing the key with me and locking the double doors right afterward.

"Well well, Avain, what the hell are you doing in this place?" I questioned myself. I can easily say that I don't fit here. In civilization, I mean. Maybe it's because I spend a long time living like a savage and primitive animal, just like Kai pointed. But still, I must be careful to not mistreat Kai in front of others that aren't part of his inner circle, because well, liking or not, he is the 'freaking-perfect-king' of this kingdom and his people love him.

After spending time discovering everything in the bedroom, I decided to take a shower. When I walked into the bathroom I found a note written in elegant and beautiful letters, which was not here before when I first looked. How the hell did he get here? Magic, most likely. And this ridiculously-beautiful letter can only be Kai's, this I know for sure.

[Before you used our cold water, try the hot one. It's relaxing, you will be surprised. So.. just give it a try. ─ The most perfect king you will ever meet.]

What a narcissist bastard. But well... what can I say? He was right, the hot water was ridiculously relaxing, I didn't felt overheated like always and this was what surprised me. Of course, I'll never say this out loud. If they ask me about it, I'm just going to say that I bathe with the cold one.