
"Is this poisoned?" - Part. II

"I have six wraths, it's a little rare, but it helps me a lot."

A signal blew in my mind with the information, screaming 'he's fucking dangerous, get away from him right now' again, and I moved away from him a little.

"You're with that savage look in your eyes again."

He said restlessly.

"Who are you, truly?"

I asked him, without taking my eyes off his.

"Oh Gods, I was waiting for this question. But I won't answer it yet. So, I feel something powerful coming from you. Could you tell me how much wraths do you have, dear?"

A shiver spread down my spine and I returned to the defensive.

"Oh come on, we're far from this road, don't come back there."

I clenched my teeth and he noticed.

"So... it's four or five, right?"

This bastard-

"What the hell do you want with me?"

"I need you!"

Why the hell my heart raced?

Am I a teenager?

"What did you say? Are you crazy?"

He smiled.

"There's some dark shit happening with all the races, and I want to stop this before it messed with everything irreversibly. But, unfortunately, I cannot do this alone."

"You bastard! You were searching for me? You already knew what I was and that I was here?"

I stand on my feet trying to control my feelings.

"Calm down little witch, the only thing I knew, is that in this area lived someone with one of the most stronger soulgics in the whole kingdom. I didn't know if it was a woman or a man if it was a fae, a witch, a werewolf, a fairy, or whatever. But when I was nearby I sense a ridiculous good smell of something that looked like a witch, but I knew it couldn't be just a simple witch."

"How did you know all of this?"

I asked on the defensive but I saw that he was uncomfortable with the question.

"We had a magical device that can show all the soulgics in the kingdom. If we extend the reach, we can see the soulgics on the whole continent. That's how I found you."

I noticed that this was something he didn't want to tell me.

"Excuse me, are you a fucking noble?"

He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.