
"If I want to be around you and pissed you off, I certainly will" - Part. II

"What is it?"

"It's just that when you said that you had conditions, we thought you were going to make impossible requests or something like that. But in the end, you asked for simple things. Really simple things. We're just surprised. It's almost funny," oh.

"Is that a good thing?" they smile again.

"It's just.. how can I say? You are accustomed to really simple things. Like, all you asked we're already going to give to you, cuz are things that everyone needs. I'm just curious about the fact that you asked for cold water," commented Naomi.

"Oh-? It's just that one of my wraths is the wrath of fire. This makes my body always be overheated, I'm always burning. When I found cold water in the forest, I ended up boiling it while showering. As ironic as it sounds, I love the winter more than the other seasons, cuz It's always cold and everything."

"With me, it's the complete opposite, except that the winter is also my favorite season," Kai said. Something I already knew. "Now talking about your requests, I was already providing all of that for you. And a lot more. Also, I'll pay you for working with us, just as I pay all of these bastards."

"You don't need to pay me, you stupid asshole."

"I love the way you talk to him," hummed Ryusei.

"Shut up, wolfie boy," he looked at me surprised, and I laugh. "And again, I don't need payment! So don't even bother yourself with it. You're the King, after all, you must have more important things to do, things where you can expend your money on, than with me."

"Yes, I am indeed the King. And that's why I can choose what to do, so if I want to be around you and pissed you off, I certainly will," and then the bastard laughed. I hate it when he does this. "Oh, about the money... Naomi already made a count for you in my personal bank, this bank it's also where the money of all of those six bastards are. You don't even need to spend it if you don't want to. But I'll still pay you, cuz you're working with me now. Working with us. Oh, and I doubt that when you know the city, you won't want to buy things for yourself."