
The Eye Of The Moon Plan

Erik Saltzman was a young man, a normal student who spent his time studying and playing games. Enjoying his time with his family, annoying his little sister, singing songs and much more. His life was plain and simple but he didn't have any complaints with it. He was happy with what he had. Unfortunately, his simple life came to an end when he died at a young age of 17, courtesy of [Truck Association]. Upon his death, instead of finding peace, his soul was abducted by an Outer-God. The dangerously powerful entity was able to "convince" Erik Saltzman soul about the world being riddled with pain and agony. He asked Erik if he wanted to end this "Cycle of Eternal Damnation". Outer God:- I will grant you strength, to end this all, no more suffering and everyone will be happy. Erik:- What is the price? True Paradise is just a fantasy which can't be achieved no matter what you do. Outer God:- It is true that a thing such as True Paradise can only be dreamt of but what if we change the reality into a dream? After all, everything is possible in a never-ending dream. Erik:- What do you propose? Outer-God:- To create a True Paradise, you must first make the "Impossible" into something "Possible". Erik:- Swapping reality with an everlasting dream..? Outer-God:- The "Eye Of The Moon Plan" Erik:- Madara wasn't able to succeed, and I don't need to tell you about his capabilities. What makes you think that I would succeed in doing something that he couldn't? Outer-God:- Firstly, You aren't affected by Plot-armour and secondly, you don't blindly believe in anything, you're caution and decision making sets you apart the rest. Erik:- Hm...How do you propose to even start this "Plan for Salvation"? Outer-God:- You will be sent to a dream world, [Irregular at Magic High school]. You will need to successfully put everyone in that world into a dream. That world is heading towards its destruction, so begin from there first. Erik:-Irregular world? You do know the danger that infests that world right? Not to mention the broken protagonist and his sister, how am I even supposed to survive there? Outer-God:- That where I come in, I will grant you a few abilities which shall help you in your endeavour. Erik:- Hmm..... Outer-God:- You would ask about your family? How they are? Erik:- Unfortunately, I can no longer affect that world and from my observation, you too can't....otherwise you would have chosen someone with a higher success rate. Outer-God:- On-point observation indeed. Erik:- I can only pray for them to have a happy life and move on. Outer-God:-Indeed... ----------------------------------------------------------- •Cover:-Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint. •Release rate:-4 chapters worth 1000 words per week. [We have created a server °•The Coffee Shop•° with the intent to help authors find a well-organized server where they don't have to worry about creating multiple channels and handle the server. The idea for this server is similar to Ink store but this is more of a joint-server which welcomes more authors to join. Discord link:-https://discord.gg/WXHTGQN]

Legendary_Person · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter-4: Copying [Rebirth] pt-1

(Tatsuya's P.O.V)

Today at 4:00 p.m on Thursday, we received information about the existence of one of the major bases of [No Head Dragon] within our country, the folder contained information about one of their researchers who was heavily involved in experimenting on humans.

We were despatched and assigned a mission to successfully infiltrate the base and capture the researcher alive if possible.

The Major had tasked us with this mission to measure the effectiveness of the new prototype of [Covert Mobile Suit] which was specially designed for infiltration and assassination.

We were given a stealth copper to silently approach the coordinates of the enemy base, everything seemed to be going according to the plan, no unexpected attacks, nothing.

Unfortunately, as it seemed like this mission wouldn't be so easy to follow through.

Just as we neared before coordinates, our target suddenly exploded in an explosion. Fire burning everything in the eastern portion while debris just seemed to fly every.

The automatic force-field of the copper negated the shockwave as we continued forward, the 101-Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion was ordered to find a survivor and recover any and every salvageable data.

The 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion was a detachment of the main unit, which was an experimental magic-based unit, separate from the normal chain of command. The 101 in the name of the battalion is read as "One-Zero-One" and not "One-Hundred and First".

After reaching our destination, we were told to split up and cover more ground. We needed to act fast and quickly search the whole plan for any survivor or data.

