
Strange Phenomenon


Rowan glanced at Alice, and he raised his hand to counter, but Souta saw it.


A ray of light flashed in an instant, and it penetrated his body once again. At this moment, the one controlling Rowan's body realized that he had lost. This group of people won against him, and it was humiliating.

He was the only one thinking about that. The rest of the people didn't think that his defeat was humiliating. After all, he fought Eilish and other people alone, using the body of the Clan Leader of the Witch Clan. Souta and the rest thought that they were lucky to defeat Rowan.

Souta glanced ahead before he sighed in relief. He hasn't fired all of the small [Bestrou]s before, as he knew that Rowan would simply avoid it. So he devised a plan to fool Rowan into thinking that was all of his attacks.

"It's over..."