
"Is this poisoned?" - Part. III

"I knew you would thought that. But no, little witch, I'm not from the nobility."

He simply said and I felt the tension in my muscles disappear.

"But you work with them."

I affirm.

"Mm-hmm, technically yes. So, could you tell me why do you hate nobles and royals?"

I bit my lip.

"Isn't obvious? They're people who think that they are superior to peasants, to people who only had one wrath, to people who have to work hard to be stronger, to people who weren't born great, to people who don't have money, to orphans and other races in general."

Passing my hands through my dark hair, I took a deep breath and continued.

"They think that just because they are nobles or royals, their word is the law, they can rule in the lives of others. But none of them care about the people who had nothing, money, wraths, or social status. They're all a bunch of scumbags cuz they don't give a fuck about the people who live in their kingdom. And I hate this."

He was staring at me with an intense and contemplative gaze.

"I agreed with you about this, but you have to know that this isn't the case here in the Dusk Kingdom, little witch. You may think like this cuz you lived in the territory of the kingdom, but you never really interacted with any citizen. If you had, you would notice how different our kingdom is compared to all the others."

The fae saw the disbelief in my eyes and said:

"The people here are genuinely happy and in peace. Well, at least they were-"

He pressed his lips frustrated.

"Until this shit starts to happen, now not just the faes but the other races are afraid. But the point is, this isn't the case here if you agree to help me, you will discover this by yourself."

"And why this wouldn't be the case here? What's the difference?"

I asked indignantly.

"Our king!"

His green eyes shining, showing how much he believes in this king.