I was assigned to the Western area of the 'warehouse', I just took my position and continued searching for survivors until I heard someone coming this way.

I quickly activated my stealth mode and waited for the person to arrive.

My patience was rewarded as a strange figure, wearing a long cloak with armour hidden underneath and a Skull mask waled out of the 'burning Warehouse'.

I waited for him to close in so that I could that knock him unconscious and then the team would be able to extract information out of him.

He did come close enough, enough for me to attack his neck but I underestimated the man's reflex and awareness.

The figure immediately dodged my chop and sent out a kick of his own towards my stomach.

Many thoughts shuffled through my mind but I figured the best-case scenario for me to deal with the retaliation of the figure.


Yes!, I was going to cut one of his legs and then heal the wound so that he wouldn't die and would be easier for me to immobilize the strange figure.

Unfortunately, before I could carry out my plan, I had to lean 90° backwards to avoid the concentrated beam of Psion that was heading towards my face, it didn't even take a second for the magic sequence to complete, I couldn't even use mental interference on the magic that was being cast.

The strange figure had the fastest casting speed I have ever seen.

(Figure P.O.V)

After creating some distance, I looked towards my attacker, knowing that Tatsuya was the identity of the person I was fighting, I didn't dare to relax and decided to end this fight quickly.

Knowing his character, he must have already alerted his squad about me. That would give me a few minutes before they arrive.

'I need to finish this quickly.....'

'[Hollow's seal]...'



- >Passive abilities

1. Rebirth

2. Decomposition

3. Elemental Sight

- >Active abilities

1. High-Level Close Combat (LvL-47)

2. High-Level Decision Making (LvL-45)

3. Average-Level Spell Casting

(Artificial calculation area)

4. High-Level Spell Casting

(Primary calculation area)

5. Basic magic sequence (LvL-38)

6. Utilization of Casting (LvL-55)

- >Bodily abilities

1. High flexibility (LvL-49)

2. Sturdy stance (LvL-52)

3. Body movement (LvL-56)

4. Presence concealment (LvL-49)

5. Ninjutsu techniques (LvL-53)

- >Senses







'[Seal passive abilities].....' As soon as the figure chose the 'passive abilities' session to be sealed, the world stopped.

From a third-person view, it looked like someone had pressed the pause button on the remote and the whole world stopped moving. Tatsuya was affected by this phenomena along with the figure as both of them also froze in time.



It the dead silence of the world, the sound of glass creaking and breaking resounded throughout the place. The space around Tatsuya twisted and broke, revealing a ghastly figure who held a black lantern by the metal curve within his left palm.

If the figure could move or even perceive what was going on around him, he would have immediately recognized the ghostly entity standing behind Tatsuya.

[The Outer God]

The cosmic entity looked at the figure, impossible to find what was he thinking, soon he turned towards Tatsuya and raised his lantern towards him.

A ghostly fire emerged around Tatsuya, the fire turned into chains and wrapped around his body, instead of burning him the chains turned into characters which etched itself onto Tatsuya's soul, effectively sealing the third main abilities he possessed.

The chains onto Tatsuya's soul dimmed, not really a noticeable change but enough for the readers to know that the Hollow's seal was a temporary ability which would disappear after the user exits a certain radius.

"The Dream will become the Reality...."

The ghastly entity entered the broken space as space started mending itself back to its original condition.

The time resumed, the figure and Tatsuya regained their ability to perceive the world.

The figure looked towards Tatsuya as if seeing through his [Covert Mobile Suit].

'[Hollow's Eyes]....'

The figure's perception of the world suddenly changed, the coloured suddenly filtered out along with all the details, leaving behind an empty dark land with two yellow coloured humanized entities standing facing each other.

One of the two entities had various marking all over its body while the other entity had massive wings of its back.

'His abilities have been sealed! Let's see how will he fight me without his broken abilities...'

Tatsuya was extremely strong but all of his strength revolved around his three main abilities within his primary calculation area, now without those abilities, it was really interesting to see how well will he fare against the figure.